Structure and check list for Beloved Essay Peer

Structure and check list for Beloved Essay Peer Editor___________________________
l. Introduction
_____/is there a hook?
_____/ title and author mentioned? Is title underlined or placed in italics?
_____/ brief comments introducing LH/ Turning and its relevance to your essay topic
_____/ Are the three supporting ideas mentioned?
_____ does it go deep enough into the how/ or why of the question?
_____IS parallel construction used?
2nd paragraph
_____/ Is topic sentence a strong evaluative statement that introduces suppoting idea? (should
have a literary feature in it)
_____/ at least two examples per paragraph that clearly support main idea of paragraph or
_____/ Two quotes to support or illustrate examples
context is supplied ( After Beloved sleeps with Paul D….)
quote is properly introduced and formatted. (Make sure quote supports thesis or
topic sentence. If not make a note)
____/ commentary follows quote/example and explains how it relates to topic sentence or thesis
____/ Closing statement that relates back to t.s or thesis?
_____/Transition to next paragraph?
3rd paragraph
_____/ Is topic sentence a strong evaluative statement that introduces suppoting idea? (should
have a literary feature in it)
_____/ at least two examples per paragraph that clearly support main idea of paragraph or
_____/ Two quotes to support or illustrate examples (Make sure quote supports thesis or
topic sentence. If not make a note)
context is supplied
quote is properly introduced and formatted. (Make sure quote supports thesis or
topic sentence.)
____/ commentary follows quote/example and explains how it relates to thesis
____/ Closing statement that relates back to t.s or thesis?
_____/Transition to next paragraph?
4th paragraph
_____/ Does topic sentence express first supporting idea?
_____/ at least two examples per paragraph that clearly support main idea of paragraph or
_____/ Two quotes to support or illustrate examples (Make sure quote supports thesis or
topic sentence. If not make a note)
context is supplied
quote is properly introduced and formatted. (Make sure quote supports thesis or
topic sentence.)
____/ commentary follows quote/example and explains how it relates to thesis
____/ Closing statement that relates back to t.s or thesis?
____Conclusion restates main points in a fresh way that sheds new light on your thesis.
Briefly rephrase the main ideas you discussed in one sentence each.
Explain what is learned. (We learn…)
Place subject into greater context. (Ex: Morrison’s emphasis on ____________reminds
us that______________.
____/ Writing.
_____ Present tense,
_____Third person, (no I thinks)
_____active voice (circle any….. is when, is how, is because of and replace with
subject verb obj. order)
Circle any ghost quotes
Put 3 lines under a word that should be capitalized
Slash a capital letter that should be lowercase
¶= new paragraph
⌃ insert
✓ good/ well done
?= unclear idea
Dev= dev. more
When you are done say something positive about the essay at the bottom of this page or
the essay.