Maximum Entropy, Maximum Entropy Production and their Application to Physics and Biology Roderick C. Dewar Research School of Biological Sciences The Australian National University Recall Lecture 3 … Boltzmann MaxEnt applied to non-equilibrium systems : • maximum irreversibility Gibbs • steady-state flux selection by MEP • macroscopic dynamics Shannon Jaynes F0 max H max I FΩ uV Max H : H p pΓ log pΓ Subject to : Γ pΓ = 1 Γ pΓ fΓ = F Γ pΓuΓ = u uΓ /t = –fΓ + QΓ Γ τ pΓ exp Z path 2k B 1 normalisation flux Ω density V continuity equation 1 Q Γ f Γ V T T pΓ τ I ( p) p Γ log p~ k Γ B Γ (Dewar 2003) 1 Q τ F dS T T k B ΩT F V = entropy production in V = entropy export across Ω Max I: MEP Part 1: Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) – an overview Part 2: Applying MaxEnt to ecology Part 3: Maximum Entropy Production (MEP) Part 4: Applying MEP to physics & biology MEP applications • Horizontal heat flows on Earth, Mars and Titan (Lorenz et al. 2001) • Horizontal heat flows and cloud cover on Earth (Paltridge 1975, 1978, 1981; O’Brien & Stephens 1993, 1995) • Ocean thermohaline circulation (Shimokawa & Ozawa 2002) • Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Malkus 1954) • Shear turbulence (Malkus 1956, Busse 1970) • Mantle convection (Lorenz 2002) • Crystal growth morphology (Hill 1990) • Energy dissipation in ecosystems (Schneider & Kay 1994) • Photosynthetic free energy transduction (Juretić et al. 2003) • Evolutionary optimisation of ATP synthase (Dewar et al. 2006) MEP applications • Horizontal heat flows on Earth, Mars and Titan (Lorenz et al. 2001) • Horizontal heat flows and cloud cover on Earth (Paltridge 1975, 1978, 1981; O’Brien & Stephens 1993, 1995) • Ocean thermohaline circulation (Shimokawa & Ozawa 2002) • Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Malkus 1954) • Shear turbulence (Malkus 1956, Busse 1970) • Mantle convection (Lorenz 2002) • Crystal growth morphology (Hill 1990) • Energy dissipation in ecosystems (Schneider & Kay 1994) • Photosynthetic free energy transduction (Juretić et al. 2003) • Evolutionary optimisation of ATP synthase (Dewar et al. 2006) Poleward heat transport 170 W m-2 Latitudinal heat transport H=? T 300 W m-2 SW LW cT24 Fsw cT14 Fsw=cT14+H Equatorial zone Polar zone H=? T1 1 1 EPmatter H T2 T1 T2 H = DΔT H=cT24 Trade-off between H and ΔT (Earth) 80 60 ΔT EP H DMEP = 1.4 40 DEarth ≈ 1.7 20 0 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Inter-zonal thermal diffusivity D (W m-2 K-1) MEP works elsewhere T1 T0 T1 T0 EP EP MEP applications • Horizontal heat flows on Earth, Mars and Titan (Lorenz et al. 2001) • Horizontal heat flows and cloud cover on Earth (Paltridge 1975, 1978, 1981; O’Brien & Stephens 1993, 1995) • Ocean thermohaline circulation (Shimokawa & Ozawa 2002) • Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Malkus 1954) • Shear turbulence (Malkus 1956, Busse 1970) • Mantle convection (Lorenz 2002) • Crystal growth morphology (Hill 1990) • Energy dissipation in ecosystems (Schneider & Kay 1994) • Photosynthetic free energy transduction (Juretić et al. 2003) • Evolutionary optimisation of ATP synthase (Dewar et al. 2006) Paltridge (1978) : 10-zone climate model EPmatter 10 zonei 1 1 1 Fi Ti1 Ti EPradiation ? Planetary rotation rate ? N pole SWi LWi Equator S pole Fi Ti θi Zonal temperature and cloud cover Ti θi MEP applications • Horizontal heat flows on Earth, Mars and Titan (Lorenz et al. 2001) • Horizontal heat flows and cloud cover on Earth (Paltridge 1975, 1978, 1981; O’Brien & Stephens 1993, 1995) • Ocean thermohaline circulation (Shimokawa & Ozawa 2002) • Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Malkus 1954) • Shear turbulence (Malkus 1956, Busse 1970) • Mantle convection (Lorenz 2002) • Crystal growth morphology (Hill 1990) • Energy dissipation in ecosystems (Schneider & Kay 1994) • Photosynthetic free energy transduction (Juretić et al. 2003) • Evolutionary optimisation of ATP synthase (Dewar et al. 2006) Raleigh-Bénard convection: MEP = max flux (Ozawa et al 2001, after Malkus 1954) 1 1 F 1 Q EP F dS F F V T T ΩT Tc Th gαΔT d 3 Ra Ra * 1708 κν Cold plate, Tc diffusion d F is maximum when the boundary layer is marginally stable: δ convection 1 3 ΔT Ra Nu F / k d Ra * F diffusion Hot plate, Th=Tc+ΔT gαΔT 2δ 3 Ra b Ra * κν ΔT / 2 F Fb k δ δ M: slope = 1/3 (max flux) 1 1 F 1 Q EP F dS F F V T T ΩT Tc Th (max flux) Ozawa et al. (2001) after Malkus, Busse τΔU 1 Q 1 EP F Q τ T T T T V V M: slope = 1 M: slope = 1/3 (max flux) 1 1 F 1 Q EP F dS F F V T T ΩT Tc Th (max flux) Ozawa et al. (2001) after Malkus, Busse τΔU 1 Q 1 EP F Q τ T T T T V V M: slope = 1 Global entropy production (mW m-2 s-1) Tuning GCM parameters using MEP (Kleidon et al. 2006) total vertical horizontal k = 0.4 von Karman parameter, k MEP applications • Horizontal heat flows on Earth, Mars and Titan (Lorenz et al. 2001) • Horizontal heat flows and cloud cover on Earth (Paltridge 1975, 1978, 1981; O’Brien & Stephens 1993, 1995) • Ocean thermohaline circulation (Shimokawa & Ozawa 2002) • Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Malkus 1954) • Shear turbulence (Malkus 1956, Busse 1970) • Mantle convection (Lorenz 2002) • Crystal growth morphology (Hill 1990) • Energy dissipation in ecosystems (Schneider & Kay 1994) • Photosynthetic free energy transduction (Juretić et al. 2003) • Evolutionary optimisation of ATP synthase (Dewar et al. 2006) Different growth morphologies are labelled by their Miller indices <111>, <110> …... ….. the 3D orientations of the different crystal faces that are growing : <111> <110> Hill (1990) : crystallization of NH4Cl F = L (X - X0) EP<110> XMEP = 0.21 Xobs = 0.216 force X = liq - solid EP = F X flux F EP<111> MEP applications • Horizontal heat flows on Earth, Mars and Titan (Lorenz et al. 2001) • Horizontal heat flows and cloud cover on Earth (Paltridge 1975, 1978, 1981; O’Brien & Stephens 1993, 1995) • Ocean thermohaline circulation (Shimokawa & Ozawa 2002) • Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Malkus 1954) • Shear turbulence (Malkus 1956, Busse 1970) • Mantle convection (Lorenz 2002) • Crystal growth morphology (Hill 1990) • Energy dissipation in ecosystems (Schneider & Kay 1994) • Photosynthetic free energy transduction (Juretić et al. 2003) • Evolutionary optimisation of ATP synthase (Dewar et al. 2006) 2-state chlorophyll model: Juretić & Županović (2003) optimal quantum yield = 97% power transfer efficiency = 91% High efficiency ( 90%) is due to 5-state chlorophyll model: non-linear flux-force relation cf. linear flux-force relations: 50% power transfer efficiency optimal quantum yield = 94.6% power transfer efficiency = 87.8% MEP applications • Horizontal heat flows on Earth, Mars and Titan (Lorenz et al. 2001) • Horizontal heat flows and cloud cover on Earth (Paltridge 1975, 1978, 1981; O’Brien & Stephens 1993, 1995) • Ocean thermohaline circulation (Shimokawa & Ozawa 2002) • Rayleigh-Bénard convection (Malkus 1954) • Shear turbulence (Malkus 1956, Busse 1970) • Mantle convection (Lorenz 2002) • Crystal growth morphology (Hill 1990) • Energy dissipation in ecosystems (Schneider & Kay 1994) • Photosynthetic free energy transduction (Juretić et al. 2003) • Evolutionary optimisation of ATP synthase (Dewar et al. 2006) F0F1-ATP synthase : Nature’s smallest rotary motor pmf-driven H+ transport γ stalk torsion ATP synthesis Key functional parameter : κ = angular position of γ at which ADP+Pi ATP (motor timing) Transition rates between the 5 open (O) states of F1 were calculated using the kinetic model of Panke & Rumberg (1999) O: O:ATP JATP O:ADP O:ADP+Pi O:Pi Transition rates between the 5 open (O) states of F1 were calculated using the kinetic model of Panke & Rumberg (1999) O: O:ATP 5 S state pi log pi i 1 JATP O:ADP EPATP O:ADP+Pi J ATP RJ ATP log J ATP O:Pi MaxEnt predicts observed kinetic design of ATPase Sstate and EPATP : simultaneous maxima at κ = 0.598 XATP (102 J mol-1) JATP (s-1) (κempirical fit 0.6) Sstate (102) EPATP (10 J K-1 mol-1 s-1) Relative angular position of γ at which ADP+Pi ATP (κ) MaxEnt and MEP …what next? Theory • Boltzmann MaxEnt basis of MEP : info theory vs. max probability (N ) Applications in Global Change Science and beyond …. Gibbs Shannon • Climate and climate change : EPwater, cloud & water vapour feedbacks • Plant and ecosystem responses to climate change : MEP = plant optimisation (“survival of the likeliest”) • Climate-biosphere feedbacks : MEP = Gaia for grown-ups • Other complex, non-equilibrium systems : e.g. plasmas, economies, networks Annual MEP Workshops • Jaynes Bordeaux (2003-05), Split (2006), Jena (2007-09) ….