Think Globally, Act Locally, Connect Cosmically Path to Personal & Business Enlightenment Sun, Sustainability & Salutogenesis (Survive * Understand * Love) Convergence & Resilient Alliance of 3 SOHOs: Small Office Home Office Solar Heliospheric Observatory Self-Organising Holarchic Open system (This is a thesis on Soho, Sun, Soul and surviving the coming crises) Path to Personal & Business Enlightenment The Year 2008 could well be remembered as the commencement of the convergence of crises (Food / Fuel / Finance etc) for Mankind. Therefore, there will be no better present for the New Year than the gift of Path to Personal and Business Enlightenment in 2009 and beyond. The Path to Personal & Business Enlightenment would have many steps, which could broadly be considered as consisting of the following three steep flights of stairs: (1) Surviving (2) Understanding (3) Wisdom & Love Path to Personal & Business Enlightenment ….. The Manageability / Comprehensibility / Meaningfulness will give us a Sense of Coherence (SOC) which is the source of our Health and Wellbeing or Wealth. This is the essence of the Thesis of Salutogenesis, , the term first used and promulgated by Aaron Antonovsky in 1979, in the context of alternative medicine. Path to Personal & Business Enlightenment …. Individually, we might have to earn our keep by making better and more efficient use of Small Office Home Office (SOHO). We might have to produce portion of our foods by having better understanding of permaculture ( or permanent agriculture, the most famous Australian cultural export, courtesy of Bill Mollison) in particular and ecology in general, including the Sun (partly through the Solar Heliospheric Observatory, another SOHO of the second kind). Corporation-wise, managers might have to get a quick grasp of the differences amongst Hierarchy / Holarchy / Panarchy, the essence of which is better understood by studying the behavior of Holons (the universal SelfOrganizing Holarchic Open system, another SOHO of the third kind). The Big Three also represents the local / global / cosmic aspects of any holistic solutions. This is equivalent to “Think Globally, Act Locally, Connect Cosmically”. SOHOLUTION: A Path to Personal and Business Enlightenment. A method of creative solution-seeking by Think Globally, Act Locally, Connect Cosmically. It has its origin in the convergence / evolution of the three SOHO’s : surviving the coming crises Small Office Home Office (SOHO) Solar Heliospheric Observatory (Sun) Self-Organizing Holarchi Open system (Soul) SOHO, Sun and Soul represent Local, Global and Cosmic respectively. It is also about SURVIVE / UNDERSTAND / LOVE, as SOHO is a way to earn a living, while knowing the Sun is to understand the world and Soul is Wisdom / Love, yielding true Wealth, Health & Wellbeing (Salutogenesis). It is also about Sohominium (SOHO in condominium) / Solarization (Tapping solar energy) / Soulization (Wisdom & Love). Related concepts: Triple Bottom Line, Corporate Social Responsibility, Permaculture etc. etc. Business Savvies vs. Values Savvies Business Savvies vs. Systems Savvies Systems Savvies vs. Sustainability Savvies Sustainability Savvies vs. Ecosystems Savvies Ecosystems Savvies vs. Holism Savvies Holism Savvies vs. Theology Savvies Happiness & Sense of Coherence Hedonistic (Pleasure / Pleasant Life) Desire (Engagement / Good Life) Objective Meaning (Meaningful Life) Authentic Happiness: All Three combined Salutogenesis / Sense of Coherence Manageability Comprehensibility Meaningfulness So, what are we selling? So, what are we selling …? In the market economy, there can be recognized five types of economic offering as follows: Agrarian Industrial Service Experience Transformation We like to classify ourselves as the last category, even though the SOHOLUTION approach certainly contains the other elements as well. You can definitely recognize the relevant components as you explore deeper and participate actively in the full range of offerings. Some Concepts & Definitions …… for your better and easier understanding The Sun and the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) The Sun is our own star (there are billions of stars). Ultimately, all our energies come from the Sun or stars. Petrol and gases are but fossilized sun-light (derived from ancient plant masses buried deep underground). Plants depend on sunlight for photosynthesis which is the ultimate source of foods. We owe our existence to the Sun. All materials on Earth originated from stars. Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is a special spacecraft designed to study the Sun. Solarization: Making use of the energy from the Sun. Different methods, esp. Photosynthesis etc How you yourself relate personally to the Sun: your level of “Solarization”, environment- and energy-awareness etc? The Sun & You How do you yourself relate personally to the Sun? What is the level of your “Solarization” in term of energy- and environment-awareness and consciousness? Sustainability Sustainability, in a general sense, is the capacity to maintain a certain process or state. The concept of sustainability applies to all aspects of life on Earth and is commonly defined within ecological, social and economic contexts. Sustainable Development is defined as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.