Study Guide

Study Guide Unit Test #5- Reproduction and Parts of the Earth
Date of Test: _______________________
Asexual and
(Page 244-249)
Page 202-204
Page 296- 299
Learning Intentions/ Success criteria
 I can define sexual and asexual reproduction
and describe the difference between the two
 I can describe asexual mechanisms in plants
i.e.) Cutting and Layering
 I can describe sexual mechanisms in plants
(flowering plants)
 I can define the hydrosphere
 I can describe the distribution of fresh water
and salt water on the Earth
 I can describe why the hydrosphere is
important for life
 I can describe what characteristics make
water drinkable
 I label a diagram of the water cycle
 I can define the atmosphere
 I can describe the importance of the
atmosphere for life (temperature regulation,
oxygen supply, protection from meteors,
protection from the suns harmful rays)
 I can label of diagram of the atmosphere
including all the layers
 I can identify the main features of each layer
(ie. Weather occurs in the troposphere)
Possible Questions
 True or false
 Matching Definitions
 Describe the process of
layering or cutting
 What are two methods of
asexual reproduction in
 Label a picture of a flower
identifying the male and
female reproductive
 Label a diagram of the
water cycle
 Multiple choice questions
 True or False
 Matching definitions
 Multiple choice questions
 Labeling diagram
 Short answer: In which
layer do planes fly?
 Matching definitions
Page 294, 306
Page 296
Tectonic Plates
Rocks and
Page 306-311
Page 343-345
 I can define the lithosphere
 I can label a diagram of earth’s internal
 I can identify the importance of the
lithosphere for life.
 I can define the biosphere
 Label a diagram of the
earth’s internal structure
 Short answer- Why is the
lithosphere important?
 I can describe how scientists predicted the
super continent Pangaea (Fossils and shape
of the continents)
 I can describe how the plates move
(Convection currents- Hot magma rises
cools and sinks)
 I can name and identify the three types of
plate interactions (convergent, divergent
and transform) and the types of natural
disasters they cause
 What two clues lead
scientists to propose the
idea of the super
 What causes the
movement of the tectonic
 What are the three types
of plate interactions?
 What type of natural
disasters they cause?
 I can describe the formation of the three
types of rocks
 I can provide 1 example of each type of rock
 I can define rocks and define minerals and
understand the difference between the two
 I can name the 6 types of energy
 I can describe the difference between
renewable and non-renewable energy
 I can name 1 renewable and 1 nonrenewable energy source and state
advantage and disadvantage.
 Matching question
 Short answer
 Definitions
 Matching definitions
 Name 4 of the 6 types of
 Name 1 renewable and 1
non-renewable energy
source and state
advantage and