The New York Yankees


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Christina Cafiero

Ms .


English 103

19 November 2009

The New York Yankees

The New York Yankees are a big Major League Baseball team in the American League .

With their 26 World Series Championship wins, the Yankees have become either a loved or hated team by fans or opponents .

The Yankees’ biggest rivalry is the Boston Red Sox which is one of the most known among sports fans .

This past summer, the Yankees built a new stadium that has brought them attention and a fresh new start for this season .

They just won the 2009

World Series against the 2008 defending champions, the Philadelphia Phillies, which the

Yankees have not won since 2000 .

With their success, the Yankees have had many opportunities to advertise well .

The New York Yankees build a powerful ethos by being successful on the field which makes other companies want to align with that ethos while promoting with the Yankees’ powerful organization .

The New York Yankees have their own form of advertising with the Yankee Magazine .

In the magazine there are articles about the Yankees along with advertisements for other products .

The two most prominent advertisements were Dunkin’ Donuts and Zale’s .


Dunkin’ Donuts ad was a picture of a steaming cup of coffee in a foam cup with the Dunkin’

Donuts logo printed on it along with the slogan, “America runs on Dunkin’ .

” There was a phrase above the cup of coffee that read, “Heat up the postseason…official coffee of the New York

Yankees” (Dunkin’ Donuts) .

With this phrase, Dunkin’ Donuts wants to be associated with the

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Yankees’ ethos so fans will drink the company’s coffee .

Although Starbucks is seen as the more powerful coffee company, Dunkin’ Donuts wants to build a strong ethos because they are in competition with each other. Dunkin’ Donuts can achieve this goal by promoting themselves with the Yankees .

With a powerful ethos like this, Dunkin’ Donuts wants to become the more prominent coffee company over Starbucks .

In the Zale’s advertisement there is a picture of a baseball diamond that reads, “You know a great diamond when you see one” under the image .

There is another picture of two rings underneath that with a phrase that says, “So does she” (Zale’s) .

The ad is comparing two

“diamonds” that appeal to a male and a female while making a clever connection between them .

The Zale’s logo is at the bottom of the page and the ad is for the “Celebration Diamond .

” The

Yankees are promoting this product because they are also celebrating their success from the 2009 season with the World Series win. Both companies are advertising with the Yankees because they want to build the same powerful ethos that the team has .

According to Lola Esteban, and the other authors of “Customer Directed Advertising and Product Quality," advertising while using the mass media is the best way to sell a product .

Every company selects a certain advertising technique to target the intended audience by using a form of mass media including television, radio stations, and the Internet (Esteban 2) .

The Yankees isolated this process by choosing to advertise with their own magazine .

Although the Yankees have their own magazine, they are still advertising themselves within the magazine by associating their ethos with these other companies .

The Yankees are ultimately trying to sell tickets for games and increase the team’s fan base .

The organization has advertised this way to get them closer to their goal of being the

Cafiero 3 most powerful baseball team .

This concept derives from the team’s creation of a successful ethos .

There are also companies that compete with one another to build an ethos with the New

York Yankees or the MLB in general, including MasterCard and Visa .

These two credit card companies are well known because of their commercials and sponsorship with the MLB organization .

The most popular MasterCard commercials are the “Priceless” commercials and in order for Visa to be a top competitor, they made a commercial with the Yankees .

In the commercial George Steinbrenner, the owner of the Yankees is reprimanding Derek Jeter for going out every night to clubs, bars, and dancing .

He asks Jeter, “How do you do it?” Derek Jeter responds by holding up the Visa Check Card and Steinbrenner says, “Oh!” The next scene shows

Jeter and Steinbrenner dancing in a conga line .

This commercial is trying to convey the message that “If Derek Jeter can go out using the Visa Check Card, then everyone else who uses the Visa

Check Card can!” By having famous baseball players such as Derek Jeter in commercials, the

Yankees are building their successful ethos while sharing it with companies like Visa .

Steve McKelvey, and the other authors of "MasterCard and Major League Baseball:

Metrics for Evaluating a Most "Memorable" Promotion," discuss the different sponsorships that

MasterCard has with sports companies. The MLB, however, is the most prominent sponsorship claims the article written in the Sport Marketing Quarterly.

In response, MasterCard began promoting with the MLB because they wanted to target a sporty audience and their objective was

“to drive brand preference and awareness to ultimately increase MasterCard usage” (McKelvey

255) .

Visa and MasterCard are both sponsored by the MLB and compete with each other for a powerful ethos by making commercials with the Yankees or creating advertisements with the

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The Yankees are a very popular team and well known to the public, not just Yankee fans .

Advertisements with them will promote each company in a positive way and ultimately get fans to use their product because of the team’s successful ethos .

In return, the Yankees continue to build that ethos .

There are two other commercials that the Yankees have used to exploit the rivalry between them and the Red Sox and to promote their star shortstop, Derek Jeter .

In the first commercial a Red Sox fan walks into a New York pizza shop .

