English-Curriculum Map Y11

Year 11 English – Curriculum Map
Focus on Reading Response to Poetry:
 Study one collection of 15 poems and one
Literary Heritage poem set by Edexcel
 Encourage students to develop a personal
response to the themes, ideas, attitudes,
feelings and linguistic features of the poems
they study
 Identify aspects of language use, theme,
viewpoint and tone in poems studied
 Interpret writers’ ideas, attitudes and feelings
 Read poems with insight and engagement
Autumn 1
Complete the Controlled Assessment task – may be
either on screen or on paper – using Year 11 tasks.
Communicating and Adapting Language
(formal S&L assessment)
Functional skills
 Write a personal profile e.g. describing family
background, educational achievements, work
experience, aspirations
OCR Entry Level English
 Focus on writing/speaking and listening:
 Forming letters correctly, both lower and
upper case.
 Joining letters in words.
 Writing neatly and clearly
 Spelling commonly occurring simple words
 Using sentences correctly.
 Talk to others
 Talk with others
 Basic research skills
Text types  descriptive language and features
 function of nouns and verbs within text
 discussions and analysis on features of
descriptive text
 read and analyse examples of descriptive text
 Write examples of descriptive text
 Self/peer evaluation of descriptive features
Interview a member of your class
and write a fact file about them.
Choose a celebrity and find out
some basic information about
them. Create a ppt/pic collage to
present to the class.
Write a speech about yourself
and deliver it to the class.
Write a speech about something
you like and present to the class.
Begin Unit 3 study – Creative Responses
Focus on Imaginative and Creative Writing:
Autumn 2
 Genre and features
 Structure: open/close, paragraphs, topic
 Powerful language: verbs, adverbs, adjectives
 Setting and atmosphere
 Character
 Dialogue
Persuasive Language and features
 Function of nouns, verbs within text
 Discussions and analysis on features of
persuasive text.
 Discussions and analysis on features of
descriptive text
 Read and analyse examples of persuasive text
 Write examples of persuasive text –
• Self/peer evaluation of persuasive features used
Focus on writing/reading
Malorie Blackman “Hostage”
Resource pack and copies of short story
available in library
Possible tasks:
See resource pack
Year 11 English – Curriculum Map
Drama activities e.g. freeze frames,
thought bubbles linked to images of choice.
Write a review of the book.
“What would you do?” discuss scenarios
and possible outcomes.
Complete the Controlled Assessment task – may be
either on screen or on paper – using Year 11 tasks.
Continue Unit 2 study – The Writer’s Craft
Focus on Section A: Shakespeare play:
 Read text
 Use a variety of sources to stimulate and
engage students, e.g. original text, film and
DVD versions
Spring 1
Creating and Sustaining roles
(formal S&L assessment)
 Complete study of Shakespeare play
 Complete study of whole text
 Students build up own notes and resources on
the text
 Familiarise students with format of three-part
Spring 2
 Practise examination techniques:
– Answering within time constraints
– Recognising format and scope of questions
Interacting and Responding
(formal S&L assessment)
Instructional and informative text type.
Language and features
 function of nouns, verbs within text
 Discussions and analysis on features of
instructional text.
 Discussions and analysis on features of
informative text
 Read and analyse examples of instructional and
informative text
 Write examples of Instructional and
informative text type.
 Self/peer evaluation of instructional and
informative features used
Focus on Speaking and Listening, writing,
research skills
Speaking , listening and communication
 Pair and group discussions, analysis and review
of text features and functions
 Self evaluation of speaking and listening
 Strengths and targets for development
 Watching video and evaluating
 S&L content Open and Closed questioning
 Non verbal Communication techniques
 Informal group discussions practicing
 Techniques Listen for and identify key
 Use new/technical Vocabulary meaningfully in
Listen for, responding to and identifying key
information when speaking
Focus on Reading.
Research skills to be developed with a
focus on developing independent
research skills.
Possible tasks:
Research animal charities. Choose an
animal you would like to adopt. Create
a poster to persuade people to choose
your animal to adopt as a class mascot.
Research a holiday. Where would you
go? What do you need for a holiday?
Create a ppt to invite your friend to go
on holiday with you.
 Locate and reorganise facts, ideas and
 Understand the organisation and
structure of Standard English
 Use context to establish sense
 Identify a range of simple vocabulary
 Understand and express an opinion about
their reading
 Respond to some literary devices.
 Skim reading
 Reading for meaning.
 Inference
Year 11 English – Curriculum Map
Revision for Unit 2 Exam.
Submit marks for Unit 1 (20%)
Submit marks for Unit 3 (20%)
Note taking and summarising skills
Identifying key words in text
Accurate summarising techniques
Vocabulary building/extension activity
Linear notes, web notes
Focus on Reading
Preparation and discussion of revision activities
Students to research and complete activities based
on learning needs
Focus on re-capping basic skills of
writing/reading/ speaking and listening
Read narrative version of play
Solidify knowledge of characters
Solidify basic story of play
Ask pupils to create a plasticine model
of a key scene
Create a comic book version of a key
Watch the play (BBC animated tales if
In groups freeze frame key scenes
from the play/act out key scenes from
the play
Revision for Unit 2 exam (60%)
Summer 1
Unit 2 exam
Summer 2
Create a community in small groups.
Ask pupils what a community is and
allow them to plan out and create a
community in which they would like to
live (create 3D model of community.
Advertise your community. How will
you persuade people to come and live
Create a leaflet for your community.
Make it look good.