Please consider your opportunities.

Page 1-2: Instructions and steps
Page 3-4: Interest Form
Page 5-6: Boards, Commissions, Councils, and Committees listing
Page 7-12: Descriptions of each listing
TN Conference Nominations Process for the Quadrennial Elections of
the Mission and Ministry Leadership Team 2016 -2020
Now is the time to identify nominees for the conference boards, committees and councils to
serve during the 2016-2020 Quadrennium. The Conference Nominations Committee is
encouraging you to indicate your willingness to serve and/or to encourage other possible leaders
to serve and complete the online or hard copy Interest Form.
The Tennessee Annual Conference is looking for resourceful leaders who have vision,
leadership skills, passion and commitment for mission and ministry, and want to make a
difference through the work of a particular board, committee, council or commission.
Steps in the nomination process:
1. All clergy and laity are invited to serve and to help with the process by identifying and
recruiting persons in local churches and to submit an Interest Form for leadership in the annual
2. Between November 1 and November 30, 2015 the Tennessee Annual Conference will accept
Interest Forms from the laity and clergy who are members of a local UM church or the annual
conference and are willing to serve on a conference entity.
Please note that all persons currently serving in positions and qualify to continue
serving must also submit an Interest Form.
3. The Interest Form will list all the conference entities and persons should identify first,
second and third choices related to his/her interest, skills, passion and commitment.
4. The Interest Form, the list and brief description of conference entities will be publicized on
and through: a) website, b) TNUMConnects eBlast, c) Social networking:
Facebook, Twitter, etc., d) TNUMConnector newsletter, e) Local church lay leaders, f) Clergy,
g) Board of Laity, h) Board of Ordained Ministry, i)District List- serve, j) Chairs of conference
boards, committees and councils
The Interest Form will be available electronically and on hard copy.
6. Other pages will include the Interest Form, a list and brief description of all of the
conference entities in order for persons to identify their preferences.
SPECIAL NOTE: A person’s choices of interest in serving on a conference entity Will
be given our utmost consideration. However, please be aware that there is a limited
number of vacancies on each of the committees.
The time table:
● October 30: Have in place the steps for the nominations process.
● November 1: Have the Interest Form ready for circulation.
● November 30: Deadline for submitting the form to the CCOCM Office.
● December 15: Identify the persons currently serving who will be affected by the
8-year tenure within a 12-year period.
● December 30: Identify inactive members in all entities who need to be replaced.
● By January 14, 2016: Tabulate responses, verify church connection and status
and group Interest Form information according to interest.
● On January 19, 2016: Hold the first meeting of the Nominations Committee to
prepare first draft of nominations.
● On February 4, 2016: Hold the second meeting of the Nominations Committee
to prepare updated draft of nominations.
● By March 1: Complete individual verification by email/phone with nominees.
● On March 14, 2016: Hold the final meeting of the Nominations Committee in
order to complete the election process.
● By April 15: Have the slate of nominees for the Leadership Team for 2016-2020
Quadrennium prepared and ready for election at the June 12-15, 2016 Annual
8. The slate of nominees will be included in the Annual Conference registration packet and
will be posted on the TN Conference website.
9. The Annual Conference Committee will set a time in the agenda for the Quadrennial
Elections of the Leadership Team for 2016-2020.
10.The Officers of the respective boards, committees, commissions and councils will be
elected at a designated place on Saturday, June 25, 2016 at 9:00 AM.
11.Training and Orientation: The training and orientation of the newly elected leadership with
regard to the scope of their work, expectations of meetings and attendance, and the on-going
mission and ministry priorities of the conference will also be held on Saturday, June 25, 2016.
[ Interest Form on next page ]
Interest Form
TN Conference Nominations Process for the Quadrennial
Elections of the Mission and Ministry Leadership
Team 2016-2020
Now is the time to identify nominees for the conference boards, committees and councils to
serve during the 2016-2020 Quadrennium. The Conference Nominations Committee is
encouraging you to indicate your willingness to serve and/or to encourage other possible leaders
to serve and to complete the online or hard copy Interest Form.
The Tennessee Annual Conference is looking for resourceful leaders who have vision,
leadership skills, passion and commitment for mission and ministry, and want to make a
difference through the work of a particular board, committee, council or commission.
