Scholarship -

Money Matters!!!
October 2011 Mrs. White
Guidance Department
Mrs. Thomas Grattan (A-Gh)
Mrs. White (Gi- Mr)
Mr. Nason (Ms-Z)
Presentation Overview
To Date
Words to know
Scholarship/Bursary Applications
General Timelines
Helpful Websites
Questions/Final Thoughts
Summary of Credit Sheet
To Date…
Meeting with Potential Grads
Review of Summary of Credits
Scholarship Information Board
News and Job Listings
Scholarship Board
News & Job Board
Words to Know….
Scholarship- A non-repayable sum of
money awarded to a student to help finance
further education. Most scholarships are
based on merit in areas ranging from
academic achievement to athletics.
Entrance Scholarship- a scholarship or
award given to a student going into their
first year of post secondary study. Also
known as an admission award.
Words to Know….
Sponsored Pool- applicants who are
endorsed by the school.
Direct Pool- applicants who go into the
general pool for a particular scholarship.
Words to Know….
Bursary: A non-repayable grant of money,
Bursaries are awarded primarily based on
financial need, but academic achievement is also
Words to Know….
Early admissions- Grade 12 students who wish to
apply to a university during the first semester of
their grade 12 year.
NBCC application deadline is October 31, 2010
Supplementary Forms- Forms that need to be
filled out along with the application to a post
secondary school
(Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Education)
Words to Know….
Transcript An official school document that
shows courses taken by a student and
grades received.
Post Secondary Institutions
Career College: A privately owned and operated institution
whose main objective is to prepare students for the job market
after an intensive period of instruction. Also called a Private
College or Technical College. Ex. Atlantic Hairstyling Academy
Community College: A post-secondary institution offers
diplomas and certificates in a variety of programs in different
fields (health, business, technology, trades, academic upgrading,
applied and creative arts, social services, hospitality and
university preparation) Ex. Algonquin College, NBCC
University: A post-secondary institution that specializes in
many branches of advanced learning and grants degrees in
various faculties. Ex. Dalhousie
How do I apply for PostSecondary Schools?
Online applications
Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
Complete application including payment
of fees and transcript request form.
• Students are responsible for applying to
all post-secondary schools and filling out
the transcript request form.
What is a transcript
request form?
• This form is found at the office
• You will need to put your name, date, and
name of school you are applying.
Transcript Request Form
Money Matters$$$
There is money out there you just
need to read the criteria carefully
and apply for the scholarships that
are right for you!
Tuition Fees
How do I find out about
upcoming scholarships?
• Scholarships are posted on the
scholarship board in guidance as they
come in.
• Listen for the school announcements
• View scholarship websites.
Helpful Websites
How do I get a scholarship?
• Read the criteria very carefully!
• Deadlines Matter!
Criteria can be very specific (examples)
Live in Gagetown
Play a sport
Play an instrument
Relative who belongs to Legion Branch # 295
Work part time at a fast food restaurant
Overall average 85%
Entrance Scholarships
The Currie Undergraduate Scholarship
$ 50,000
Beaverbrook Scholars Award
$ 40,000
80-84.9% $500
90% or higher $1,500
Entrance Scholarships
St. Thomas
Entrance Scholarship Guarantee
Average 80-84% - $500
Average 85-89% - $1000
Average 90+% - $2,000
New Brunswick
Community College
• NBCC offers a variety scholarships and bursaries
• New Brunswick Community College Entry Scholarships
(one recipient per New Brunswick High School)
NBCC Application Deadline
October 31, 2011
General Timelines
Keep in Mind
 Most are posted after Christmas Break
 Many available and upcoming scholarships can be
viewed on:
Deadlines are crucial!!
September – January
Review your summary of credits
Prepare your resume
Start a scholarship folder
Check with your parents workplace many
offer scholarships and bursaries
• Surf the net
• American Universities- need to write SAT’s
please check for testing site dates
September – January
Reference Letters- consider carefully what
teachers or community personnel you may
wish to ask for a reference letter.
Give teachers adequate time to prepare
a reference letter.
Prepare a brag sheet- highlight activities
or events you have been involved
throughout high school.
September – January
• Can you answer the question What do I
want to do?
Username: oromoctohs
Password: oromocto
• Attend open house events
• Sit down with your family and discuss
your options.
January - April
• Check scholarship board and ohs
guidance website.
• Have your reference letters ready from
teachers or community members.
• Watch/Listen for announcements and be
sure to respect deadlines
May & June
• Many local scholarships are due during this
time period.
• If you win a scholarship be sure to send a
Thank You!!!!
• Please inform Mrs. White of any scholarships
that you have been offered. We are very proud
of our Graduates and we like to show off how
smart and hard working you are!!!
Enjoy the Journey!