Keiser University PHT 1261C Tests and Measurements Muscle Length Testing Lab Handout P: Position; M: Movement ROM: ROM measurement 1. Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major P: Supine with back flat & hips & knees flexed; arms at side M: flex BUE until low back starts to arch R: B shoulder flexion (goniometry); amount of lumbar hyperextension – mild, moderate, severe 2. Pectoralis Major – sternal head P: supine with back flat & hips & knees flexed M: ER & flex shoulders in line with muscle fibers R: B shoulder flexion (goniometry) 3. Pectoralis Major – clavicular head P: supine with hips and knees flexed M: horizontal abduction to 90 with shoulder ER R: distance of elbow to table top 4. Shoulder Medial Rotators (IR) (Latissimus Dorsi, Pectoralis Major, Subscapularis, Teres Major, Anterior Deltoid) P: Supine with hips and knees flexed; back flat; feet on table; shoulder abducted to 90 & elbow flexed to 90 M: Externally rotate shoulder so dorsum of hand is flat on table R: External rotation (Goniometry) 5. Shoulder Lateral Rotators (ER) (Teres minor, infraspinatus, posterior deltoid) P: same as #4 M: internally rotate shoulder so palm of hand touches treatment table R: Internal Rotation (Goniometry) 6. Pectoralis Minor P: Supine with hips & knees flexed and feet and low back on table; BUE in anatomical position M: observe anterior tipping of scapula – distance from posterior scapula to table R: slight, moderate, or marked based on distance from the table 7. Biceps Brachii P: sitting in straight back chair or supine with shoulder off edge of table M: shoulder hyperextension, forearm pronation, elbow extension R: elbow joint extension (Goniometry) 8. Triceps Brachii/Anconeus P: supine or sitting with shoulder fully flexed M: flex elbow while stabilizing shoulder in flexion R: Elbow Joint Flexion (goniometry) 9. Flexor Carpi ulnaris, Flexor Carpi Radialis, Palmaris Longus P: supine or sitting with elbow extended M: extension of wrist with fingers and thumb relaxed R: wrist joint extension (goniometry) 10. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus & Brevis, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris P: Supine or sitting with elbow extended M: flexion of wrist with fingers and thumb relaxed R: wrist joint flexion (goniometry) 11. Flexor Digitorum Superficialis P: sitting or supine with elbow and wrist completely extended (hyperextended) M: extension of MCP with elbow, wrist and IP’s extended R: MCP joint extension (goniometry) 12. Extensor Digitorum & Extensor Digiti Minimi P: sitting or supine with elbow extended and wrist & IP Joints Flexed M: flexion of MCP with wrist flexed & elbow extended R: MCP joint flexion (goniometry) 13. Iliopsoas, adductor longus, and pectineus P: Supine with pelvis neutral & knees flexed over the edge of table M: flex both knees to chest; lower one thigh to table with knee relaxed (Thomas Test) R: Hip Joint Extension (goniometry) 14. Sartorius P: same as #13 M: same as #13 but knee in extension; control for neutral hip rotation & abd/add; if lateral rotation occurs with hip extension, Sartorius is shortened R: Hip Joint extension (goniometry) 15. Tensor Fascia Latae/Iliotibial band P: sidelying with test leg on top M: knee joint flexed to 90 or completely extended; abduct and hyperextend the hip joint then allow hip to adduct toward the table R: Distance from table to medial border of knee (Tape measure) 16. Rectus Femoris P: supine with test knee flexed over edge of table; non test leg flexed to protect low back M: extend hip to table; if knee extends, rectus femoris is short R: Knee joint flexion (goniometer) (from 80 degree start position) 17. Gluteus Maximus P: supine with knee joints flexed & pelvis neutral; can also do short sitting position M: flex hip towards pelvis without associated PPT R: Hip flexion (goniometry); subtract from total hip ROM 18. Hamstrings (Biceps femoris (long head), Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus) P: Supine with knee extended & low back flat; non test leg extended M: Hip flexion with knee extended (SLR) R: Hip Flexion (goniometry) 19. Biceps Femoris (short head) and Popliteus P: prone with hips extended M: extend the knee R: Knee extension (goniometry) 20. Vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius P: sidelying with test leg on top or supine with hip flexed to 90 M: flex the knee R: knee joint flexion (goniometry) 21. Soleus P: Supine or short sitting with knee flexed M: Dorsiflex ankle with knee flexed R: Ankle Dorsiflexion (goniometry) 22. Gastrocnemius/Plantaris P: supine or sitting with knee joint extended M: dorsiflex ankle with knee joint extended R: Ankle dorsiflexion (goniometry) 23. Levator Scapula P: sitting with shoulder abducted to upward rotate scapula M: laterally flex head to opposite side of abducted shoulder R: cervical lateral flexion (Tape measure/goniometry) 24. Sternocleidomastoid, scalenes, splenius capitis & cervicis P: sitting with shoulder girdle in anatomical position M: cervical lateral flexion while stabilizing shoulder girdle on opposite side R: cervical lateral flexion (tape measure/goniometry) 25. Rectus abdominis, internal & external obliques, tranversus abdominus P: prone with UE at side of trunk M: trunk extension/hyperextension while BLE remain on table R: trunk extension (tape measure) 26. Erector spinae & Quadratus Lumborum P: long sitting with BLE supported on table M: forward flex with knees extended reaching toward the toes R: distance from fingertips to toes (tape measure/ruler)