Empirical and Molecular Formulas

P. Perkerson
* Empirical formula is defined as the smallest
whole number ratio of atoms in a formula.
* Ionic compounds will usually(but not always)
be empirical but covalent compounds often
are not
* Ex.
MgCl2 a 1:2 ratio
2:6 ratio – not the smallest
whole number ratio, so not empirical. Simplify
to CH3 and that is the empirical formula
* When an unknown substance is analyzed in a
crime lab, the mass spectrometer gives the
percent of each element present in the
sample. From that information the empirical
formula can be calculated.
* Keep going and let’s see how that works!
* When percents are given, we assume that we
have 100 grams of the sample. That makes it
easy to convert the percents to grams
because percent means “parts per hundred
* Analysis shows a substance is composed of
38.43% Mn, 16.80% C, and 44.77% O so…
* 38.43g Mn
* 16.80 g C
* 44.77 g O
* Next step is to convert grams to moles
* 38.43g Mn
* 16.80 g C
* 44.77 g O
1 mol Mn
54.94g Mn
1 mol C
12.01g C
1 mol O
16.00 g O
= 0.6995 mol Mn
= 1.399 mol C
= 2.798 mol O
*Now we divide all by the small! In other
words, divide each mole value by the
smallest mole value. If the number is
within one tenth of a whole number round
it. If it is NOT within a tenth, you have
to multiply each by some number so that
they are all whole numbers and those
become the subscripts in the formula.
* 0.6995 mol Mn/ 0.6995 = 1
* 1.399 mol C/ 0.6995 = 2
* 2.798 mol O/ 0.6995 = 4
* The empirical formula is MnC2O4
* Conveniently, all of those numbers could be
rounded to a whole number. But what if one
of them came out to be 1.5? Simple, just
multiply everything by 2. What it if was 1.25
or 1.33?
* Your turn!
* Unknown substance is analyzed and found to
be composed of 34.53% zinc, 14.79%
nitrogen, and 50.68% oxygen. Calculate the
empirical formula. Show all work!!
* For many compounds, particularly covalent,
the empirical formula is not the true formula.
The molecular formula is always a whole
number multiple of the empirical formula. To
determine what that multiplier would be,
divide the molecular formula mass by the
empirical formula mass.
* Ex. Maleic acid has a molecular formula mass
of 116.10 g/mol and an empirical formula mass
of29.02 g/mol and the empirical formula is
* Divide 116.02 by 29.02 =4 (3.9979) so 4 is
the multiplier and the molecular formula for
maleic acid is C4H4O4
* Your turn! Silver oxalate has a molecular
molar mass of 303.80 g/mol and is composed
* 71.02% silver
* 7.91% carbon
* 21.07% oxygen
* Determine the empirical and molecular