Religion 840: Bhakti Yoga Tue/Thur, 9.15-12.15 Heldrick Science Center, Douglass Campus Instructor: Edwin Bryant. Tel: x 23289. E-mail: <>. Office Hours: Tue Loree 108, 1.30-2.30 PM. Course Description and Objectives: This course will consist of a reading of 10 books of the Bhagavata Purana, the most important of the 18 major Puranas of Hinduism, focused on the theology and practices of Vaishnava bhakti. The course will consider the lives of the great saint exemplars of the tradition, examine the theologies and practices associated with Krishna devotion, and encounter the traditional narrative pertaining to Krishna’s incarnation. The course will conclude with a 16th century apologetic text promoting the Bhagavata as the highest scripture. Course Prerequisites: None. Course Requirement: All assigned reading. A mid-term exam (20% of the total grade), final exam (30%), and research paper (8-10 pgs, 40%) due the last day of class (a handout pertaining to this paper will be made available). Students' attendance record and overall performance in class will factor into the remaining 10% of the grade. Students are expected to read whatever material is assigned for each particular week, and be prepared to discuss this in class. Any student called upon who has obviously not done the assigned reading will lose grade points. Any student using a cell phone in any way during class will lose points. Computers are allowed for note taking, but any student using the computer for any other reason, such as checking email, surfing the web or going on Facebook, will lose grade points and no longer be allowed to bring the computer to class (and I will check up from time to time!). Any student wishing to bring the computer to class for note taking must sit in the front row of the class. No make-ups for missed exams will be given without valid medical proof or a signed letter from a student dean. Required Reading Available at the Douglass Coop: Bryant, Edwin Krishna: The Beautiful Legend of God: Srimad Bhagavata Purana Book X. London: Penguin, 2003. Available on electronic reserves on Sakai: Tagare G.V. trans The Bhagavata Purana part I, II & III (books I-IX) New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1976 Das Satyanarayana. The Tattva Sandarbha of Jiva Gosvamin. . Week I. Focus: Introduction to the course. Week II. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book I, chapters 1-13 Week III. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book I, chapters 14-19. Book II, entire Week IV. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book III, chapters 1-17. Week V. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book III chapters 18-33. Week VI. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book IV, chapters 1-17 Week VII. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book IV, chapters 18-31 Mid-Term Examination Week VIII. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book V, entire Week IX. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book VI, entire Week X. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book VII, entire Week XI. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book VIII, entire Week XII. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book IX, entire Week XIII. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book X, introduction and part I, chapters 1-14 Week XIV. Readings: Bhagavata Purana Book X, chapters 15-49. Week XV Readings: The Tatttva Sandarbha of Jiva Gosvami . All term papers due on the last day of class. Final exam: May 8th 8-11.00 AM Heldrich Science Building.