“ The idea of sustainability has equal applicability to businesses and corporations and individual lives. Is our lifestyle (yours and mine) sustainable? Salutogenesis Salutogenesis is an alternative medicine concept that focuses on factors that support human health and well-being rather than on factors that cause disease (pathogenesis). The term salutogenesis comes from the Latin salus = health and the Greek genesis = origin.The term was first used by Aaron Antonovsky in 1979, who argued that the experience of well-being constitutes a Sense of Coherence (SOC). This SOC is the result of the collective effects of resources and processes conducive to health and well-being. Aaron Antonovsky identifies three inherent prerequisites that determine a person’s abilities to cope as: Manageability: The recognition of the resources required to meet the demands and a willingness to search them out. Comprehensibility: The conceptual perception of the world being understandable, meaningful, orderly and consistent rather than chaotic, random and unpredictable. Meaningfulness: The profound emotive experience of life as making sense and thus coping being desirable. Health is a sense of well-being; it is the ability of the organism to deal with strain and pressure; it is self-realisation, finding meaning and social integration, dealing with challenges, handling stress, crises and times of change… Self-Organizing Holarchi Open (SOHO) system A holon (Greek: holos, "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. The word was coined by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine Regier and Kay (1996), following Koestler, use the term SOHO systems - self-organizing holarchic open systems. They follow Koestler in order to emphasize recognition that a "holon" must be defined contextually they are 'parts' as well as 'wholes.' SOHOs are self-organizing in that "they will look after themselves" (Kay 1994), and are dissipative systems. A holon is a system (or phenomenon) that is a whole in itself as well as a part of a larger system. It can be conceived as systems nested within each other. Every system can be considered a holon, from a subatomic particle to the universe as a whole. A hierarchy of holons is called a holarchy. We are all always “Always Partial, Already Whole”. Permaculture is also good example (see below). The Universe is a Holon. So are you. Panarchy The term was created as an ante-thesis to the word hierarchy in its original meaning of a set of sacred rules. Panarchy is a framework of nature's rules, hinted at by the name of the Greek god of naturePan - whose persona also evokes an image of unpredictable change. The essential focus of Panarchy is to rationalize the interplay between change and persistence, between the predictable and unpredictable, to represent structures that sustain experiments, test its results and allow adaptive evolution. Panarchy ….. The whole panarchy is both creative and conserving. The interactions between cycles in a panarchy combines learning with continuity. That clarifies the meaning of sustainable development. Sustainability is the capacity to create, test and maintain adaptive capability. Development is the process of creating, testing and maintaining opportunity. The phrase that combines the two, sustainable development, is therefore not an oxymoron but represents a logical partnership. Permaculture The word permaculture, coined by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren during the 1970s, is a portmanteau of permanent agriculture as well as permanent culture. Through a series of publications, Mollison, Holmgren and their associates documented an approach to designing human settlements, in particular the development of perennial agricultural systems that mimic the structure and interrelationship found in natural ecologies. “As an integrated design science, however, food is just one part of the permaculture equation. Permaculture equally addresses and integrates water, energy, waste, shelter, community, local economy, governance and all other aspects of sustainable living. It's broad, it's exciting, and it's blindingly relevant to the challenges we all face. The Permaculture Flower Small Office Home Office (SOHO) Alternative Work-mode Lifestyle (either voluntarily or involuntarily) that is homebased, including telecommuting if companies / corporations so arranged. Freelancers, out-sourced work assignments etc. etc. Entrepreneurial start-up at home This could be a world-wide trend in the years ahead. There will be many economic activities that provide special products and services to SOHOers, such as: Co-Working (COWO) arrangement Mobile Office / Home Office (MOHO) Co-Housing (COHO) arrangement Co-operative Commons (COCO) P2P economy Open Source Ecology etc. etc. Prosumer (Producer