
A Timeline of Ford Motor Company
This article taught us on the main turning points and events of the Ford
Motor Company. This allowed us to understand the decisions Henry and
Edsel Ford made over their years of running the Ford Motor Company. It
gave us a wealthy amount of history, social, economic, and political impact
"Automobile in American Life."
N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Jan. 2013.
This second-hand timeline of car innovations included many of Henry Ford's
automobiles and various other contributions. It provided a timeline that
showed how Ford cars had broken speed records, and how Ford greatly
impacted the car market. This was helpful because it showed history
information by explaining when certain influential cars of Ford's were
released, and it gave detailed information about each car.
"Ford, Henry."
Davis., Assistant Professor, Illinois State University., Tamra S. Ford, Henry.
N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
This is a secondary article. It talks about Henry Ford's contributions to the
automotive industry. This article helped us understand what Henry Ford's
ideas meant to the rest of society.
Ford, Henry- Overview, Personal Life, Career Details, Chronology: Henry
Ford, Social and Economic Impact."
J Rank Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Jan. 2013.
This secondary encyclopedia article was a complete detailed account of
Henry Ford's life, impact, and historical events. It was invaluable because it
provided a ton of information on every aspect of Henry Ford and the Ford
Motor Company.
"Ford Model T Touring Car."
Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Jan. 2013.
This primary document is an advertisement from the Ford Motor Company
for the Model T. It outlined how the Model T was an excellent car that would
be very helpful to the American consumers. It was beneficial because it
talked about the economic impact and the improvement that this car
Ford Motor Co. Lawsuit
This first-hand account taught us about how awful Henry Ford really was. It
gave me all of my opposing viewpoints. It told us about how Henry Ford had
factories in Germany that forces slaves to work in horrible conditions. Such
as, sleeping outside of the factory in the freezing cold with no food, water, or
medication to keep them alive. The fact that he allowed this taught us that
he was a terrible man.
Henry Ford.
N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013. <>.
This fantastic secondary source focuses around the political side of Henry
Ford's lifestyle that many people disgusted or opposed. For example, it talks
about how his political standpoint during wartime greatly impacted how
people viewed him, such as when it says: "Ford's political views earned him
widespread criticism over the years, beginning with his campaign against
U.S. involvement in World War I." Also, this article touches upon the people
that opposed Ford for his admiration of the Nazi regime, saying: "though he
later renounced the writings and sold the paper, he expressed admiration for
Adolf Hitler and Germany, and in 1938 accepted the Grand Cross of the
German Eagle, the Nazi regime's highest medal for a foreigner." This article
is beneficial to include in our research because it provides a different view of
Henry Ford and allows people to see his whole personality and attitude.
Henry Ford and the Model T
This article gave us a biography of Henry Ford. It gave us information on his
early life, mechanic life, and late life. It showed us his occupations leading up
to starting his motor company. It even told us about the years he spent
gathering the materials necessary for mass-production of his vehicles. This
article, overall, gave us Henry Ford’s life-story.
Henry Ford and the Triumph of the Auto Industry
This article helped us understand Henry Ford’s political impact on America.
This allowed us to give an explanation of his confusing political impact on
my website. It was difficult because he had a positive and negative impact.
This website cleared all of our questions and gave us clear facts.
"Henry Ford Changes the World, 1908."
Henry Ford Changes the World, 1908. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.
<>. This is a primary
source. It explained how Henry Ford created each of his automobiles. It gave
quotes that Henry Ford said while creating these famous cars. This article
helped us gain an understanding of Ford's thoughts while creating his
"Henry Ford Describes the First Assembly Line-Essay."
Henry Ford Describes the First Assembly Line-Essay. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan.
This primary essay written by Henry Ford gives a large amount of
information. It mainly talks about the parts and process of constructing a
Ford-model car and the industrial assembly line still commonly used today.
For example, it states: "a Ford car contains about five thousand parts -that is
counting screws, nuts, and all. Some parts are fairly bulky and others are
almost the size of watch parts. No part is unimportant." Also, the essay talks
about the simplification of creating such a car after the invention of the
assembly line, such as when it says: "the assembling of the motor, formally
done by one man, is now divided into small operations -those men do the
work that three times their number formally did." As clearly illustrated, this
essay written by the genius behind the commonly used car greatly simplifies
our research because it provides information on how Ford cars were
constructed and the thought that occurred before all the pieces were put
"Henry Ford's Better Idea."
Parkhurst, Scott. N.p., 4 Sept. 2012. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
This secondary source contains a variety of information, from deep history
inside the Ford vehicle creation, to the boost in economic growth resulting
from the Model T. For example, on the first page, it talks about the various
economic impacts of "Henry Ford's better idea," such as when it says: "Ford
recognized that the ability to sell great quantities would multiply the profits
the company was capable of making." Also, on the second page, it talks about
how his workers benefited with the way he ran his company, such as when it
says: "a broad array of benefits were created, including bonuses, a medical
clinic, and athletic fields and playgrounds for the workers' families." This
article helps in our research because it clearly shows that Henry Ford's
business helped American development all-around.
"Henry Ford's First Working Automobile: The Quadricycle- Press Release."
Http:// N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2013.
<>. This article is a secondary source. It talks about
Henry Ford's first working vehicle, the Quadricycle. This article helped us
gain an understanding of what cars were back then and the first ideas of
Henry Ford.
"Henry Ford Speed Controller and Regulator Engines- Patent Apr. 2, 1907."
Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.
This picture is a primary source. It is a blueprint of Henry Ford's Speed
Controller and Regulator For Explosive Engines. This helped us understand
how Henry Ford created his cars.
"Henry Ford: The Steve Jobs of His Time." N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2013.