Daytime phone:
Evening phone:
In order to ensure inclusiveness please mark the following that apply to you:
_ Male _ Female
_ Under 18 _18-30 _31-45 _46-55 _56-65
_ Asian American _ African American _ Caucasian
_ Hispanic/Latino __ Native American
_ Disability
Church: ___ Mid-size _ Large-size _ Rural setting _Urban setting
Please list all conference entities/committees on which you have served since
Interest Form (continued)
Please indicate your willingness, availability and commitment to serve on a
designated conference entity:
First choice:
What skills, experiences and interests do you bring to this committee?
Second choice:
What skills, experiences and interests do you bring to this committee?
Third choice:
What skills, experiences and interests do you bring to this committee?
----------------------------Please email completed Interest Form to Vicki Sharber at or
Mail completed hard copy to:
Vicki Sharber
CCOCM Office
304 S. Perimeter Park Drive
Nashville, TN 37211
Boards, Commissions, Councils, and Committees
Board of Laity
Board of Ordained Ministry Board
of Pensions
Board of Trustees
Camp & Retreat Ministry
Higher Education & Campus Ministry
Archives & History
Commission on Status & Role of Women (COSROW)
Equitable Compensation
Religion & Race
Asian- American Ministries
Board of Laity/Lay Speaking Ministries Christian
Unity & Interreligious Concerns Commission on
Religion and Race Commission on the Status and
Role of Women
Comprehensive African-American Strategic Team Ethnic
Local Church Concerns
Hispanic-Latino Ministries NativeAmerican Ministries
Adult/Older Adult/Singles Ministries Camp
and Retreat Ministries Children and Family
Ministries Education/Spiritual Formation
Higher Education & Campus Ministries Safe
Spaces Ministry
Safe Sanctuaries
Sexual Ethics/Healthy Boundaries
Young People’s Ministry
Church and Society Congregational
Cooperative Ministries
Disability Concerns/Health and Welfare Mercy
and Missions Ministries
Corrections, Prison Ministry (Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries)
Commission on Archives and History
United Methodist Men
Scouting Ministries United
Methodist Women
Conference Health Plan
Conference Nominations (District Rep.)
Standing Rules Review
[ Descriptions of each listing starts on the next page ]
Descriptions of Boards, Commissions, Councils, and Committees
Board of Laity – provides support and direction for the ministry of the laity on the local,
district, and annual conference levels, promotes the observation of Laity Sunday, and supports
the stewardship of time, talent, and possessions within the annual conference in cooperation
with the CCOCM.
Board of Ordained Ministry – assumes the primary responsibility for the enlistment and
recruitment of ordained clergy by working in consultation with the cabinet and the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry; receives annual reports on the progress of ministerial
students, examines all applicants as to their fitness for the ordained ministry; interviews
applicants and makes recommendations, ensures confidentiality in relation to the interview and
reporting process.
Board of Pensions – is responsible for the Conference’s retirement plans for clergy as well
as conference lay employees; budgets and approves funding; offers retirement- related
seminars, and provides partial funding and guidance to the Director of Administrative
Board of Trustees – is primarily responsible for Tennessee Conference real property,
property and casualty insurance, and legal and corporate matters.
Camp and Retreat Ministry – Welcoming, Re-storing and Transforming – Camp and Retreat
Ministry plans camping and outdoor ministries as a means of helping persons grow in their
discipleship to Jesus Christ, increase their awareness of God in creation, and strengthen their
sense of community as the Body of Christ and plans for the maintenance and stewardship of the
camping facilities at Camp Cedar Crest and Beersheba Springs.
Higher Education and Campus Ministry – provides for the connectional relationship between
the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and
the conference, district, and local church; recommends the policies guiding the annual
conference in its program of ministry in higher education, and apprises United Methodists of our
historic commitment to the present mission in higher education.
Commission on Archives & History – Conference Commission on Archives and History
serves the Church’s “Ministry of Memory” so we may continue to learn from our past and
anticipate our future; recognizes and encourages excellence in archival and historical work for
the local church and the Tennessee Annual Conference; responsible for preserving and
promoting the heritage of United Methodist resources in middle Tennessee.
SPECIAL NOTE: [2012 was the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Tennessee Conference.