He sits down to eat his pizza and fans are staring at him while he takes off his jacket and they see a Red Sox shirt .

The fan looks around and awes all the Yankee paraphernalia on the wall; he looks down to see the Yankee logo on his piece of pizza .

The fan gets up and runs out of the pizza parlor realizing that he is unwelcome .

At the end of the commercial reads, “ESPN where rivalries are celebrated .

” This commercial promotes ESPN using two big MLB team names .

Because this is one of the biggest rivalries known in sports, ESPN wanted to be associated with the two teams, especially the

Yankees because of the team’s strong ethos .

This helps ESPN to have more viewers but this also helps the Yankees because the fans watch ESPN for the baseball games .

By associating themselves with ESPN, the Yankees are promoting their team and attracting fans to watch their games on television .

The other commercial focuses on the Yankees golden-glove shortstop, Derek Jeter .

In the

“I Live For This” commercial, Jeter is not only promoting the MLB on the FOX network but also the Yankees while building their powerful ethos .

The commercial begins with a train ride through the Bronx, where Yankee Stadium is located .

While Jeter is talking about why he loves

Cafiero 5 playing the game and what he loves about the game, flashes of him making a play or hitting the ball are shown .

The way Derek Jeter describes his passion for baseball can relate to other fans and their passion for the game, as well, or even for those who have a passion for something else .

This commercial makes a fan want to be a part of something bigger than them and it gets them motivated to go out there and find something that they love to do .

In this commercial there are three companies being promoted, the MLB, FOX, and the Yankees all through Derek Jeter .

FOX is another station that televises the Yankees’ games and by using Derek Jeter as a symbol in the commercial, the Yankees are building the team’s successful ethos .

All of these companies help promote the Yankees by advertising with them which will attract fans to watch their games .

Companies, including the Yankees, use “technology [that] makes it possible to implement three different promotional strategies: mass advertising, imperfectly targeted advertising, and customer directed advertising (CDA)” (Esteban 3) .

These different strategies are isolated differently between companies which are related to the advertising technique of the seller’s choice, in this case the Yankees (Esteban 18) .

The Yankees’ advertising technique is to build a successful ethos that makes other companies’ products want gain the same ethos by promoting their product with the team .

In order for the Yankees to be successful in the marketing world, they must be successful on the playing field .

How the Yankees perform on the field reflects how successful their ethos is .

The Yankees had a great season that continued all the way to the World Series .

With the

Yankees 2009 World Series win, merchandise sales are going to increase exponentially .

Before this, however, the Yankees took each win step by step .

NBC Sports released the article “Yankees

Cafiero 6 top Red Sox to clinch AL East title,” which published the Yankees’ win over the Boston Red

Sox to clinch the American League East title .

The Yankees have been favored to win the World

Series since the beginning of the 2009 season .

Big players such as Mark Teixeira, Alex

Rodriguez, and manager Joe Girardi were interviewed during the article (NBC Sports 1) .

Winning the AL East Title bumped the Yankees up to the next level of their performance which leads a strong ethos .

The Yankees have always been a famous team because of their success and this helps them even more by getting noticed in the press .

The Yankees’ success has also been published by Alfred Santasiere III in the Yankee

Magazine .

“Leading the Way,” is about how Derek Jeter and Mariano Rivera have led the team throughout the season and over the past 14 and 15 years that they each have been with the team

(Santasiere III 1) .

These two players have helped with the success of their team, not just on the field, but with advertising .

As mentioned before, Derek Jeter is a symbol for the Yankees which builds the team’s successful ethos .

Those who love the Yankees are dedicated fans and those who hate the Yankees believe that they are only successful because of the amount of money they have as an organization .

This derives from the successful market and merchandise sales .

This is what helps to drive the team and create a powerful ethos for the Yankees organization .

With this, the Yankees will have other companies wanting the same ethos which will make the team even more successful as an organization .

These other companies will take the Yankee name to a whole new level which will make fans want to buy products that the Yankees promote with .

The money that the Yankees organization has is directly correlated with the success of the team on the playing field which builds a powerful ethos .

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As stated before, how the Yankees advertise depends on the intended target audience .

Because the Yankees are trying to attract fans, they advertise through television, magazines, and other forms of print .

A poster with an image of Yankee Stadium advertises the new Yankee

Stadium that was built this past summer that is being looked at from an upper-level seat behind home plate .

The whole stadium is lit up and the field is distinctly outlined by the green outfield and dirt infield with the Yankee symbol painted behind home plate .

At the bottom of the poster reads “Yankee Stadium” with the Yankee logo in between the two words .

This picture of the stadium promotes the new field and makes fans want to see a Yankee game live because of how big the new stadium looks .

This poster reminds fans of being at the field, watching the Yankees, and being surrounded in the overall aura of the game .

With this, ticket sales increase because fans want to see the game live rather than watch it on their television at home which leads to a successful ethos .

On the other hand, negative advertising can affect the team as well .

There was an incident on December 13, 2007 called the Mitchell Report .

