
A Christmas Carol vocabulary
Replenish: _____ to make full or complete again
Misanthrope: _____ one who hates or is extremely distrustful of humankind
Facetious: _____ not meant to be taken seriously or literally; humorous
Melancholy: _____ mournful, depressed, extremely gloomy
Onslaught: _____an assault or attack, especially a vicious one.
Swarthy: _____having a dark complexion or skin color
Profound: _____ having deep, penetrating meaning
Inaudible: _____not able to be heard
Slipshod: _____careless, extremely untidy or shabby
Inexorable: _____unyielding, unalterable, not able to be persuaded or affected
Spectral: _____of or related to a ghost or phantom
Talisman: _____an object whose presence has a remarkable influence on human feelings or actions
1. The witches of Macbeth produce apparitions that could be described as _______________.
2. The complexion of the natives living on the tropical island could be described as _______________.
3.I need to _______________ my doggie’s supply of dog food fast: he has a tremendous appetite!
4. Sometimes I feel especially_______________ after the Christmas season is over.
5. The disorganized and _______________ appearance of her bedroom angered the girl’s mother.
6. Michael Jordan was rumored to always wear North Carolina shorts under his uniform; the shorts seemed to act as
a _______________ for him during games.
7. Cindy Lou Who of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is so small that her voice is almost _______________.
8. As practicing Catholics, the Eucharist has _______________ meaning for us.
9. The word _______________ contains all of the vowels listed in alphabetical order.
10. Her long string of insults, or ______________, hurt my feelings.
11. His constant and ______________ bad behavior got on her nerves; there was nothing she could do to change his
12. Grumpy old Scrooge from A Christmas Carol is a perfect example of a ______________.