Notes on Things Fall Apart Lotow, Skylar S

Notes on Things Fall Apart
Protocol Details and Big Idea
Topic 1- Change/ Transformation
Topic 2- Characters and Character Development
Topic 3- Cultural Ideas and Concepts/ Thoughts
Topic 4- Values
Topic 5- Hierarchy
Topic 6- Food
Topic1 Change/Transformation
Chp 1. Okonkwo learns to grow up fast due to his father being very lazy
Chp. 2. Okonkwo has to accept someone else into his family named ikemefuma,
Ikemefuma has to get use to being a part of his family.
Chp 3. Okonkwo has to really put growing up and being a man in action in order to make
sure his family survives.
Chp 4. Okonkwo is becoming more defiant of the gods and not participating or paying
mind the their cultural rituals
Chp 5. Again you see Okonkwo not participating in culturally riutuals such as peace
Chp 6 Ezinma is 10
Chp 7. Nyowe no longer listens to his mother’s stories, but listens to okonkwo’s stories
about murder, and violence which okonkwo is very happy about.
Chp 8. Okonkwo is very depressed about his take in Ikemefuma’s death that he trys to
cover it by saying that it was because of his idleness and if he had been busy he wouldn’t
have been disturbed by it.
Chp. 9. Okonkwo shows his love for Ezima as she is dying by how worried he is about
Chp. 10. NONE
Chp 11. Okonkwo and Ekwefi shows love to each other thought this child and remembers
how hard Okonkwo worked to have her.
Chp 12. Oberika’s daughter has a feast for her Betrothal (promise to marry)
Chp 13. Okonkwo and his family has to go into exile for 7 years due to accidently killing
a clansmen.
Chp. 14 Learns about His uncles troubles and knows he does not have it that bad…yet.
~Big Idea~
(Summary of change and transformation 1-14) Transformation and change is very important
throughout this whole book, the most change we see is through okonkwo as he experiences life
and the reason we see his change so much is because we are focused around his life, however,
you can also see many changes through other people that may or may not change okonkwo. For
example of people who really effected okonkwo would be Ikemefuma dying, by okonkwo’s hand
yes however, the fact that Ikemefuma had to die made Okonkwo very weak, also when Ezinma
was very sick and again when she was sent to the Oracle, Okonkwo is very worried.
Topic 2 Character/ Character Development
~ Details ~
Chp1. Okonkwo is a well-respected warrior who is also wealthy unlike his father who is
and he hates.
Chp2. Okonkwo is given a 15 year old boy because in Mbaino someone had murdered a
wife from Umofia (Village Okonkwo is in)
Chp3. Bad harvest, Okonkwo has to provide for this family because his bad unoke is too
lazy too
Chp 4. Ikemefuma (15 year old given because of murder) becomes a big part of the
(continue of chp. 4) Okonkwo likes Ikemefuma more than his own son nyowe.
(continue of chp. 4) Okonkwo hits his wife during peace week.
Chp 5. Ani is the goddess of earth, which is why they have a big feast before new years.
(continue of chp5.) Okonkwo is not into the big feast because it is “times of idleness”
once again you see okonkwo is defying the gods.
Chp. 6. The son of Okonkwo’s friend Obierika, Maduka, wins one of the second matches
(continue of chp 6) The priest comes and talks to Ezinma about coming to stay since she
was 10 years old.
Chp. 7. Ikemefuma dies. Okonkwo cuts him down when he is asked him for help when
he is attacked.
Chp. 8. Okonkwo is very depressed, but tries to cover it up by making excuses. Obierka
daughter is discussed for bride price also.
Chp. 9. Ezima is dying with a very high fever, as all of her family worries the priest
comes to take her and tells them not to follow however both okonkwo and Ekwefi follow.
Chp 10. NONE
Chp 11. Okonkwo and Ekwefi kind of bond by both following Chielo to the Oracle, and
waiting there.
Chp 12. Obierka’s daughter has a feast due to her Betrothal (Promise to marry) and It
explains how Okonkwo is very worried about his daughter the night before.
Chp 13.Obierka questions why okonkwo has to suffer so bad for an accidental killing
Chp 14.Okonkwo is with his uncle unchedu, who was also exiled and lost a lot of his
children, and he is learning how he will survive.
