Business Education Teacher Training and the pursuit for the triple bottom line ideals – are we taking our eyes off the ball? SIEC-ISBE Conference 2013 Dr Carina America Overview • Teacher Education Requirements – South Africa (SA) • Business Education in SA schools • Background • Curriculum aspects • Literature Perspectives • Rationale for the study • Methodology • Summary of findings • The way forward 2 Minimum Requirements for Teacher Education (RSA, 2011) DISCIPLINARY LEARNING – subject matter SITUATIONAL LEARNING – context, schools, districts, regions PRACTICAL LEARNING – teaching practice FUNDAMENTAL LEARNING – 2nd official language PEDAGOGICAL LEARNING – how to teach – curriculum, assessment, learners, etc 3 Business Education in South Africa (schools) GET-PHASE – grades 7 to 9 Economic & Management Sciences (EMS) compulsory FET-PHASE – grades 10 to 12 Accounting elective 4 Business Studies elective Economics elective Economic & Management Sciences (EMS) Senior Phase TOPICS AND SUBTOPICS (DBE, 2011) THE ECONOMY (30%) FINANCIAL LITERACY (40%) ENTREPRENEURSHIP (30%) 1. History of money 2. Needs and wants 3. Goods and services 4. Inequality and poverty 5. The production process 6. Government 7. The National Budget 8. Standard of living 9. Markets 10. Economic systems 11. The circular flow 12. Price theory 13. Trade unions 1. Savings 2. Budgets 3. Income and expenditure 4. Accounting concepts 5. Accounting cycle 6. Source documents 7. Financial management and keeping records 1. Entrepreneurship skills and knowledge 2. Businesses 3. Factors of production 4. Forms of ownership 5. Sectors of economy 6. Levels and functions of management 7. Functions of a business 8. Business plan 5 BUSINESS EDUCATION - FET-PHASE ECONOMICS Macroeconomics (25%) Microeconomics (25%) Economic pursuits (25%) Contemporary economic issues (25%) 6 SUBJECTS AND TOPICS ACCOUNTING BUSINESS STUDIES Financial Accounting (50-60%) Business Environments (25%) Managerial Accounting (20-25%) Business Venture (25%) Business Roles (25%) Managing resources (20-25%) Business Operation (25%) Triple Bottom line orientation • Triple bottom line (TBL) • • • • • Types of capital within the TBL (Dyllick and Hockerts, 2002) • • • • Economic sustainability alone not sufficient (orthodox management theory), i.e. Single bottom line Three dimensions to triple-bottom-line (Elkington, 1997) Integrating short-term and long-term aspects managing economic capital, natural capital and social capital (Kuchertz and Wagner, 2010; Dyllick and Hockerts, 2002, Rogers & Ryan, 2001) Economic capital – Economically sustainable companies Natural capital – Ecologically sustainable companies Social capital – Socially sustainable companies Accountability beyond corporate annual reports and bottom lines – sustainable consumption and production (SCP) (UNEP, 2011) • • • Eco-efficiency in producing competitively prices goods (OECD, 2012) Minimising use of natural resources and toxic materials Life cycle of products / supply chain 7 ESD / EfS) • ESD/EfS prioritises the changing of mindsets and an active engagement of the learner in matters relating to a more sustainable future. • Great significance to mainstream in schools (Summers & Childs, 2007; Walshe, 2008; Frith & Winter, 2007) • Multisectorial approach to ESD (Fien, 2004:94) • EfS refers to a more holistic approach to sustainability (Bently, Fien and Neil, 2004:57) 8 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK • The subject-matter knowledge: corporate sustainability • “Do teachers possess the knowledge and understanding to teach effectively in the new domain of ESD” (Summers, Corney and Childs, 2004:164) • LEARNING VIRTUES FOR SUSTAINABILITY (Foster, 2011): • “How” the TBL matters 9 LEARNING VIRTUES FOR SUSTAINABILITY (Foster, 2005, 2008, 2011; Sterling, 2004): 1. Critical self-awareness • • • First order learning - adaptive learning Second order learning - examine assumptions Third order learning – leads to transformative perspective shift 2. Exploratory-creative commitment • robust persistence in exploring and testing frameworks of assumptions 3. Robust tolerance for uncertainty • • • • 10 positively valuing and welcoming the uncertainty and openendedness intuition to move forward new sense take shape and shape the ‘us’ collective social intelligence Rationale for this study • Challenges : BE teacher training in South Africa • Not uniform teacher training for HEI institutions • Diversity in schools • Subject matter content knowledge of teachers are varied • Progression of EMS education to FET-band • Complexity of integration of curriculum constructs • Pedagogical components of EfS absent in teacher education(Tilbury, et al, 2005) • Relevance of TBL orientation in Business Education at school level 11 Reseach Methodology • • • • A case study design strategy Content analysis Purposive sample Qualitative framework • Research question: How do BE pre-service teachers conceptualize TBL? • Three approaches 1. Reflection on video - Video about how human consumption impacts the earth and, in it, the stages in which materials are processed from beginning to end (cf. Leonard, 2007; Nowak, Hate, Lindholm and Strausser, 2011) • Students to reflect on the supply chain from extraction to disposal of used products. 