Chapter 9 - Revolutionary War Study Guide Answer

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Chapter 9 Study Guide
What 3 groups were found in the colonies during the Revolutionary War and what did they support?
Patriot – a person who wanted independence from Britain
Loyalist – a person who wanted to remain loyal to Britain & King George III
Neutral – a person who had no opinion
2. What caused a shortage of goods in the colonies during the Revolutionary War?
The British Navy fleet set up a blockade in the Boston Harbor, which stopped all imports & exports.
What were enslaved African Americans who fought for the Continental Army promised at the end of the war?
Enslaved Africans were promised their freedom at the end of the war.
What was the Native American’s position during the Revolutionary War?
Some Native Americans (Mohawks) fought for the British, some (Oneida & Tuscarora) fought for the Americans,
most tried to remain neutral
5. Which country helped the Americans during the Revolutionary War and why?
France helped the Americans during the R.W. because they were still angry at Britain over their loss of land at
the end of the French & Indian War.
Where did the British finally hope to defeat the colonists?
The British moved the war to the Southern colonies, hoping to gain control of the waterways and replenish their
supplies & troops.
7. Why is the Treaty of Paris(1783) so significant to this time period?
The Treaty of Paris (1783) was significant because it declared that the United States of America was now an
independent nation and it set new national borders.
The Battle of Yorktown was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War.
9. The Northwest Ordinance was the set of laws that were set up to govern the Northwest Territory and to form
new states from its lands.
10. Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government could/could not raise taxes.
11. After the Revolutionary War, how did the government pay its soldiers?
After the R.W., the government paid its soldiers with land.
12. What role did women play in the Revolutionary War?
Some women stayed home and worked on their farms & businesses, some women followed their husbands
from battle to battle (cooking & washing uniforms), some women tried to fight in the war, & some women
wrote plays and books about the war.
13. How did the Declaration of Independence change the way some people viewed slavery.
Key Vocabulary/People:
Turning point
An event that causes important change.
A set of laws.
Benjamin Franklin
The diplomat that led American negotiations with France during the R.W.
Hired soldiers that fought for the British during the R.W.
Someone fighting for Independence from Britain.
Friedrich Wilhelm
von Steuben
Drilled and trained with the Continental Army soldiers at Valley Forge.
Someone who was against slavery.
Someone who wanted to stay loyal to Britain & King George III.
Paying a higher price for the same goods or services.
A man or woman who has served in the military.
Bernardo de Galvez
The Governor of Spanish Louisiana, aided the Patriots by securing the Mississippi River.
Benedict Arnold
A traitor to the Patriot cause.
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