~Big Idea~
(Summary of Character and Development 1-14) As you go through the book they
introduce many characters and they all tie into okonkwo’s life and how he makes his
decisions. We see a big significance in his first wife Ewefi, and her daughter. And even
in Chapter 14 we see Okonkwo’s uncle pop up trying to encourage him that everything
will work out eventually, making Okonkwo keep a good spirit and to not just give up.
Topic 3 Cultural Ideas and Concepts
Chp1. Many son’s inherit what their father leaves for them, in this case Okonkwo’s father
left him nothing.
Chp2. Many were afraid of Umofia. So they gave in to their price with ease. (a virgin and
15 y/o boy.
Chp3. You are expected to man up or die, along with your family.
Chp4. Peace week is a time of peace where you are supposed to relax and no violence is
supposed to take place to please the gods for the harvests.
Chp5. Big feast takes place before harvest in order to please the goddess of earth named
Chp6. Wrestling match is a big event.
Chp7. Listening to the oracle is expected.
Chp8. Looking weak is not an option in this cultural.
Chp9. ogbanje is a “wicked” child who continually re-enters its mother’s womb only to
die again and again
Chp.10 The clan’s ancestral spirits, which are known as egwugwu,
Chp.11 The culturally story of why the tortoises shell is not smooth (b/c he was greedy at
the feast ext.)
Chp12. uri, a betrothal ceremony.
Chp13. Killing a clansman is a crime against the earth goddess, so Okonkwo must atone
by taking his family into exile for seven years.
Chp14. “points out that one of the most common names they give is Nneka, meaning
“Mother is Supreme””
~Big Idea~
(Summary of Cultural ideas and concepts) Through the cultural you can see many values and
things that are culturally important to them. Such as being a apart of events such as peace week.
However, you can also see Okonkwo who is totally ignoring these customs. You see things such
as stories that explained normal things, for ways of entertainment. Also, a lot of being very
respectful and a hierarchy by experience and status in society.
Topic 4 Values
5 major values displayed
1.Men must be strong.
2.More Wives, higher status
3.Must be able to support wife and kids in order to have them
4.Must participate in sacrificing to the Gods.
5.Always provide gift when visiting some one’s home.
~Big Idea~
(Summary of Values) Values in Things Fall Apart is very different from American
customs, They are polygamist, and they have a strong believe in their gods and
sacrificing to them. Also being a strong and dependable man. Since many girls have
“bride prices” they have to be able to afford to marry them and also support them or they
will either die or leave. The more wives you have you have a greater status because that
means you are able to support all of them. And lastly an important value is gifting
someone if you are invited to their home, most of the time you do it with palm wine or
koala nuts.
Topic 5 Hierarchy
3 Examples of hierarchy in this book
1. Between the Elders and Village People
2. Between The Gods and Village People
3. Between The Oracle and Village People
~Big Idea~
(Summary of hierarchy and why it is important) In this book they have a lot of
hierarchies, The elders hold standers almost to ancestors because they have been
around for a while and they are very wise, The oracle is next up in the hierarchy
because it instructs/ talks for the gods, it tells them what to do, and is expected to
be listened too, it is almost a messenger for the gods. The gods and goddess are
obviously top dog because they know all of all, and they are the reason they have
everything such as their good harvest and protection. This is why it is important to
honor the gods, and it is also why Okonkwo gets in a lot of trouble when he does
not participate in these events.
Topic 6 Food
Main Foods Mentioned and Their Significance.
Yams- The king food in the time, used as their main crop and ate very
Palm wine- Made from palm sap, it is there main alcoholic drink that is
drank on special occasion and is brought as gifts to festivals
Koala Nuts- A Caffeinated Nut that contains a small amount of cocaine,
and is gifted and ate when people come over or on special occasions.
Locus- Locus have been explained very litter in this book however, they
are happy when the locus come because they are very good to eat.
~Big Ideas~
Yams is what you mainly hear about throughout the book it is very important too their cultural
because it is the main ingredient to all their courses. It is the “king of crops” as they say and it ate
most frequently. Palm wine is very important too, they drink it with every meal and gift it at
events. A more sacred food would be the Koala nut which is presented when an important guest
comes over or at festivals and sacrifices. Another good just being introduced is the Locus that
have come, and they rarely come but when they do they stay for 7 years, and they are very good
to eat.