This secondary source was an interview with Sarah Colt, the writer and
director of an episode of PBS show "American Experience" that was about
Henry Ford. Colt discusses how Ford understood the American consumer
and created an accessible and affordable car that changed how we live. This
source was valuable to the members of the group because it provided a lot of
interesting information regarding Ford's social and economic impact.
Henry Ford Quotations
This first-hand account helped us because it showed us how Henry Ford
used to think. This article had quotations ranging from World War II to
government disputes. These statements allowed us to, in a way, go into his
brain and see what he used to think.
"Letter From Henry Ford About His 40 Yr. Old Company."
N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.
This primary source is a letter from Henry Ford that explains his feelings
about the status of his 40 year old company. It provides history about his
company and automobile making. He states his morals, goals, and selfevaluations. It was very useful because it provided history and information
about his company
"Letter Written from Henry Ford to Sigound Livingston." N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Jan. 2013.
This letter is a primary source. This letter was written to Mr. Sigound
Livingston from Henry Ford. It helped us gain an understanding about how
Henry Ford's prospective on politics and Jews. Ford also talked about his
company, as well as his viewpoints of government.
"Model T Ford-The Freedom Machine."
Crino, Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2013.
This secondary source mainly centers on possibly one of the most wellknown cars to ever be invented, Henry Ford's Model T. In it, it describes the
history, economic, and political impact the Model T had on the United States.
For example, on the first page, it begins to reflect on the beginning stages of
the Model T, expressing: "the Model T came equipped with only the barest
necessities. There was no speedometer, starter, temperature gauge, or
bumpers." Also, the article does a stellar job of looking at the creation of the
Model T through a regular person living in that time period's eyes, saying on
the second page: "in the process of providing the world with improved
transportation, Henry Ford accelerated the automotive industry, which was
a factor in the United States' industrial growth and provided us a "freedom
machine" still used to this very day." This article simplifies our research by
signaling out one of Henry Ford's most innovative machines and expressing
the benefits and drawbacks of it, giving us a topic to center on for the
Model T Newspaper Ads
This first-hand account showed us how the Ford motor company used to try
to sell their cars. This helped us understand the economic impact. That is
because it showed us the price of Ford’s different models. It also showed us
how they told the public how their cars would benefit them.
"The Henry Ford: The Life of Henry Ford."
The Henry Ford: The Life of Henry Ford. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.
This is a secondary source. It talks about the life of Henry Ford. This resource
helped in our research because it helped us gain an understanding of the life
of Henry Ford. It explained his childhood and his company.
"The International Jew: The World's Problem."
N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Jan. 2013. <>.
This primary source was an excerpt of Ford's newspaper, "The Dearborn
Independent." In this paragraph, Ford explains his anti-Semitic views. It
provides opposing viewpoints and other controversial opinions that Henry
Ford published and distributed.
The Model T Ford
This article gave us strict information on how the Model T came to be. It
gave us pictures, statistics, and the ideas of how the Model T was created. It
told us where the Model T’s parts came from, who gave Henry Ford the parts
he needed, and the price Henry Ford had to pay to all of the minor
companies that helped him revolutionize America.
The Model T Ford Engine
This first-hand account helped us because it helped us learn and understand
how the first engine operated and looked. It also allowed us to compare
today’s Ford engine to the early 1900s Ford engine. This told us a little bit
on how the automobile had progressed.
"The Promise of the Future Makes the Present Seem Drab."
Ford, Henry.
(13 Sept. 1931): n. pag. The New York Times. Web. 28 Jan. 2013.
This primary newsletter written by Henry Ford himself was published on
September 13th, 1931. In it, Ford makes some very key points on the future
for his company, such when he says: "I believe with Emerson that talent
sinks with character, that material increase is definitely checked by moral
decrease." This statement shows that Ford believes that workers should
have good morals and a genuine character in order to be successful when
working for him. Also, Ford states that he will "go over our machine and
redesign it not for the purpose of making something different of what we
have, but to make the present machine do what we have said it could do."
This shows Fords prominent desire to always improve, part of the reason he
was so successful. This newspaper article aids in our research because it
allows us to center in on the goals of Ford's company and the achievements
that show reaching that goal.
"When Capitalists Cared."
Smith, Hedrick. Gale Opposing Viewpoints in Context. N.p., 3 Sept. 2012. Web. 10
Feb. 2013.
This secondary source does a stupendous job of signifying the time of Henry Ford in
many different aspects. It relates how the world and its economy overall is today, to
how it was in the era of Henry Ford, when the economy was through the roof and
everyone could keep a job. For example, during the time of Henry Ford, it talks
about how he stood up for whatever he believed in and how he wasn't so easy to
back down, like when it states: "other executives bought his logic, and just as
important, sting unions fought for rising pay and good benefits in contracts like the
1950 "Treaty of Detroit" between General Motors and the United Auto Workers."
Also, the article highlights on the principles behind Henry Ford's business that he so
proudly stood on, such as when it states: "as Ford recognized, if average Americans
do not have secure jobs with steady and rising pay, the economy will be sluggish."
This article helps our group's research because it allows us to cite examples of how
Henry Ford's beliefs and views on American economy greatly shaped how we view
the world today.
"When Ford Speaks the World Listens."
OldNewsAds.Com. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2013.
This primary source consists of clippings of different newspaper articles
from Henry Ford's time. In it, the history behind the Ford Motor Company
and the differing views on the power it held are expressed. It discusses how
Ford started out: collaborating with James Cousens, a fellow businessman
who began his career as Ford's business manager. Then, it talks about how
Henry Ford and his son, Edsel, tried to buy out all minority stockholders "for
the purpose of recognition," as Edsel Ford put it. The source proved to be
very useful in our research because it provided a first-hand account on the
different views of the Ford family and how they had revolutionized America.