A&P Quiz 9/4/08 - Cloudfront.net

homework terms:
Define: dorsal, ventral, lateral, medial, anterior, posterior, anatomical position, sagittal plane, transverse plane, coronal plane,
frontal plane, distal, proximal, supine, prone, superior, inferior, extension, flexion, adduction, abduction, rotation, superficial,
deep, thoracic
Quiz on Friday, from memory
Basic terms
cephalic - head
cranial – skull
temporal – side of skull
cervical – neck
orbital – around the eye
otic – ear
buccal – inside the cheek
zygomatic – cheek bone
nasal thoracic – chest area
abdominal – area below the diaphragm, belly area
lumbar – lower back
brachial – arm
olecranon process - point of elbow
carpal – wrist
digital – fingers and toes
pollex - thumb
gluteal – buttock
pelvic – hips
inguinal - groin
femoral - thigh
patella – knee cap
popliteal – area behind the knee
tarsal – ankle
pedal – foot
plantar – sole of the foot
hallux – big toe
Anatomical Position
standing, arms down, palms forward
In anatomy left and right always means the patient’s left and patient’s right
Levels of organization of body
chemicals – atomsīƒ  moleculesīƒ macromolecules
organ systems (name the 11 systems)
nucleic acids
Make a chart of the 11 systems, their functions and give 5 example organs for each
system. (many organs are associated with more than 1 system).
Anatomy - study of location and shape/form of organs (dissection)
Physiology – how does the organ function: biochemistry (microscope, chemical tests)
Anatomical Position: standing, arms _____________, palms _____________________
In anatomy left and right always means the patient’s left and patient’s right
body cavities – list the organs in each cavity
cranial –
spinal –
thoracic –
abdominal –
pelvic –
Diagram the 9 abdominal regions pg 12/15
3 somatotypes (explain the health risks/benefits of each)
ectomorph – naturally thin with little fat; flat muscles; they have a hard time gaining weight
mesomorph – athletic, can gain or lose weight easily
endomorph - rounder, lots of fat and muscle; gain weight easily
pear shape _____________________________________________________________
apple shape ____________________________________________________________
belly side___________________________ opposite the belly side ___________________________
toward the head/face___________________________ toward the rear___________________________
toward the top or higher up ___________________________
lower, used relative to some point ___________________________
closer to the midline ______________________ further from the midline; to the side ________________
closer to the trunk of the body, used relative to some point ___________________________
further away from the trunk, used relative to some point___________________________
plane that divides the body into top and bottom___________________________
plane that divides the body into left and right sides ___________________________
plane that divides the body into front and back; has 2 names _____________________________________
add nasal to list of face words
Read about homeostasis and summarize it in your notes.
negative feedback = inhibitory, something increases n turns something else off
maintains homeostasis
positive feedback = stimulatory
ex. contractions leading to birth
What is the difference between anatomy and physiology?
physiology terms
hypo –
hyper –
metabolism – all the physical and chemical reactions in the body
catabolism – reactions that destroy (cat scratches up furniture)
anabolism – reactions that build up (Anna is a body builder)
Vocabulary Quiz 8/30/2013
____1. plane that divides the body into left and right sides
A. abduction
____2. plane that divides the body into front and back; has 2 names
B. adduction
____3. plane that divides the body into top and bottom
C. anterior
____4. belly side
D. coronal plane
____5. opposite the belly side
E. deep
____6. closer to the midline
G. distal
____7. further from the midline; to the side
H. dorsal
____8. toward the head/face
J. extension
____9. toward the rear
K. flexion
____10. closer to the trunk of the body, used relative to some point
L. frontal plane
____11. further away from the trunk, used relative to some point
M. inferior
____12. toward the top or higher up
O. lateral
____13. lower, used relative to some point
P. medial
____14. laying on your back, face up
R. posterior
____15.on your face (think bowing to a king on his throne)
S. prone
____16. near the surface
T. proximal
____17. circular movement around the longitudinal axis of a bone
V. rotation
____18. straightening a joint resulting in an increased angle
W. sagittal plane
____19. bending a joint resulting in a decreased angle
X. superior
____20. chest area
Y. superficial
____21. moving a limb away from the trunk of the body
Z. supine
____22. moving a limb closer to the midline
aa. thoracic
____23. away from the surface; further inside
bb. transverse plane
cc. ventral
24. On the back, explain or draw the anatomical position.
DD. ventricle
A&P Test 9/5/13
1. The sum total of all physical and chemical processes in the body is _______________________________
2. plane that divides body into left + right
3. plane that divides body into front+ back ______________________________________
4. plane that divides body into top+ bottom ___________________________________
5. The lungs are _____________________ to the heart.
6. The lungs are ____________________ to the diaphragm.
7. The wrist is ________________ to the elbow.
8. The knee is _________________ to the ankle.
9. moving a limb away from the trunk of the body __________________________________
10. laying on your back, face up ________________________
11. bending a joint resulting in a decreased angle ______________________________
12. Name the body part that is anterior, lateral to the midsagittal plane, and superior to the nasal area.
13. Name the phalange that is inferior to the tarsal and most medial to the pedal area.
For the following, explain what would you be doing in Anatomy Twister:
14. pollux to buccal __________________________________________________________
15. right digits to lumbar region ______________________________________________
16. right plantar area put medial to patella ______________________________________________
17. superior pedal area put to the popliteal area _______________________________________________
18. right olecranon process to left femoral ______________________________________________________
Translate these into Anatomy Twister:
19. put your right wrist to the right side of your head _________________________________________
20. put your right thumb between your eyes _____________________________________________________
21. What is the general term for body type? ______________________________________
22. Name and describe the body type that is at highest risk. _____________________________________
23. How is anatomy different from physiology? _________________________________________________
24. Fill in the correct body systems, organs, and functions.
femur, skull, vertebrae, ulna, tibia
movement and heat production
breaks down food for energy and
molecular building blocks
brain, spinal cord, nerves, eye, ear
slower, but longer lasting communication
and control
skin, hair follicles, sweat glands
removes liquid metabolic wastes
nose, trachea, bronchi, lungs
lymph nodes, tonsils, white blood cells
ovaries, uterus
or testes, prostate gland
Greek and Latin Root Words
cyte or cyto – cell
osteo – bones
chondro - cartilage
peps – digesting
endo – inside
exo – outside
inter – between
intra – inside
trans – across
hydro – water
phil – love
phobe – fear
lys – destroy
aero – air or with oxygen
a or an - not
ology – study of
tome or tomy – to cut
ped (Latin) - foot
ped (Greek) – child
pod (Greek) foot
pseudo – false
therm – heat
mal – bad
dis – not or against
a or an – not
anti – opposite
peri – around
mort - death
grav – heavy
vac – empty
juxta - beside
itis – inflammation
graph – to write
andro – male
homo – same
hetero – different
circu – circle
com – with
pre - before
post – after
ampl – abundant
viv – alive
norm – rule
acri – sharp
carn – flesh
form - shape