Commission on Status & Roles of Women – helps the conference discern its inclusiveness as
a sign of living into God’s purposes of justice and its discipleship to Jesus Christ who included
all persons in his ministry, monitors gender inclusiveness across the conference and during
annual conference and gives daily reports, and awards scholarships to persons (male and
female) attending events that will increase awareness of gender equity and inclusiveness.
Equitable Compensation – recommends the minimum salary for clergy under appointment
to churches; administers the Equitable Compensation Fund by budgeting, requesting funding,
and considering applications for grants to clergy serving in charges that for a limited time
cannot afford to pay minimum compensation.
Religion & Race - monitors and assesses racial inclusiveness and diversity across the
conference as a means of being faithful to Jesus Christ’s call to love and justice, makes
recommendations to the Tennessee Conference for celebrating and strengthening racial
inclusiveness, helps plan diversity training for pastors and other church leaders, and offers the
Tennessee Conference Plan of Inclusiveness as a tool for increasing cross- cultural and ethnic
CF&A – is primary responsible for all of the conference’s fiscal and administrative policies,
procedures, and services; oversees Treasurer/Director of Administrative Services; considers all
requests for annual conference funding and recommends amount of apportionment funding to
Annual Conference for approval. No member or employee of a Conference agency that
receives conference funding may be on CFA.
Asian-American Ministries – offers resources and plans ministries for Asian persons, plans
supportive networks for Asian pastors serving within the Tennessee Conference, serves as a
resource for building awareness of Asian culture so the congregations can enhance their
ministries of hospitality and inclusiveness and works in conjunction with other ethnic groups in
developing a greater awareness of the need for unity amid diversity as a means of living into
God’s call for love and justice.
Board of Laity/Lay Speaking Ministries - provides support and direction for the ministry
of the laity on the local, district, and annual conference levels, promotes the observation of
Laity Sunday, and supports the stewardship of time, talent, and possessions within the
annual conference in cooperation with the CCOCM. Christian Unity & Interreligious
Concerns – creates opportunities for interfaith,
ecumenical and Pan Methodist dialogue throughout the Tennessee area as an expression of
Christian love and Wesleyan conferencing, and builds relationships with other Christian
denominations, the Jewish Community, the Islam Community, and other faith communities.
Commission on Religion and Race - monitors and assesses racial inclusiveness and diversity
across the conference as a means of being faithful to Jesus Christ’s call to love and justice,
makes recommendations to the Tennessee Conference for celebrating and strengthening racial
inclusiveness, helps plan diversity training for pastors and other church leaders, and offers the
Tennessee Conference Plan of Inclusiveness as a tool for increasing cross-cultural and ethnic
Commission on the Status and Role of Women - helps the conference discern its
inclusiveness as a sign of living into God’s purposes of justice and its discipleship to Jesus
Christ who included all persons in his ministry, monitors gender inclusiveness across the
conference and during annual conference and gives daily reports, and awards scholarships to
persons (male and female) attending events that will increase awareness of gender equity and
Comprehensive African-American Strategic Team (CAAST) - offers resources and plans
events for African-Americans such as “Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century,”
and Black Methodist for Church Renewal ministries, provides opportunities for building
community, enhancing ministry skills and strategic planning for leaders in the
Black Church, and works in conjunction with the other ethnic groups in developing greater
awareness of the need for unity amid diversity as a means of living into God’s Kingdom of
love and justice.
Ethnic Local Church Concerns – reflects the racial and ethnic constituencies and local
churches of the annual conference, offers resources to churches, provides a forum for dialogue,
provides training for the annual conference and congregational leaders, promotes and interprets
ethnic local church concerns to the annual conference and offers opportunities for building
community and strategic planning for and among all ethnic groups as a means of living into and
promoting Christian unity amid diversity as a sign of God’s Kingdom of love and justice on
Hispanic-Latino Ministries – serves as a resource for establishing outreach, faith and
fellowship ministries, and churches throughout the Tennessee Conference; promotes Incubator
Covenant groups, leadership training, retreats, workshops, and a wide range of ministries for
Hispanic/Latino pastors and laity through the Hispanic/Latino Academy for Christian Formation
and Church Leadership; serves as a resource for building awareness of Hispanic/Latino culture,
and works in conjunction with the other ethnic groups in developing solidarity as a means of
living out God’s gift of hospitality.
