Analytical Summary of Strayhorn

Analytical Summary of Strayhorn (2012)
EAP 508 Yenny Kim
An introduction of Strayhorn (2012)
Strayhorn (2012) found that most of study about students’ academic success focused on
undergraduate students, their motivations for participating class, or getting good grade in
college. Little is known about the academic histories, motivations, and experiences of masters,
doctoral, and first-professional degrees, hereafter referred to as graduate students. (p. 90) This is
why Strayhorn decided to write this article. Also, the author found another key connection
concept of this paper; a sense of belonging and graduate students. He mentioned; Much less is
known about the underlying causal mechanism and ways in which sense of belonging plays out
for today’s graduate students. (p. 92) The purpose of this article is; 1. Finding existing literature
and research to explain the relationship between graduate students’ socialization and their
sense of belonging, 2. Finding recent studies to demonstrate the link between aspects of
students’ socialization and their sense of belonging in graduate school. 3. To identify important
implications for policy, theory, and future research, recommending specific strategies for
promoting conditions that foster a sense of belonging among graduate students. (p. 92-93)
The author of this article suggested that socialization matters for graduate student, regardless of
academic field or discipline. He found that socialization can help graduate students to get better
outcomes, also both aspects of socialization and sense of belonging in graduate school go hand
in glove.; Socialization leads/ begets/ fosters sense of belonging which begets/leads/facilitates to
graduate students success as measured by one’s grade or GPA. The author of this paper wanted
that his paper can be used to help graduate students’ success by scholars, administrators, lesser
degree, even graduate students. In addition, he mentioned that; Scholars might use this
information to enhance existing models of graduate student socialization. (p. 101)
 A focused analysis of “A sense of belonging”
One of the key concepts of Strayhorn (2012) is “a sense of belonging”. He explained this concept
through the survey findings that are from graduate students who felt they belonged reported
feeling safe, respected, and comfortable when interacting with their peers, staff, and faculty
members. (p. 100) In addition, he used several sources to build meaning into the concept of a
sense of belonging; a shared sense of socially constructed meaning that provides a sense of
security or relatedness. To be accepted by others, valued, and respected as competent, qualified
individuals worthy of membership in a defined group or particular social context. (Maslow,
1962) Also, the author of this paper used other sources to explain this concept using Poock
(1999), Burgess (1997), and LaPidus (1997).
According to his paper, the feeling of a sense of belonging likes; fitting in around the group,
thinking better than before, and care about you, miss you if you were gone. Also, he mentioned
“insiders” and bona-fide members of a group or society to which they belong, as students;
subjective sense of membership. One of the major findings of his article is that; Since a sense of
belonging which is came from well-socialization can influence academic achievement of
graduate students, the scholars, administrators, and graduate students should foster graduate
students’ socialization and sense of belonging in graduate school. He used several sources to
highlight the relation both a sense of belonging and socialization using Bragg (1976) and
Strayhorn (in press b).
 An analysis of a language pattern (look in the assignment directions on Blackboard for
which pattern to analyze) that includes
To refer to the concept of socialization, Strayhorn provided a lot of examples of socialization to
help understanding of this concept. On page 96, he mentioned socialization matters to use many
examples that could be happened in actual situations.
-Involvement in socializing activities
-Social gatherings among peers and staff
The interesting point to me was the author of the article might want to be helpful for their
readers to understand this concept using different examples about socialization.
 A connection across the GCLP texts with
I read three GCLP texts-de Araujo (2011), Philips (2014), Strayhorn (2012)- until now, and I
found three similar concepts among them; Social support, Adjustment issues, and Achievement.
First of all, social support of de Araujo (2011) is that; focus on traditional, emotional, perceived
social support, online ethnic support groups, and actual support network. In Philips (2014),
social support is that; network of proof-readers, professional editors, faculties (For example, Dr.
G, Philips), and Native-English-Speaking students. In Strayhorn (2012), social support is that;
support form department and classroom, involvement, socialization, a sense of belonging, and
membership in a defined group. Second, Adjustment issues; in de Araujo (2011), adjustment
issues are social support, English language proficiency, discrimination or prejudice,
homesickness, length of stay in the U.S., relationship with American students. In Philips (2014),
adjustment is resourcefulness-a key term of strategies that can lead to adjustment, proactivity,
and inclusion/exclusion. In Strayhorn (2012), adjustment is socialization, a sense of belonging,
bona fide members, participating in social context, and successful adaptation. (p. 95) Finally,
Achievement; in de Araujo (2011), achievement is academic success, adjustment (better). In
Philips (2014), achievement is better writing and academic success as well. In Strayhorn (2012),
achievement is good GPA, well-socialization, academic success.