2. Focus group discussion – did you find the video convincing? • Do you think differently about consumption? 12 Reseach Methodology - continued 3. CURRICULUM ANALYSIS • As a student BE teacher, do you have EfS as part of your teacher education curriculum? If yes, which areas of the curriculum? • Do you think that EfS/ESD/SE is relevant in BE in the senior phase. Why / Why not? • Suggest at least two practical steps how you as a BE teacher would introduce SE in BE education. 13 SAMPLE CASE STUDENTS REGISTERED FOR BE SPECIALIST AREA CONTENT Profile Previously advantaged – now a merged HEI Previously disadvantaged; A 58 44 In Education faculty B 17 14 1st and 2nd year in EMS faculty 22 C 14 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 22 3rd and 4th year focus is on methodology in Education faculty In Education faculty Previously advantaged SUMMARY OF FINDINGS LEARNING VIRTUES - capacity for critical understanding - infrequent Critical self-awareness: Examples from cases “Factories attributes to pollution … we’re unaware that it is making us sick” “Shop, shop, shop … buying new or unwanted stuff” “Too much junk are being manufactured and the manner in which to get rid of it can be harmful to the environment” “It has affected the way I think in a sense that it is true that the products we consume do not last for such a long time and the market changes products and come out with new things over and over” “yes, I have never really thought about the different processes a product has to go through and the lives affected by it” 15 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (continued) LEARNING VIRTUE: Exploratory-creative commitment “Yes, I will think twice now before buying products which may contain toxins” “Yes, it made me realize that I am part of the problem and should start to think before I buy stuff” “not exactly because some of us are aware of the government’s “hand” in it and we lost hope, if we all unite we can change it” 16 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (continued) LEARNING VIRTUE: Robust tolerance for uncertainty “Yes, I have had these thoughts before, but the tasks seems too enormous for me to handle alone” “Yes, it is convincing, but her tape is too light-hearted. The viewer listens, but I was not fully swayed to her point of view” “She does make you aware that the process is not flawless, but looking at it from an American standpoint her arguments are not well motivated” 17 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (continued) THE BUSINESS EDUCATION CURRICULUM – diverse reactions • Economic systems/Entrepreneurship? • Depth and breadth of curriculum concepts – exploratory-creative commitment? “It would be a great advantage to have a facet where sustainability can be implemented in our curriculum” RELEVANCE OF EfS IN BE – overall view EfS very relevant “Yes, it encourages to be responsible citizens. Sustainability education is not isolated in one area but in all areas. Also help learners to learn social responsibility” “In EMS the foundation of production and business is laid and it is essential for learners to come to the realization that resources are limited and (they) need to be responsible to ensure a sustainable future” 18 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (continued) PRACTICAL APPLICATION – examples from cases • Environmentally friendly projects – collages • Awareness using technology – internet, web-course management systems • Market day reconceptualized – environmentally friendly products • Excursions to factories – carbon footprint • Debates about consumerism, consumer behavior, lifestyle choices. 19 Conclusion: 3BL matters – how? • Learning virtues for sustainability • TBL orientation integral in BE teacher training curriculum content – beyond accounting TBL • Contemporary issues – e.g. fracking debate, case studies, etc. • EfS-BE-SYNTHESIS • Collaboration with other Bus Ed teacher training 20 institutions Thank you References Bently,, M., Fien , J and Neil, C. 2004. 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