Native-American Ministries - serves as a resource for building awareness of Native American
culture and heritage, helps to enable local churches to observe Native American Sunday, offers
resources and plans ministries for Native Americans in order to strengthen ministries with and
among the Native American community, and works in conjunction with the ethnic groups in
developing unity amid diversity as a means of building up the Body of Christ.
Adult/Older Adult/Singles Ministries – serves as an advocate for older adult concerns and
issues, offers opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, and study with older adults across
the Tennessee Conference, provides training and consultations for leaders working with older
adults, and advocates for the development and implementation of policies and services
designed to impact systems that affect older adults.
Camp and Retreat Ministries – [Welcoming, Re-storing and Transforming] – Camp and
Retreat Ministry plans camping and outdoor ministries as a means of helping persons grow in
their discipleship to Jesus Christ, increase their awareness of God in creation, and strengthen
their sense of community as the Body of Christ and plans for the maintenance and stewardship of
the camping facilities at Camp Cedar Crest and Beersheba Springs.
Children and Family Ministries – plans ministries for children including Confirmation Day
with the Bishop/Cabinet, provides ongoing training for local churches and children’s
coordinators, provides resources, training, and consultations in the area of visioning and
planning for congregations.
Education/Spiritual Formation - provides resources, training, and consultations for local
church leadership, maintains a list of area spiritual formation ministries, and plans the
Memphis and Tennessee Conference 5-Dav Academy for Spiritual Formation.
Higher Education & Campus Ministries - provides for the connectional relationship between
the Division of Higher Education of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and
the conference, district, and local church, recommends the policies guiding the annual
conference in its program of ministry in higher education, and apprises United Methodists of our
historic commitment to the present mission in higher education.
Safe Spaces Ministry – Safe Sanctuaries – is an overt expression of a congregation in making
a congregation a safe place where children, youth and vulnerable adults may experience the
abiding love of God and fellowship within the community of faith; it strives to ensure local
congregations have the necessary tools to develop safe sanctuary policy and procedures specific
to their given context by focusing on the uniqueness of each congregation’s programs and
premises. The members of this committee periodically meet to explore best practices in Safe
Sanctuaries, review local church policies, and offer advisement for revisions of local church
policies. In the future members of this committee will train local churches on best practices for
Safe Sanctuaries, and risk reduction and management. ~ Sexual Ethics/Healthy Boundaries –
provides guidance to clergy and laity of the Annual Conference and local churches in cases of
sexual harassment, sexual misconduct and abuse; works toward the end of providing for the
safety of all peoples by ensuring a protective climate, protecting the special relationships
between pastors and those to/with whom they minister, and by ensuring health and authenticity
in pastoral ministries; provides clergy and laity with the tools for prevention, intervention, and
restoration that will act as a deterrent against inappropriate sexual behavior.
Stewardship – serves as a resource for stewardship committees of local churches and provides
district training seminars for clergy and lay to explore various ways to increase the giving of
time, talents and treasure through the local church.
Worship – serves as a resource for worship committees of local churches, and helps plan
worship experiences for the Annual Conference with particular emphasis on inclusiveness and
diversity of race, culture, disability, and on ethnicity of worship, leadership, music, visual arts
and liturgy.
Young People’s Ministry – plans ministries for youth and for adult workers with youth, such as
Warmth in Winter, Tennessee Youth Annual conference, Youth in Camps, Youth Ministry
Institute, Summer Sizzler and youth retreats.
Church and Society – highlights issues of advocacy and justice, resources the local church in
interpreting and living out the Social Principles, and awards yearly the Richard
J. Allison Social Holiness Awards to a layperson and clergy person.
Congregational Development – works collaboratively with local churches and districts to plant
new congregations and revitalize existing churches through strategic planning, training, and
grants. ~ Cooperative Ministries – seeks to help develop ministries that work cooperatively and
collaboratively with other churches and agencies through training events and grants, with a
particular focus on smaller membership churches. ~ Evangelism
– works to help individuals and congregations develop the passion and skill in sharing
Christ in the most holistic sense through inviting special speakers and sponsoring
training; also awards each year the Harry Denman Evangelism Award to a youth,
layperson, and clergyperson.
