
The Limbourg Brothers. October, from Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.
8-7/8 × 5-3/8 in.
Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-1]
Donatello. David. c. 1425–30.
Bronze. height 62-1/4 in.
Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-2]
Masaccio. The Tribute Money. c. 1427.
Fresco. 8 ft. 1 in. × 19 ft. 7 in.
Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-3]
Rogier van der Weyden. Deposition. c. 1435–38.
Oil on wood. 7 ft. 1-5/8 in. × 8 ft. 7-1/8 in.
Erich Lessing / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-4]
Piero della Francesca. The Flagellation of Christ. c. 1451.
Tempera on wood. 32-3/4 × 23-1/3 in.
Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-5]
Sandro Botticelli. The Birth of Venus. c. 1482.
Tempera on canvas. 5 ft. 8-7/8 in. × 9 ft. 1-7/8 in.
Canali Photobank, Milan, Italy. [Fig. 19-6]
Leonardo da Vinci. A Scythed Chariot, Armored Car, and Pike. c. 1487.
Pen and ink and wash. 6-3/8 × 9-3/4 in.
© The Trustees of the British Museum / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-7]
Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa. c. 1503–05.
Oil on wood. 30-1/4 × 21 in.
Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-8]
Raphael. The School of Athens. 1510–11.
Fresco. 19 × 27 ft.
Foto Musei Vaticani. [Fig. 19-9]
Giorgione. Tempest. c. 1509.
Oil on canvas. 31-1/4 × 28-3/4 in.
Cameraphoto Arte, Venice / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-10]
Titian. Venus of Urbino. 1538.
Oil on canvas. 47 × 65 in.
Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-11]
Albrecht Dürer. Self-Portrait. 1500.
Oil on panel. 26-1/4 × 19-1/4 in.
bpk, Berlin/Alte Pinakothek, Bayerische Staatsgemaeldesammlungen, Munich, Germany/
Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-12]
Cheng Sixiao. Ink Orchids. Yuan dynasty, 1306.
Handscroll, ink on paper. 10-1/8 × 16-3/4 in.
Galileo Picture Services, LLC/Pacific Press Service. [Fig. 19-13]
Yin Hong. Hundreds of Birds Admiring the Peacocks.
Ming dynasty, c. late 15th–early 16th century.
Hanging scroll, ink and color on silk. 7 ft. 10-1/2 in × 6 ft. 5 in.
© The Cleveland Museum of Art. Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund. 1974.31.
[Fig. 19-14]
Shen Zhou. Poet on a Mountaintop leaf from an album of landscapes, painting mounted
as part of a handscroll. Ming dynasty, c. 1500.
Ink and color on paper. 15-1/4 × 23-3/4 in.
The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri. Purchase: William Rockhill
Nelson Trust, 46-51/2. Photo: Robert Newcombe. [Fig. 19-15]
Attributed to Soami. Garden of the Dasisen-in of Daitokuji, Kyoto, Japan. Morimachi
period, c. 1510–25.
© Paul Quayle. [Fig. 19-16]
Teotihuacán, Mexico, as seen from the Pyramid of the Moon, looking south down the
Avenue of the Dead, the Pyramid of the Sun at the left. c. 350–650 CE.
Gina Martin/National Geographic Stock. [Fig. 19-17]
The Pyramid of the Moon, looking north up the Avenue of the Dead.
© Francesca Yorke/Dorling Kindersley. [Fig. 19-18]
Madrid Codex, leaves 13–16. c. 1400.
Amatl paper screenfold painted on both sides. 56 leaves.
Museo del Americas, Madrid. [Fig. 19-19]
Coatlicue, Aztec. 15th century.
Basalt. height 8 ft. 3 in.
Werner Forman/Art Resource, N.Y. [Fig. 19-20]
Moche Lord with a Feline, from Moche Valley, Peru, Moche culture.
c. 100 BCE–500 CE.
Painted ceramic. height 7-1/2 in.
Buckingham Fund. 1955-2281. The Art Institute of Chicago. Photography © The Art
Institute of Chicago. [Fig. 19-21]
Machu Picchu, Inca culture, Peru. c. 1450.
© Frans Lemmens / Alamy. [Fig. 19-22]
Mask of an iyoba (queen mother), probably Idia, Court of Benin, Nigeria. c. 1550.
Ivory, iron, and copper. height 9-3/8 in.
Image copyright © The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Image source: Art Resource, NY.
The Michael C. Rockefeller Memorial Collection, Gift of Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1972
(1978.412.323). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, U.S.A. [Fig. 19-23]
Portuguese Warrior Surrounded by Manillas, Court of Benin, Nigeria. 16th century.
Kunsthistorisches Museum and Museum für Völkerkunde, Vienna. [Fig. 19-24]
Michelangelo Buonarroti. The Last Judgment, “Giudizio Universale,” on altar wall of
Sistine Chapel. 1534–41.
Photo: A. Bracchetti/P. Zigrossi. Foto Musei Vaticani. [Fig. 19-25]
Tintoretto. The Miracle of the Slave. 1548.
Oil on canvas. approximately 14 × 18 ft.
Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-26]
Bronzino. Venus, Cupid, Folly, and Time (The Exposure of Luxury). c. 1546.
Oil on wood. approximately 61 × 56-3/4 in.
© National Gallery, London / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-27]
El Greco. The Burial of Count Orgaz. 1586.
Oil on canvas. 16 ft. × 11 ft. 10 in.
Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-28]
Aerial view of St. Peter’s, Rome. Nave and facade by Carlo Maderno. 1607–15, colonnade
by Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1657.
IKONA. [Fig. 19-29]
Francesco Borromini. facade, San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome. 1665–67.
Electra/IKONA. [Fig. 19-30]
Gianlorenzo Bernini. The Cornaro Family in a Theater Box. 1645–52.
Marble. life-size.
Scala / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-31]
Gianlorenzo Bernini. The Ecstasy of St. Teresa. 1645–52.
Marble. life-size.
Canali Photobank, Milan, Italy. [Fig. 19-32]
Caravaggio. The Calling of St. Matthew. c. 1599–1600.
Oil on canvas. 11 ft. 1 in. × 11 ft. 5 in.
Canali Photobank, Milan, Italy. [Fig. 19-33]
Rembrandt van Rijn. Resurrection of Christ. c. 1635–39.
Oil on canvas. 36-1/4 × 26-3/8 in.
Artothek. [Fig. 19-34]
Annibale Carracci. Landscape with Flight into Egypt. c. 1603.
Oil on canvas. 48-1/4 × 98-1/2 in.
Canali Photobank, Milan, Italy. [Fig. 19-35]
Claude Lorrain. A Pastoral Landscape. c. 1650.
Oil on copper. 15-1/2 × 21 in.
CLeonard C. Hanna, Jr., B.A. 1913, Fund. 1959.47. Yale University Art Gallery, New
Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. Yale University Art Gallery / Art Resource, NY. [Fig. 19-36]
Jacob van Ruisdael. View of Haarlem from the Dunes at Overveen. c. 1670.
Oil on canvas. 22 × 24-3/8 in.
Royal Cabinet of Painting Mauritshuis, The Hague. [Fig. 19-37]