Antihypertensive Therapy Drug Name/Infos Thiazide Diuretics 1. Hydrochlorothiazide Diuretics Mechanism of Action 1. Inhibits the NaCl cotransporter at Distal tubule 2. ↑Na and water excretion 3. ↓effective circulating volume a. ↓stroke volume b. ↓cardiac output c. ↓Blood pressure Therapeutic Uses 1. Mild to moderate hypertension Adverse Effects 1. Hyperuriceamia a. Compete for organic transporter with uric acid at the proximal tubule 2. Hyponatreamia 3. Hypokalaemia a. Due to ↑Na in tubular fluid at the collecting duct for exchange to K 4. Hyperglyceamia a. Due to Hypokalaemia (K needed to activate insulin) 5. Hyperlipideamia 6. Allergic reaction a. Thiazide is one type of Sulfonamide Drug Name/Infos Nonselective Alpha Blocker 1. Irreversible blocker (isnt been used in clinical setting ) a. Phenoxybenzamine 2. Reversible blocker a. Phentolamine Selective Alpha Blocker 1. Prazocin Alpha Blockers Mechanism of Action 1. Blocks both a1 and a2 receptors 2. Blockage of receptors lead to a. Vasodilation of i. Coronary arteries ii. Skin iii. GIT iv. Kidney (↑GFR ↑diuresis) v. Veins b. Therefore leads to ↓Total Peripheral Resistance i. ↓Blood pressure Blocks only a1 Mechanism of action same to that of non-selective Therapeutic Uses Phentolamine 1. Pheochromocytoma (cancer of the adrenal gland) 2. Hypertensive emergency 1. Mild to moderate hypertension Adverse Effects 1. Postural hypertension 2. Refelx tachycardia Drugs Name/Infos Beta Blockers Mechanism of Action Non selective Beta 1. Blocking: 4. Kidney Blocker a. Beta 1 a. ↓in Bp may: 1. Propranolol b. Beta 2 i. ↓renal prefusion Contraindicated in 2. Actions: ii. ↓in: 1. Asthma a. Cardiovascular system 1. Na+ retention 2. COPD i. (-) in : 2. Plasma volume 3. Heart block 1. Inotropic 5. Disturbance in glucose 4. Peripheral 2. Chronotropic metabolism: vascular disease ii. Causing in: a. ↓in: 1. ↓cardiac output i. Glucogenolysis 2. ↓cardiac work 1. Glucagon 3. ↓oxygen secretion consumption b. May lead to 3. Respiratory system hypoglycemia in a. Blocking the Beta 2 i. Insulin dependent receptor will: diabetic patient i. Deteriorated the Careful monitoring is respiratory disease in required COPD patient ii. Therefore contraindicated for COPD and Asthma pts Same to that of propanolol just it doesn’t block B2 no Selective Beta Blocker bronchospams 1. Atenolol Therapeutic Uses Adverse Effects Propanolol 1. Hypertension 2. Angina pectoris (IHD) 1. AV block 2. Masked hypoglyceamia a. If pts in insulin tx with blockers can both get hypo ADR (dizziness) Atenolol 1. Hypertensive pts with a. Asthma b. Diabetes mellitus c. Peripheral vascular disease 1. Risk of rebound hypertension if drug withdrawn abruptly Drug Name/Infos 1st generation 1. Clonidine (Direct agonist) 2. a-methyldopa (Prodrug) 2nd generation 1. Moxonidine Alpha 2 Agonist Centrally Acting Antihypertensive Mechanism of Action Therapeutic Uses Clonidine 1. Direct alpha2 agonist a-methyldopa 1. Converted into Methylepinephrine (false neurotransmitter) Therefore both will stimulate Alpha 2 receptor 1. ↓norepinehrine release from the CNS 2. Lead to peripheral vasodilation 3. ↓Total Peripheral Resistance 4. ↓ blood pressure Acts on Imidazoline receptor (Ii) at the medula oblongata 1. ↓sympathetic outflow 2. ↓blood pressure 1. Chronic outpatient management of hypertension 1. Mild to moderate hypertension Adverse Effects 1. Edema a. Due to peripheral vasodilation 2. Sedation a. Acts centrally 3. Orthostatic hypotension 4. Bradycardia a. ↑vagal outflow b. ↓symp outflow 5. Dry mouth 6. Rebound hypertension (Clonidine) a. If stop suddenly Calcium Channel Blocker Contraindication 1. Sinus bradycardia 2. AV conduction defect Drug Name/ Infos 3. Severe cardiac failure Drug interaction 1. Cimetadine (CYP450 inhibitor) Mechanism of Action Dihydropyridines 1. Nifedipine More on arteriole not heart 1. Primary action is at the smooth muscles of arterioles not vein 2. Vasodilation due to blockage of calcium channel, no contraction of smoth muscle cells 3. ↓after load but not preload 4. ↓Total Peripheral Resistance 5. ↓Blood pressure Benzothiazepine 1. Diltiazem Both arteriole and heart (intermediate) 1. Acts on both cardiomyocytes and smooth muscle cells of arterioles 2. At the heart a. ↓slow pacemaker activity i. ↓heart rate b. ↓impulse conduction between atria and ventricle i. ↓strength of contraction ii. ↓stroke volume c. Therefore ↓ blood pressure 1. At the heart d. ↓slow pacemaker activity i. ↓heart rate e. ↓impulse conduction between atria and ventricle i. ↓strength of contraction ii. ↓stroke volume f. Therefore ↓ blood pressure Phenylalkylamines 1. Verapamil Only acts on heart Therapeutic Uses Adverse Effects 1. Hypertension 2. Angina pectoris 1. Edema 2. Headache 3. Reflex tachycardia a. Less for verapamil and diltiazem 4. ↑sympatheti c outflow Drug Name/Infos Anti Angiotensin II Drugs Mechanism of Action Therapeutic Uses Angiotension Converting 1. Inhibit activity of ACE, therefore inhibit Enzyme (kininase) conversion of Ang I to Ang II Inhibitor (ACE inhibitor) a. Leads to vasodilation st 1 line b. ↓ Total Peripheral Resistance 1. Captopril c. ↓ aldosterone release Contraindication i. ↓ Na and water retention 1. Pregnancy; due to ii. ↑ K retention a. Fetal hypotension b. Fetal renal failure c. Fetal malformation d. Fetal death Angiotensin Receptor 1. Blocks AT1 receptors; therefore leads to nd (AT1) Blocker (2 line) a. Vasodilation 1. Losartan b. ↓ADH and Aldosterone release Contraindication i. ↓Na and water retention 1. Pregnancy ii. ↑K retention 2. Angioedema due to 2. No effects on bradykinin metabolism ACE inhibitor (prev tx) a. No dry cough; preferable compared to ACE inhibitor if pts couldn’t tolerate dry cough Direct Renin Inhibitor 1. Block cleavage of Angiotensinogen to 1. Aliskiren Ang 1 Limitation of usage 2. ↓Ang II formation 1. Further increase renin 3. ↓blood pressure release cause product (Ang II) inhibitory mechanism is inhibited Adverse Effects 1. Hypertension 2. Congestive Heart Failure a. Prevent inappropriate cardiac remodelling (nonheamodynamic benefit) 3. Renal insufficiency a. Stabilize renal function b. ↓ proteinuria 1. Dry cough (ACE inhibitor) a. Bradykinin metabolism is inhibited b. Bradukinin is local irritant 2. Angioedema 3. Acute renal failure a. Pts with renal artery stenosis 4. Hyperkalaemia a. ↑with spironolactone 1. Hypertension (less use) 1. ↑renin release Drug Name/ Infos Hydralazine Potassium Channel Openers 1. Minoxidil Pharmacokinetics 1. Well absorbed orally 2. Longer duration of action (it is a prodrug though) Direct Vasodilators (Direct Acting Vascular Smooth Muscle Relaxant) Mechanism of Action Therapeutic Uses 1. ↑cGMP 2. ↓IP3 (second messenger) 3. ↓Ca release from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of smooth muscle 4. Involved in the generation of Nitric Oxide (potent vasodilator) 5. All of these will lead to vasodilation a. ↓Total Peripheral Resistance b. ↓ Blood Pressure 6. No action on coronary artery, no postural hypotension 1. It is a prodrug a. Minoxidil minoxidil sulfate (by sulfotransferase) 2. Minoxidil sulfate activats K+ATPase a. K+ efflux from smooth muscle cells b. Leads to smooth muscle relaxation c. This will lead to arteriolar vasodilation Adverse Effects 1. 1st line drug of hypertension a. Given low dose with other agents 1. 2. 3. 4. Flushing (vasodilation) Reflex tachycardia Sodium retention Drug induced systemic lupus erythematosus a. Slow acetylators 1. Severe hypertension 2. Drug resistant hypertension 3. Alopecia a. Topical application 1. Fluid and salt retention 2. Hypertrichosis 3. Reflex tachycardia Direct Vasodilators (Direct Acting Vascular Smooth Muscle Relaxant) Mechanism of Action Therapeutic Uses Drug Name/ Infos Sodium Nitroprusside 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Release Nitric Oxide Activates Guanylylcylase ↑cGMP pathway ↓PIP3 ↓Ca release from Sarcoplasmic Reticulum 6. Relaxation of smooth muscle cells a. Vasodilation, ↓TPR, ↓BP 7. Rapid and Constanly acting vasodilator a. Arteries and veins 1. Hypertensive emergencies 2. ↓BP in aortic dissection 3. Improve CO in CHF 4. Induce controlled hypotension during anesthesia Adverse Effects 1. Lactic acidosis Nitroprusside cyanide/thiocyanatelactic acidosis 2. Reflex tachycardia