ADVISORY COMMITTEE FALL MEETING AGENDA NAME OF PROGRAM DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING LOCATION OF MEETING COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: COMMITTEE SECRETARY: Call meeting to order ............................................................................................................ Review minutes of previous meeting ................................................................................... Update Membership Roster ................................................................................................. Election of Officers (Committee Chairperson and Committee Secretary) ........................... Establish Program of Work for the current year for the committee .................................... Complete the following Evaluation Forms: College Statements: College Mission Statement, Program Mission Statement, College Vision, and Technical Warranty Statement Program Review and Evaluation Recruiting, Admission, Career Placement, and External Constituents Review and Evaluation Advisory Committee Verification Trends and Data .................................................................................................................... Program Area Updates.......................................................................................................... Question/Answer Session ..................................................................................................... Adjournment ......................................................................................................................... PROGRAM NAME ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP ROSTER Member’s Name Contact Information Address, Email Address, Phone Number Company Job Title Years of Service PROGRAM NAME FALL PROGRAM OF WORK Strategic Goal #1 Educational Programs and Services Provide quality educational programs and services that meet local industry standards, are relevant to the workforce needs, and are appropriate to the population demographics of the College’s service area. Fall Program of Work 1. Review the program’s and College’s mission, vision, and warranty statements and recommend changes as deemed appropriate. (complete the College Mission Statement, Program Mission Statement, College Vision, and Technical Warranty Statement Review and Evaluation form). 2. Assist instructor(s) with program evaluation, job development and placement, program promotion, evaluation in relation to State TCSG and COC program standards, program advocacy, and professional support. (complete the Program Review and Evaluation form). 3. Formulate additional program of work objectives as necessary (complete the Program Review and Evaluation form). 4. Submit recommendations regarding program-related changes to the appropriate state-level technical committee for review. 5. Review and contribute input into long-term and shortterm operational plans. Actions to be Taken by the Spring Meeting and Person(s) Responsible Budget Amount Requested (if applicable) COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT, ACADEMIC MISSION STATEMENT, COLLEGE VISION, AND TECHNICAL WARRANTY STATEMENT REVIEW AND EVALUATION Program Name: __________________________________ Date: __________ Initials: __________ (Committee Chairperson) Please review the following college statements that address the Southern Crescent Technical College Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Technical Warranty Statement. College Mission Statement Southern Crescent Technical College provides relevant technical education and workforce training programs via traditional and online formats that promote lifelong learning and economic development in the southern crescent region of central Georgia. ( ) Yes; the College Mission Statement is accepted as is. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ * Program Mission Statement Faculty and administration would like to request your input in the development of a Mission Statement for this program that will support the College’s Mission Statement. Please add your suggestions here: ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ College Vision Statement Southern Crescent Technical College is the preeminent teaching and learning institution in the state of Georgia. The College envisions itself as an exceptional, innovative, and unparalleled technical college that places students at the forefront of excellence in technical education and work force training. The College’s programs of study are highly technical and customized to exact industry‐standards, which enable students to develop the specialized skills, knowledge sets, employability attributes, and work ethic traits essential for securing and maintaining employment both locally and globally. The College structures various activities, resources, and programs to enable students to succeed by providing broad career options, special support services, financial assistance opportunities, and flexible class scheduling, including classroom and online learning that all work to identify and remove potential barriers for individuals demonstrating a genuine desire to pursue their educational and career goals. Students graduating from Southern Crescent Technical College have experienced world class instruction, access to emerging technology, and an atmosphere of support, guidance, and encouragement, which enable our graduates to become lifelong learners, quality community citizens, and work‐ready employees ready to positively impact Georgia and beyond. Southern Crescent Technical College also recognizes the essential need for active partnerships with local businesses, industries, and governmental and public service agencies in both the state of Georgia and within the College’s ten county service delivery area, which spans the central region of Georgia between Atlanta and Macon. It is the College’s belief that these active partnerships will assure a greater quality and validity of its programs and services. In addition, the partnership will contribute to an environment which maximizes the effectiveness of each party’s effort toward community economic growth and development. ( ) Yes; the College Vision Statement is accepted as is. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ Technical Warranty Statement The College participates in the Technical College System of Georgia Warranty Program. As a demonstration of our confidence in the quality of our Technical College programs, the Technical College System of Georgia warrants every graduate of our Technical College programs offering a certificate of credit, diploma, or associate’s degree as follows: To demonstrate confidence in and commitment to quality technical education programs which are relevant, current, and responsive to the stated expectations of Georgia’s businesses and industries, the State Board of Technical and Adult Education will warrant every graduate from programs offering a degree, diploma or certificate. Any graduate who is determined to lack such competence shall be retrained at no cost to the employer or employee for tuition or instructional fees. ( ) Yes; the Technical Warranty Statement is accepted as is. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ PROGRAM REVIEW AND EVALUATION Program Review 1. The mission of the program is appropriate. 2. The program description in the SCTC catalog adequately describes the program. 3. The goals and objectives are well defined and meet the needs of business and industry. 4. Based upon your observation(s), funding for the program is adequate. 5. Program Level Outcomes (PLO’s) and Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) are appropriately written and assessed to measure specific program and learning goals within the academic program. 6. The program adequately meets the current and/or projected occupational needs of the service area. 7. Expected educational results are clearly stated for each course. 8. Curriculum content is appropriate and directly related to skills needed on the job. 9. Courses are delivered in a medium that is appropriate to the instructional content. (Traditional classroom, industrial or computer lab, clinical setting, etc. or online instruction [online, hybrid, or web-enhanced]). 10. Course content is up-to-date with technology in the workplace. 11. Curriculum meets the needs of local business and industry by providing graduates proficient in the competencies/courses required to gain entry-level employment in the occupation. 12. Curriculum content includes safety (where applicable). 13. Course syllabi are appropriate and updated. 14. Instructional materials used in the program are adequate to promote effective learning for the students and address course competencies. Instructional materials include textbooks, handouts, course tests and exams, audio-visual resources, videos, library resources and related computer software. 15. Work ethics traits are incorporated into the program’s curriculum to promote good work habits. 16. Faculty members have appropriate credentials and certifications. 17. Program-level certification(s) are appropriate and up-to-date. Yes No Comments and/or Recommendations for Improvement: RECRUITING, ADMISSION, CAREER PLACEMENT, AND EXTERNAL CONSTITUENTS REVIEW AND EVALUATION Program Name: __________________________________ Date: __________ Initials: __________ (Committee Chairperson) College Recruiting The College has recruiting and/or marketing materials that accurately describe the college, technical education, and academic opportunities available. ( ) Yes; no further action needed. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ Recruiting The program has recruiting and/or marketing materials that accurately describe the program of study, the career opportunities, and the level of awards available. Faculty members are active in assisting with recruiting efforts. ( ) Yes; no further action needed. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ The following items are appropriately published for all citizens in the College’s service area: Southern Crescent Technical College - Mission Statement Southern Crescent Technical College - Technical Warranty Statement Southern Crescent Technical College - Student Work Ethics Academic Programs Available at Southern Crescent Technical College Locations of Southern Crescent Technical College ( ) Yes; no further action needed. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ Admission Policies Admission policies and procedures of the program allow the acceptance of students into the program with reasonable expectation of successful completion. ( ) Yes; no further action needed. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ Career Placement for Graduates The academic program has appropriate and relevant practices to assist college graduates with career placement. The program faculty is active in assisting the college graduates in career placement. ( ) Yes; no further action needed. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ Relationships with External Constituents The College and program faculty members maintain effective relationships with secondary schools, postsecondary schools, local business and industry, community organizations, and general citizens. ( ) Yes; no further action needed. ( ) No; please make the following changes: __________________________________________________ ADVISORY COMMITTEE VERIFICATION FORM Evaluative Criteria: The advisory committee, consisting of at least three employers, has completed the review and evaluation of the following items: College Mission Statement, Academic Program Mission Statement, College Vision, and Technical Warranty Statement Review & Evaluation Program Review and Evaluation Recruiting, Admission, Career Placement, and External Constituents Review and Evaluation COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON – In agreement with all members present Committee Chairperson Information Name _____________________________________ Job Title _________________________ Company Name ____________________________________________________________________ Company Address __________________________________________________________________ Signatures ____________________________________________________ Committee Chairperson ___________________ Date ____________________________________________________ Program Coordinator ___________________ Date ____________________________________________________ Dean for Academic Affairs ___________________ Date ADVISORY COMMITTEE FALL MEETING MINUTES NAME OF PROGRAM DATE OF MEETING TIME OF MEETING LOCATION OF MEETING Members Present: Members Absent: The meeting was called to order at ______. Provide a summarized statement regarding each item listed on the agenda. The meeting was adjourned at _______. Respectfully submitted, Name of Committee Secretary