ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY 1. The name of the popular type of stone used to make ancient tools. FLINT 2. Define a scythe. TOOL USED FOR REAPING CROPS 3. Who invented the printing press? GUTENBERG 4. Who invented the wheel? SUMERIANS 5. Define propagation. REPRODUCING PLANTS 6. Name three important Egyptian hunting tools. HARPOON, FISHHOOK, ARROW 7. Literacy is the ability to do what? READ AND WRTIE 8. The first book printed using the printing press. BIBLE 9. Define intercropping. PLANTING A CROP BETWEEN LARGER CROPS 10. Medicine was widely studied during what time period? RENAISSANCE 11. Explain who Brahe was and his contribution to the world of science. DESCRIBED 770 STARS BROUGHT ASTRONOMICAL KNOWLEDGE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 12. Explain who Copernicus was and his contributions to the world of science. TAUGHT THAT THE PLANETS REVOLVE AROURND THE SUN 13. Explain who Galileo was and his contributions to the world of science. FIRST TO USE THE TELESCOPE FOR ASTRONOMY 14. Explain who Kepler was and his contributions to the world of science. BROUGHT ASTRONOMICAL KNOWLEDGE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 15. Define irrigation. PROCESS OF GETTING WATER TO CROPS 16. Define domestication. TAMING OF WILD PLANTS AND ANIMALS 17. Name two of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous paintings. THE LAST SUPPER, THE MONA LISA 18. How did Da Vinci make breakthroughs in medicine? DISSECTING HUMAN BODIES 19. The classical period began in what year? Ended? 700 BCE-600CE 20. Describe a nomadic community. GROUP OF PEOPLE THAT MOVE FROM PLACE TO PLACE 21. Describe an agricultural community. GROW THEIR OWN FOOO 22. What major time period was dominated by the Greeks and Romans Period and was a tim of rebirth? 23. Why were the Dark Ages referred to as the “Dark Ages?” low literacy rate, unfair punishments 24. T or F: Most people received school/education during the Dark Ages. F 25. During the Middle Ages people were governed by what? SUPERSTITION 26. Education and the arts were important in what time period? RENAISSANCE 27. The Renaissance began in what year? Ended? 1350-1550 Important People in World History Study Guide: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What was Ramses II known for? BUILDING PROJECTS Marco Polo was from where? ITALY King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella led during what? SPANISH INQUISITION Who invented the printing press? Johannes Gutenberg Where was Joan of Arc from? FRANCE Who strongly opposed the indulgences of the Catholic Church? Martin Luther Who said, “The unexamined life is not worth living?” Socrates 8. Who believed that having one strong leader was the best type of government? Aristotle 9. Who ruled Macedonia after his father Phillip was killed? Alexander the Great 10. Who claimed his cousin, Edward named him heir to the throne? William the Conqueror 11. Who was a Roman military and political leader that reorganized local government? Julius Caesar 12. What was the date for the Classical Period? 700 BCE-600CE 13. What was the date for the Dark Ages? 500-1000CE 14. What was the date for the Middle Ages? 500-1400CE 15. What was the date for the Renaissance? 1350-1550 CE 16. Who was one of the most famous Pharaoh’s of all time? Ramses II 17. This man wrote a book about traveling down the Silk Road. Marco Polo 18. Who was burned at the stake? Joan of Arc 19. This man was assassinated by people that thought he had too much power. Julius Caesar 20. Who conquered more land and added more land to the Greek Empire? Alexander the Great 21. Who was considered to be the Father of Europe? Charlemagne Aka Charles the Great 22. Who invaded England and then was crowned king? William the Conqueror 23. What event led to the end of the Middle Ages and to the beginning of the Renaissance? Black Death 24. List two reasons the Dark Ages was called the Dark Ages. Low literacy rates, disease, uneducated people. 25. Which time period refers to philosophers and advances in society? Renaissance EXPLORATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How did the Renaissance lead to exploration? THE PEOPLE WERE CURIOUS In general, who sponsored voyages around the world? KINGS AND QUEENS What was a navigational tool explorers used? ASTROLABE How did lateen sails help the explorers? ALLOWED TRAVEL INTO OR AGAINST THE WIND What was the name of the smaller type of ship that was faster than cargo ships? CARAVEL Who was the Italian sailor that sailed to the “new world?” CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS What was the Columbian Exchange? EXCHANGE FROM EUROPE AND CARIBBEAN THAT INVOLVED PLANTS, ANIMALS AND DISEASES 8. Who sponsored Christopher Columbus? KING FERDINAND AND QUEEN ISABELLA 9. Where did Columbus establish trade routes? EUROPE, AFRICA, CARIBBEAN 10. Describe Triangular Trade. EUROPE BOUGHT SLAVES FROM AFRICA THAT WERE SENT TO THE CARIBBEAN. GOODS FROM THE CARIBBEAN WERE SENT TO EUROPE AND SOLD. THE MONEY WAS USED TO BUY MORE SLAVES. 11. What is a colony? LAND OR REGION CONTROLLED BY A FOREIGN POWER 12. What is mercantilism? INCREASING EXPORTS AND DECREASING IMPORTS 13. How were colonies helpful in mercantilism? THEY PROVIDED RAW MATERIALS 14. Where did explorers representing Portugal establish sugar plantations? WEST COAST OF AFRICA 15. What country was Christopher Columbus representing? SPAIN 16. Where did Henry Cabot go when he was representing England? NORTH AMERICAN COASTLINE 17. Who did the Dutch send to the New York harbor? HENRY HUDSON