George Mitchell, former U .

S .

Senator, accused 89 MLB players and 60 former players of using “illegal performance-enhancement drugs” (Mitchell Report 1) .

In the report there were Yankees players’ names that were mentioned including two valuable pitchers, Roger Clemens and Andy Petite .

The main issue in the report was that in 2004, “baseball secretly suspended drug testing” for part of the season after “federal authorities seized the 2003 drug results as part of the Balco case .

The suspension, of unclear length, was kept secret by agreement of the commissioner’s office and players’ association”

(Mitchell Report 1) .

This created bad press for the Yankees and questioned their integrity .


Cafiero 8 lost interest in the team and the Yankee’s ethos was not as strong as it was in the years preceding the incident .

“Performance Enhancing Substances,” by Jarred R .

Tynes, is an article from the Journal of Legal Medicine .

Tynes states in the article that the pressure to become better has made athletes take performance enhancement drugs .

The side effects of performance enhancing drugs are very negative and extremely harmful to the body .

Tynes discusses the federal regulations for these drugs and how the “MLB is subject to the majority of the criticism about performance enhancing substances and steroids use” (502) .

Having learned this, the Yankees could be seen in a negative way which takes away fans and makes it harder for them to build their ethos .

Now, companies might not want to be associated with the Yankee’s diminishing ethos and it could take away the organization’s sponsorships .

Players need to be more careful on how they take care of their bodies because not only does it reflect a poor ethos onto the team, but the performance on the playing field decreases as well .

The players also need to realize that they are the face of the organization and they need to be at the top of their game if they want to build a powerful ethos for the Yankees. With this, other companies are not going to want to associate themselves with the Yankees’ poor ethos .

This will reduce the amount of advertising opportunities that the team will receive .

In order for the Yankees to build up their ethos again, the team must return to step one which is being successful on the field .

Now that the Yankees have rebuilt their ethos again by winning the World Series, merchandise sales have increased .

The Yankees ethos is even more powerful than before because they are the number one team for the 2009 season .

Some Yankee fans, however, discourage

Cafiero 9 others from buying merchandise .

There are those who buy Yankee apparel because of the logo not because they are actual fans .

Dedicated Yankee fans believe that these fans cheer for the team because they win not because they are true fans .

Yankee hats are the biggest piece of apparel that is sold and there are many different designs .

Only the original Yankee hat is worn by devoted fans because it is the one that the actual players wear .

This is what separates the true fans from the “fans” that only wear the apparel .

Although this upsets the devoted Yankee fans, the team is rebuilding their powerful ethos and making the organization more successful .

When people wear Yankee apparel they are advertising the team even though they don’t truly support it .

The Yankee logo is still being displayed and the organization is still building a successful ethos because of the extra merchandise sales .

With this, other companies want to align themselves again with the Yankees’ successful ethos because of their positive increase in the market .

The Yankees also build their powerful ethos with the new Yankee Stadium .

The Yankees generated new marketing techniques with this new product that follow the “equation” in the marketing mix .

This equation is used when a seller is trying to promote a new product .


“general advertising technology” isolated throughout the equation is the “target” audience, which in this case is the Yankee fans (Esteban 6) .

The three key elements to the marketing mix are price, product, and promotion .

“The type of advertising strategy influences price and product positioning” when it comes to the different types of advertising techniques (Esteban 3) .

Ultimately, the price of a product effects how it is promoted. All of the elements are related to one another in a way that makes marketing successful. With a successful marketing mix, the

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Yankees can build a powerful ethos. The Yankees are a part of the big market, versus the small market, because they are so successful .

The team dominates on the field because they have a successful organization which created a powerful ethos for the Yankees. Because the Yankees effectively isolate the “marketing mix strategies,” they are considered to be at the high-end of the

“marketing power” scale (Esteban 4) .

With this powerful ethos that the Yankees are continuing to build, other companies want to align themselves with this ethos and they want to be associated with such a strong organization .

The Yankees have a very successful ethos because they market themselves extremely well .

This began with their successful season that continued all the way to the 2009 World

Series. Their triumphant championship win against the Phillies has really helped to improve the

Yankees ethos since the Mitchell Report. The Yankees have been through a long journey because of the incident which has decreased the team’s integrity and ethos. Since then, they have rebuilt their powerful ethos by winning and performing well on the playing field. The New York

Yankees strongest marketing technique that gives them this extremely dominant ethos is their promotion with other companies such as Dunkin’ Donuts, Zale’s, MasterCard, Visa, FOX, and


These other companies endorse the Yankees because they want to build the same successful ethos that the team has .

The organization also has the Yankee magazine and the

Yankee website along with commercials that advertise their players, such as Derek Jeter .


Jeter builds the Yankees’ ethos by promoting the team in commercials .

While being a marketing major, I have become very interested in the Yankees’ marketing strategies and successful ethos .

When searching for an advertising job, I hope to work for a company that maintains the same powerful ethos like the Yankees because I know that they will be successful organization .

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