and Consumer) Re-localization & Transition Towns phenomenon etc. etc SOHO could / would play a significant role in the New Living Culture which is Sun, Sustainability and Salutogenesis or (Permaculture + X + Health & Wellbeing). It is SURVIVE / UNDERSTAND / LOVE. Triple Home Home / Office / Third Place Home: where we live / eat / sleep Office: where we earn our living Third Place: where we meet socially for our interest / hobbies / passions etc. Internet could be the biggest and largest Third Place, certainly much bigger than your favorite social club. Are you truly Triple Home Owner? SOHO Technology Office-in-Every-Home (Hierarchy) Home-in-Every-Office (Holarchy) Extension of PC in every home Alternative workplace, initial business startup, Family Office concept / management Giving the workplace a home-feeling / family-feel Holarchy order encouraged, rather than typical Hierarchy Alpha-Omega Home (Panarchy) The Cosmo as Source and End / Re-start Continuous Creation / Creative Destruction / Re-creation Panarchy order / Cradle-to-Cradle Triple Bottom Line The triple objectives for a truly caring company: Profit (Economics): Good Yield People (Equity): Fair Share Planet (Ecology): Earth Care The TBL is also the basic principles / tenets for permaculture SOHOLUTION A method of creative solution-seeking by Think Globally, Act Locally, Connect Cosmically. It has its origin in the convergence / evolution of the three SOHO’s : Small Office Home Office (SOHO) Solar Heliospheric Observatory (Sun) Self-Organizing Holarchi Open system (Soul) SOHO, Sun and Soul represent Local, Global and Cosmic respectively. It is also about SURVIVE / UNDERSTAND / LOVE, as SOHO is a way to earn a living, while knowing the Sun is to understand the world and Soul is Wisdom / Love, yielding true Wealth, Health & Wellbeing (Salutogenesis). It is also about Sohominium (SOHO in condominium) / Solarization (Tapping solar energy) / Soulization (Wisdom & Love) Related concepts: Triple Bottom Line, Corporate Social Responsibility, Permaculture etc. etc. Summarized Content …. Now, for the Summary only Summary: Sun, Sustainability and Salutogenesis The most critical issues confronting Mankind in the 21st Century could be Food / Fuel / Finance, together with the numerous associated problems such as soil fertility, climate change, alternative energies, poverty and social inequity etc. Sustainability (and its purpose) is the key concept here. However, the ultimate and fundamental question behind all these is: What constitutes Sustainability and Salutogenesis (Health and Wellbeing)? How could these be attained individually and socially that would take consideration of the local, global and even cosmic aspects? A mere Pathogenesis (as compared to Salutogenesis) approach might not solve the problems. The term was first used by Aaron Antonovsky in 1979, in the context of alternative medicine. Summary … There is obviously no easy or simple answer. Perhaps, more importantly, the solution must also give us a Sense of Coherence which must have the following prerequisites: Manageability (capable of being managed) Comprehensibility (capable of being understood) Meaningfulness (having meaning and purpose) These correspond well with the issue of “Survive / Understand / Love” as envisaged in the SOHOLUTION approach that addresses the local, global and cosmic perspectives as a convergence and integration of Small Office Home Office (SOHO, local and SURVIVE), Solar Heliosphere Observatory (SOHO, global and UNDERSTAND) and SelfOrganizing Holarchi Open system (SOHO, cosmic and LOVE / Wisdom). SOHOLUTION could therefore be considered as the Evolution and Solution arising from the convergence and integration of the three SOHOs. The pun and play of words is pure serendipity and incidental. SOHOLUTION: A method of solution-seeking by Think Globally, Act Locally, Connect Cosmically … a convergence of SOHO, Sun and Soul. Summary … This approach addresses the Food / Fuel / Finance issues at the down-to-earth practical level, while providing a methodology to understand the scientific, sociological, philosophical and spiritual (both Western and Eastern) basis for the actions required to solve the global problems that make sense to the individuals and corporations that made up the world. The contributions and applications of Information Communication Technologies are also emphasized. The envisaged result is a sustainable New Living Culture that includes the practice of Permaculture, Pursuit of a Passion / Profession (X), and sharing of Love and Wisdom …… In short, this is a narrative of Sun, Sustainability and Salutogenesis. New Living Culture ……. Starting from SOHO …. 