UNIVERSITY & COLLEGE APPLICATION PROCEDURES NEXT STEPS! SCHOLARSHIPS vs. BURSARIES Awarded based on marks (usually over 90%) & extracurricular involvement Application/selection process occurs this year Awarded based on financial need, extracurricular involvement, association with organizations/employers Usually awarded by the post-secondary institution upon acceptance and may require completion of a financial aid form ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS Awarded based on academic average (make sure you know which set of marks is used & whether prerequisites are included when calculating scholarship average) Usually does not require a separate application Amount varies with university/college, program, campus and average (check first year Viewbook as well as or Understand what you are getting – often must be renewed each year based on level of achievement SPECIAL SCHOLARSHIPS Listed in Viewbooks, Electronicinfo, Ontario Colleges, web sites, and/or Guidance Does require a separate application Criteria varies and applicants must meet ALL requirements School section is completed by guidance NOT administration May require supporting documentation letter(s) of recommendation, essay May be limitations regarding number of applications that can be forwarded by O’Neill (check the SCHOOL deadline date in guidance and follow the school procedure) All deadlines MUST be strictly adhered to! Past O’Neill Scholarship Recipients York University Award of Achievement SCHOLARSHIP ADVICE SCHOLARSHIP CHECKLIST Research Available scholarships through: University/College Viewbooks Websites Guidance Bulletin Board (constant updates) Personal/Organization Contacts SCHOLARSHIP CHECKLIST Book an appointment with Mrs. Aunger to review scholarship information and attain necessary documentation Allow AT LEAST TWO WEEKS when requesting reference letters Start early and pay strict attention to ALL due dates (Note: if a posting says “completed application due to Mrs. Aunger by….!” this means that O’Neill is limited to one or several applicants) ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL SOURCES OSAP (Assembly May) OWSP (Ontario Work Study Plan) Jobs on Campus Financial Institutions ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS FOR REDUCING COSTS Re-direct a portion of part time job earnings NOW, to a separate account set up for education. Consider Co-op programs. Request a double room as single rooms and/or suite style residences cost more. Check to see if your institution will allow you to opt out of medical/dental coverage if you can be covered on a parent plan. There is a deadline date to do this! Once on campus, visit the financial aid office to seek out possible bursaries. Consult your insurance company (vehicle) to determine if they provide a reduced rate for students who attend a post-secondary institution greater than ??? (varies) kilometers from home. Purchase second hand or ebooks. Research how your school handles this! Consider lowering cell phone/text message charges Check out the part time jobs available on your campus Watch what you are using your swipe meal card for. Vending machines can add up! SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FORMS Check Electronicinfo/First Year Calendars to determine whether your program requires such a form Required by many universities & may be weighed equally with marks (If not submitted, the student will not be considered for admission!) Used to demonstrate non-academic strengths & involvement (If you lack non-academic experience, it is not too late to start GET INVOLVED) Some institutions mail forms directly to students’ home BUT most post the form on a website/portal. (Usually available around Dec.) Submitted by the student electronically to the appropriate institution (DO NOT leave until the last minute in case of technical problems!) Must look professional (thoughtfully prepared, thorough, well written, edited & word processed) Make a rough copy first, reviewing your portfolio to make sure you include all relevant experiences Keep a copy of the finished product Check deadlines! SAMPLE QUESTIONS • List all the extracurricular activities you were involved in, including positions held, between Sept. 10 and Aug. 14. (eg. Music, athletics, student council, volunteer work etc, do not include job related activities or co-op) • Please describe a creative endeavor (literature, art, music, science) that has had a meaningful influence on you, and tell us about that influence. • Tell us about a time when you were part of a team that was not successful in its endeavors and explain what you learned from this experience. • Please describe a non-academic aspect of your life that you feel is important to your sense of self and explain why. • In point form, list the teaching, teachingrelated or life experiences that you identify as significant in preparing you to be an educator. Include the location, duration, age group, and nature or your responsibilities • Please discuss a social, political or environmental issue that has impacted on your thoughts, views or understanding and the outcome of that impact. • List any part - or full time employment you have had in the part two years and indicate the number of hours worked each week. • List any awards or distinctions you have won. (eg. Community citations, scholarships, subject prizes, competitions) HOMEWORK! 1. 2. 3. 4. Check to see if your programs require a supplementary application form. Once available, print a copy of the form. Begin making point form notes on how you wish to answer the questions. As ideas come to mind, make sure you write them down! Review your portfolio. Set the middle of January as the due date for your final copy to be completed. Make sure you proofread, edit and revise before submitting. Ask a parent or friend to edit your final copy for you. YOUR BEST ADVOCATE IS YOU….. SELL YOURSELF!