Disability Concerns/ Health and Welfare – Disability concerns serves as the accessibility
advocate body for districts and the conference, encourages and assists local churches in making
their building, facilities and ministries accessible to all persons, including those with
disabilities in order that the Church’s Body can embody the inclusive nature of God in and
through Jesus Christ. Health and Welfare serves as an education awareness and advocacy
group by gathering data and offering information on health-related concerns such as United
Methodist health care professionals, to include TennCare, Tennessee Health Care Reform,
HIV/AIDS, mental health, and the development of health clinics for the working poor, and
submits health care legislation resolutions at the Annual Conference for review
Mercy and Missions Ministries – focuses on the development of local and global mission
outreach by connecting churches and individuals with opportunities to serve, sponsors
missionaries, supports local mission projects, and share in the work of GBGM/UMCOR
around the world; includes coordinators and sub-teams of Disaster Response and Recovery,
Hunger and Volunteers in Mission.
Corrections/Prison Ministry (Disciple Bible Outreach Ministries) – connects persons
incarcerated in local and state facilities; provides training and grants.
Commission on Archives and History - serves the Church’s “Ministry of Memory” so we
may continue to learn from our past and anticipate our future; recognizes and encourages
excellence in archival and historical work for the local church and the Tennessee Annual
Conference; responsible for preserving and promoting the heritage of United Methodist
resources in middle Tennessee.
SPECIAL NOTE: [2012 will mark the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Tennessee
Communications – assesses, plans and updates the printed and electronic communications
media for the Tennessee Conference, including the TNUM Connector Newsletter and
subscriptions, the UM Connects E-blast, the Website and other forms of communication as
United Methodist Men (UMM) – focuses their resources and energies on the spiritual growth
among men, helping them to mature as disciples of Jesus Christ, so they empower spiritual
formation in other men within the congregations of the United Methodist Church. “Helping
Men Grow in Christ, So Others May Know Christ.”
Scouting Ministries – sponsored by the United Methodist Men (UMM) of the United Methodist
Church, sponsors strong ties to Scouting to enhance the church’s ministry in the community:
Outreach, Nurture, and Service. Helps the local church by resourcing its ministry with children,
youth, and families; recognizes, supports, equips and trains United Methodist Scouts in their
role of volunteer ministry in the church and community; is a positive spiritual force in a liaison
relationship with the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA, Camp Fire Boys and
Girls, and 4-H. The Scout Oath pledges the Scout “to help other people at all times.”
United Methodist Women - (UMW) develops programs to meet the needs and interests of
women and the concerns and responsibilities of the global church; encourages and supports
spiritual growth, missionary outreach, and Christian social action; promotes the plans and
responsibilities of the Women’s Division and the conference organization of United Methodist
Conference Health Plan – recommends the annual budget and premium rates for the health
plan; advises the plan sponsor (who is the Director of Administrative Services) on matters
related to plan coverage and costs.
Conference Nominations (District Rep.) –nominates persons to entities as authorized by the
Annual Conference, including the officers of the CCOCM, Conference Lay Leader,
Conference Secretary, Editor of the Journal, and Conference Statistician at the session
immediately following General Conference.
Episcopacy - supports the bishop of the area in the oversight of the spiritual and temporal
affairs of the Church, with special reference to the area where the bishop has presidential
responsibility; is available to the bishop for counsel; assist in the determination of the Episcopal
needs of the area; keeps the bishop advised concerning conditions within the area; interprets to
the people of the area and to conference agencies the nature and function of the Episcopal
office; engages in annual consultation and appraisal of the balance of the bishop’s relationship
and responsibilities to the area and annual conferences. And reports needs for Episcopal
leadership to the jurisdictional committee on episcopacy.
Journal –coordinates the work related to the annual publication of the journal related to
accuracy, efficiency and timelines to include the necessary divisions.
Resolution –created by the Annual Conference, establishes procedures for submission of
resolutions, and after considering all resolutions, recommends that the Annual Conference
approve, deny, or modify submitted resolutions.
Standing Rules Review –establishes the procedure by which a deliberative body (e.g. the
Tennessee Conference) conducts its business sessions by proposing new policies and standing
rules; by proposing needed amendments to existing policies and standing rules; and providing
guidance to the Annual Conferences.