1.2.3. and Think Globally, Act Locally and Connect Cosmically. Skill-up & Power-down The 21st Century will see the convergence of many crisis: Fuel, Finance and Food etc. etc. The solution places heavy demand for new skill-sets (Skill-up) and lifestyle changes (Power-down), covering the physical, financial, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual aspects of our life, both vocational and avocational. Skill-up and Power-down as a phenomenon has scientific grounding in Self-Organising Holarchic Open system (for our purpose, named SOHO version Cosmic), as collaborated by scientific studies, including the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (named SOHO version Global) Skill-up and Power-down is also the phenomenon for Career transition via Small Office Home Office (named SOHO version Local) The convergence and resilient alliance of these Local / Global / Cosmic SOHOs constitute the SOHOLUTION Matrix Outline INTRODUCTION Knowing the Three SOHOs Local / Global / Cosmic perspectives Applying the Three SOHOs perspectives Tackling the big Three Crisis Attaining the Three Big purposes SOHOLUTION Matrix The SOHOLUTION Matrix The Matrix gives an over-all view of the SOHOLUTION approach, its component parts and their relationship. Please view the various “Holons” in the holarchic context. Remember, we are always “Always Partial, Already Whole” See and appreciate the integration of the Three SOHOs and “Sun, Sustainability and Salotugenesis” . Above all how to relate to “SURVIVE / UNDERSTAND / LOVE”. The New Living Culture, starting from SOHO. Evolution of SOHO / Solution Three versions considered here that covers “SURVIVE / UNDERSTAND / LOVE” Local: SOHO => COCO Global: Sun => Solarization => Energy usage & Environment Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) Cosmic: Photon (Energy) => Matter & Life => Wisdom & Love Small Office Home Office (SOHO) => Cooperative Commons (COCO) Self-Organizing Holarchic Open (SOHO) system It is Local / Global / Cosmic perspective How do you relate yourself to these perspective? What is your position (co-ordinates) in the SOHOLUTION Matrix? What is your ordering: Hierarchy / Holarchy / Panarchy? How can you use the SOHO Technology in your situation? Do you see the Solution? The New Living Culture Open Invitation …… Now join the Evolution, and look for Solution……. Cooperative Development / Writing Project (Invitation) The SOHOLUTION approach is still in the process of being completed (Or rather it is always on-going and never get completed?!). Contents here will be continually updated. So, stay tuned. In compliance with the spirit expounded in the approach, cooperative inputs / efforts are solicited to expedite the completion of this project, on a profit-sharing or revenuesharing basis, involving many trades and professions, participating as SOHOers. There will be many different activities and formats, to be carried out in different towns and countries. This will truly be the Evolution / Solution of SOHOs, in its many facets. Please see SOHOLUTION Matrix for some ideas. Brief outline of Content in next slide (Draft only, not exhaustive) If you are interested, please contact for details. C O N T E N T S (Draft only) INTRODUCTION Convergence of Crisis Integral Philosophy The Big Three Local / Global / Cosmic Perspective Universal Skill-up & Power-down New Living Culture SOHO (Local) Permaculture (Global) Salutogenesis (Cosmic) Evolution of SOHO Fuel / Finance / Food SOHO / MOHO / COWO / COHO / COCO Open Source Ecology Re-Solarization Holarchy Putting in Practice Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & TBL Office-in-Every-Home & Home-in-Every-Office SOHOLUTION Matrix Conclusion Bibliography Contact Has the New Living Culture finally arrived!? Sun, Sustainability and Salutogenesis New Living Culture …. starting from SOHO .....1.2.3. (Think globally, Act Locally, Connect Cosmically) Contact Blog: Group: Email: Mobile: +6012-213-4968 Appendices (1) The Frightening 100’s (Fuel) (2) Financial Tsunami & Financial Permaculture (Finance) (3) Food Security & Home-scale Permaculture (Food) (4) SOHO Technology (Triple Home) The Frightening 100’s ... HELP! 100-day (The New Deal) 100-month (Green New Deal) 100-year (Olduvai Theory) 100 months to save the planet Earth • From today, Friday 1 August 2008, we may only have 100-month before the Earth’s climate system could “tip” – a potential point of no return. • Details: The “New Deal” • Some 75 years ago, President Franklin D Roosevelt launched the “New Deal” to bring the US out of the Great Depression. • The courageous program was implemented in an unprecedented “100-day of lawmaking”. The “Green New Deal” • The Green New Deal Group drew inspiration from the tone of President Roosevelt’s comprehensive “New Deal” response to the Great Depression. • The GND Group proposed a “Green New Deal” to tackle the global economy’s triple crunch of Finance, Energy and Environment in light of the “100-month prediction”. • Details: 100-year Civilization • If no committed effective actions are taken in the coming 100-month, the Olduvai Theory will come to pass. • Olduvai Theory: 100-year Industrial Civilization: 1930 -2030 A.D, after which is Post-Industrial Stone Age. Olduvai Theory The Post-Industrial Stone Age From The Caves, To The Moon, To The Caves • • • • • • • • • • • • 1. Pre Industrial Phase [c. 3 000 000 BC to 1765] A - Tool making (c. 3 000 000 BC) B - Fire used (c. 1 000 000 BC) C - Noelithic