Performance of the ALICE silicon detectors R. Santoro On behalf of the ITS collaboration in the ALICE experiment at LHC Outlook System overview Main components ITS performance with p-p and Pb-Pb data Upgrade plans R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 2 The ALICE experiment Dedicated heavy ion experiment at LHC Study of the behavior of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions of high energy density and temperature Proton-Proton collisions Reference data for heavy-ion program Genuine physics (momentum cutoff <100MeV/c, excellent PID, efficient minimum bias trigger) Barrel Tracking requirements (|η| < 0.9 ) Robust tracking for heavy ion environment Mainly 3D hits and up to 150 points along the tracks Wide transverse momentum range (100 MeV/c – 100 GeV/c) Low material budget (13% X0 up to the end of TPC) Large lever arm to guarantee good tracking resolution at high pt PID requirements over the large momentum range Combined PID based on several techniques: dE/dx, TOF, transition and Cherenkov radiation R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 3 The ALICE Inner Tracking System The ITS role in ALICE Secondary vertex reconstruction (c, b decays) Good track impact parameter resolution (< 60 µm (rφ) for pt > 1 GeV/c in Pb-Pb) Improve primary vertex reconstruction and momentum resolution Tracking and PID of low pt particles Prompt L0 trigger capability (<800 ns) Measurements of charged particle pseudorapidity distribution First Physics measurement both in p-p and Pb-Pb ITS: 3 different silicon detector technologies Strip Drift Pixel Detector requirements Two dimension detectors to handle high particle density Good spatial precision High efficiency High granularity (≈ few % occupancy) Minimize distance of innermost layer from beam axis (mean radius ≈ 3.9 cm) Limited material budget Analogue information in 4 layers (Drift and Strip) for particle identification in 1/β2 region via dE/dx R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 4 ITS parameters Material budget measured with conversions Accurate description of the material in MC R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 5 Pixel detector (SPD) Half-barrel: outer surface 2 layers of pixels grouped in 2 half barrels mounted face to face around the beam pipe beam pipe Half-stave Total surface: ~0.24m2 Power consumption ~1.4kW Evaporative cooling C4F10 Operating at room temperature Fast two-dimensional readout (256µs) High efficiency (> 99%) L0 trigger capability Material budget per layer ~1% X0 Vertex, (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 6 ≈ 1200 Rust wire-bonds R. Santoro Drift detector (SDD) Cooling (H2O) tubes SDD Barrel Cables to power supplies and DAQ Carbon fiber support HV supply Front-end electronics (4 pairs of ASICs) Amplifier, shaper, 10-bit ADC, 40 MHz sampling R. Santoroanalog memory Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 Four-buffer LV supply Commands Trigger 7 Data Strip detector (SSD) •carbon fibre support •module pitch: 39.1 mm •Al on polyimide laddercables Hybrid:identical for P- and N-side Al on polyimide connections 6 front-end chips HAL25 water cooled R. Santoro Sensor: double sided strip: 768 strips 95 um pitch P-side orientation 7.5 mrad Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 N-side orientation 27.5 mrad End ladder electronics 8 ITS installation: summer 2007 (phase 1) SPD Internal mean radius 3.9 cm Beam pipe radius 3 cm 1st half-barrel Beryllium Beam pipe R. Santoro 1st half-barrel in place ITS upgrade plenary meeting 2nd half-barrel in place 9 ITS installation: summer 2007 (phase 2) SPD fully connected on side C SDD + SSD SDD+SSD moved over the SPD to form the ITS ITS fully connected on side C TPC TPC moved over the ITS R. Santoro ITS upgrade plenary meeting 10 ALICE data taking: 2008 – 2011 Cosmic (2008) Offline event display for a typical ITS cosmic event 100 K events in the ITS using the pixel L0 dedicated trigger p – p collisions (2010 – 2011) 900 GeV (300 K + 8 M events MB) 2.36 TeV (40 K events) 2.76 TeV (70 M events MB) 7 TeV ( 800 M events MB in 2010) 7 TeV ( 550 M events MB in 2011) R. Santoro Pb – Pb collisions (2010) 2.76 TeV/nucleon (≈ 30 M events MB) Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 11 ITS performances with p-p and Pb-Pb data Alignment Vertex capability Transverse impact parameter PID performances Alignment (I) To exploit the excellent spatial resolution and material budget a good alignment is crucial to achieve the required track impact resolution Data sample 100k cosmic tracks collected in 2008 with dedicated pixel L0 trigger p-p data with / without magnetic field Significant improvement in statistics and detector coverage Two independent track-based alignment methods global: Millepede (default method) local: iterative method based on residuals minimization General strategy Validation of survey measurements Start with layers easier to calibrate: SPD and SSD Include SDD as last Longer calibration needed (interplay between alignment, drift velocity and time-zero calibration) Align the whole ITS wrt TPC For details on the procedure: “Alignment of the ALICE Inner Tracking System with cosmic-ray tracks”, JINST 5, P03003 R. Santoro ITS coverage with the cosmic tracks used for the alignment 2198 modules to be aligned: more than 1300 parameters in total Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 13 Alignment (II) The achieved alignment is very close to the expected residual misalignment obtained from Monte Carlo studies Examples of performance plots used to qualify the alignment in each sub-system SPD: σ of residuals Gaussian fit measured in the overlap regions after the alignment SDD: σ of track-to-point residuals in the bending plane (before and after the Vdrift correction) Residual misalignment <10µm R. Santoro Residual misalignment ≈35µm in the drift direction Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 14 SPD Tracklets The “SPD Vertex” is calculated with all possible pairs of 2 aligned hits in the SPD (one hits per layer) with cuts in φ A tracklet is defined by a pair of hits (one per SPD layer) aligned with the reconstructed vertex Hits selection is based on fiducial windows in φ (bending plane) and η (non-bending plane) Optimized selection criteria for p-p and Pb-Pb The imposed cut efficiently selects charged particles with transverse momentum (pt) above 50 MeV/c. Fast measurement of charged particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity “Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton–proton collisions at √s=0.9 and 2.36 TeV with ALICE at LHC”, Eur. Phys. J. C (2010) 68: 89–108 “Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV with ALICE at LHC”, Eur. Phys. J C68 (2010) 345-354 “Charged-particle multiplicity density at mid-rapidity in central PbPb collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 2.76 TeV”, Phys.Rev.Lett.105:252301,2010 R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 15 Tracking and primary vertex capability Primary vertex reconstructed with tracklets Tracks reconstruction starts from outside (TPC) towards ITS using the vertex as seed TPC reconstructed tracks are matched with SSD outer layer Once the reconstruction reaches the first SPD layer it is back-propagated Re-fit from outside and the vertex is recalculated using the tracks TPC - ITS track matching pp 7 TeV R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 16 Transverse impact parameter A key plot to quote the tracker performance in terms of track and vertex reconstruction is the transverse impact parameter in the bending plane: d0(rφ) Distance between the track projection and the vertex position reconstruction in the bending plane The material budget mainly affect the performance at low pt (multiple scattering) The point resolution of each layers drives the asymptotic performance R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 17 Particle identification 4 out of 6 silicon layers with analogue information (SDD and SSD) Energy loss (dE/dx) Truncated mean to account for long tails in the Landau distribution Tracks path length correction Results for particle identification in p-p and Pb-Pb data ITS standalone tracks Hadron separation below 100 MeV/c Good pions / kaons separation up to 0.5 GeV/c Good pions and protons separation up to 1 GeV/c R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 18 D0 and D+ reconstruction in Pb-Pb Pb – Pb collisions (2010) 2.76 TeV/nucleon (≈ 30 M events MB) How to find a charm decay in such an environment? Thanks to the ITS impact parameter resolution this is possible R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 19 ITS upgrade The goal for the ITS upgrade is to improve the impact parameter resolution by factor 2-3 to identify short displaced secondary vertices Get closer to the interaction point Material budget less than 0.5% X0 especially in the first layers (≈1.1% X0 at present) Beam pipe with reduced radius 20 mm (30 mm at present) First pixel layer at less than 25 mm (39 mm at present) Reduce mass of silicon, power and signals bus, cooling, mechanics Monolithic Pixels Pixel size of the order of 50 x 50 µm2 (425 x 50 µm2 at present) Main improvement in z Main impact on medium / high pt particles R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 20 Summary ALICE ITS performance well in agreement with the requirements The achieved alignment in agreement with the expected residual misalignment Track reconstruction & primary vertex reconstruction is in good agreement with Monte Carlo Good description of the ITS in terms of detector space resolution, efficiency and material budget Standalone PID capability by the dE/dx measurement down to 0.1 GeV/c ITS upgrade under study to improve the impact parameter resolution R&D activity on-going Conceptual design report being prepared R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 21 Thanks for your attention Spares R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 23 Data samples Beam Energy # of Events pp 900 GeV 300 k MB 2009, analysis finished pp 900 GeV ~ 8 M MB 2010, partially analyzed pp 2.36 TeV ~ 40 k MB 2009, only ITS, dNch/dh pp 7 TeV 2010 PbPb 2.76 TeV/N ~ 800 M MB ~ 50 M muons ~ 20 M high Nch ~ 30 M MB pp 2.76 TeV ~ 70 M MB ~ 20 nb-1 (rare triggers) 2011, analysis started R. Santoro 2010 Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 24 SDD calibration strategy (1) Online calibration, using dedicated runs, performed at every LHC fill Baseline, noise, tag of noisy channels for each of the 133120 anodes <Noise> ≈ 2.5 ADC counts Signal for a MIP on anodes ≈ 100 ADC Channel gain, tag of dead electronic channels Display of 1 injector event on 1 drift side of 1 module Fraction of bad channels in active modules ≈1.7% Drift speed from MOS injectors implanted on the sensor surface Crucial to have a 0.1% precision on drift speed to reach the nominal resolution of 35 mm along the drift direction R. Santoro Drift speed on 1 drift side from fit to 3 injector points vdrift = mE T-2.4 Lower e- mobility / higher temperature on the edges Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 25 25 SDD calibration strategy (2) Offline calibration From Track-to-point residuals: Geometrical alignment Calibration of : Time Zero Drift speed (for modules with malfunctioning injectors) Drift field non uniformity (due to non-linearity in voltage divider) dE/dx calibration Correction of drift time dependence of detected charge Due to diffusion + zero suppression thresholds ADC absolute calibration R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 26 The SSD Calibration Calibration procedure Pedestal run at each LHC fill Unsuppressed data processed by Detector Algorithm Computed parameters uploaded in the read-out electronics and stored in the Offline Conditions Database Bad Channel Map Computed parameters for each channel pedestal (baseline) total noise common mode corrected noise → tag as bad channel and mask it if: noise > 20 ADC ch. (noisy) noise < 1 ADC ch. (dead) pedestal > 512 ADC ch. (overflow) 90% good channels p side n side Cluster charge distribution measured from collision data with all the SSD modules the gain can be calibrated at the module level R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 27 Pixel L0 trigger capability Pixel chip prompt Fast-OR Overall latency constrain 800 ns (CTP) Hardware space occupancy (1 crate) Key timing processes are data deserialization and Fast-OR extraction Algorithm processing time < 25 ns 10 Algorithms provided in parallel: useful for detectors commissioning, p-p and Pb-Pb physic Active if at least one pixel hit in the chip matrix 10 signals in each half-stave (1200 signals in total) Transmitted every 100 ns Cosmic, minimum bias and multiplicity algorithms FPGA remote programmable to guarantee maximum flexibility R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 28 Fast-OR Algorithms 1 Minimum Bias (I+O)thIO,mb and IthI,mb and OthO,mb 2 High Multiplicity 1 IthI,hm1 and OthO,hm1 3 High Multiplicity 2 IthI,hm2 and OthO,hm2 4 High Multiplicity 3 IthI,hm3 and OthO,hm3 5 High Multiplicity 4 IthI,hm4 and OthO,hm4 6 Past Future Prot (I+O)thIO,pfp and IthI,pfp and OthO,pfp 7 Background(0) I O+ offsetO 8 Background(1) O I+ offsetI 9 Background(2) (I+O) th(I+O),bnd 10 Cosmic Selectable coincidence, see following list Cosmic algorithms: TOP_outer and BOTTOM_outer OR_OUTER and OR_INNER DLAYER ( ≥ 2 FOs in the INNER and ≥ 2 FOs in the OUTER) TOP_outer and BOTTOM_outer and TOP_inner and BOTTOM_inner TOP_outer and BOTTOM_outer and OR_INNER R.GLOBAL_OR Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 29 R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 30 R. Santoro Vertex, Rust (Austria), 19- 24 June 2011 31