agricultural revolution (c. 8 000 BC) D - Watts steam engine of 1765 Industrial Phase (1930-2025) 2. Industrial Phase [1930 to 2025, estimated ] E - Per capita energy-use 37% of peak value F - Peak energy-use G - Present energy-use H - Per capita energy-use 37% of peak value 3. Post Industrial Phase [c. 2100 and beyond ] J, K, and L = Recurring future attempts at industrialization fail. Other scenarios are possible. – (Source: Richard C Duncan, Ph.D) The 100-month clock has started….. Let us commit the next 100-day to stop the 100year calamity becoming reality! HELP … send this message to 100 persons. We need additional 100 enlightened Earthlings for the great work ahead …….. Financial Tsunami vs. Financial Permaculture? Re-Solarize Re-Localize Re-Monetize Re-Value Financial Tsunami 2008 Wall Street 2008 Sub-Prime CDO (Collateralized Debt Obligations) etc Derivatives & Leverages Defaults & Deleverages Confidence Crisis Spillovers to Real Economy sectors Root Causes Greed (high returns on least effort) Emphasis on Virtual rather than Real Economy Conspicuous Consumption on credit terms Deregulation & Lack of Oversight Excessive Globalization (Growth vs Development) Use of Stock rather than Flow (Sustainability issue) Ongoing & Cumulative Effects Over-consumption on credit terms Environment degradation & climate change Social Disparity Price Inflation (long-term) Financial and Economic Crisis Social Disorder Financial Permaculture 1.00 Re-Solarize (Photosynthesis is THE original solar technology. Petrol is fossilized solar energy). Re-Localize (Reduce food-mileage etc., by local production / local consumption) Re-Monetize (Complementary currencies & local finances) Re-Value (Profit / Passion / Purpose) New Economy Natural Eco-systems & Sustainability “Re-Solarize” & “Re-Localize” & “ReMonetize” & “Re-Value” Growth vs. Development Profit / Passion / Purpose Energetics & Salutogenesis Permaculture New Living Culture Permaculture Everything Permablitz the World Re-Solarize Re-Localize Re-Monetize Re-Value Scientific & Philosophical Basis Universe: Skill-Up & Power-Down Energetics: From Light to Wisdom Salutogenesis: Health & Well-being Holon & Holarchy: Always Partial, Already Whole I-Jing & Tao (compatible Eastern interpretation) Financial Permaculture 2.00 Personal Editions / Personal Steps Skill-Up & Power-Down SOHO (Small Office Home Office) Square Foot Gardening (SFG) & Crop-share “½ Agric + ½ X” Model: SOHO + SFG Open Source Ecology P2P Economy Permaculture & Permablitz Permanent Culture Permanent Agriculture Permaculture and Backyard Blitzes Urban & Sub-urban & Rural Revolution Permaculture / Permablitz as Verb Permaculture Everything Permablitz the World Has the New Living Culture finally arrived!? Permaculture Permablitz “½ Agric + ½ X” Model Permaculture2 ? Contact Blog: Email: Mobile: +6012-213-4968 Food Security & Home-scale Permaculture (Salutogenesis:- Creating Health & Wellbeing) Permaculture Square-Foot-Gardening Share-Cropping Re-Localization Permablitz Quotable Quotes …… There’s a direct connection between the health of the soil, the health of the plants, the health of the animals, and you as eater. Your health is inseparable from the health of whole food chain that you’re a part of. Your health is not bordered by your own skin, and that you must take a broader view of it if you’re really concerned. An Eater’s Manifesto: “Eat Food. Not Too Much. Mostly Plants.” Environmental crisis is a crisis of character. It's really about how we live. Food Security & Permaculture Food Security covers the following areas: Safety: pesticide-free, Non-Genetic Modified etc Local Availability: food-mile concept etc Sustainability: soil fertility and ecology etc Processing & Storage & Exchange Permaculture Solution for Food Security issues stated above Bioregional & Home-scale Environment Designs Permablitz Industrial Agriculture Heavy reliance on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides etc. These are all petroleum-based products. High energy usage and many costs externalized / subsidized. It is not really “low-cost and cheap”. These are slowly but surely destroying the soil and the ecological environment (including our own bodies). Largely mono-cultures (and genetically modified), thus reducing bio-diversities which are against the natural order. Animal husbandry has its own load of problems, including the emission of GHG that causes global warming. Resultant cross-border trades and the associated foodmile issues and income disparity etc. Soil …. Not Oil Modern agriculture has consumed an alarming amount of our native top soils. These top soils were built over millions of years and are not easily regained. The only foreseeable strategy for the future is to stop this reckless erosion and degradation of natural soils, and to actively build soils to ensure a viable ecological base from which we can grow our food. Building soil involves a process of allowing carbon and nitrogen sources to decompose in-situ over time. Along with many forms of life including mycelium, worms, insects, nematodes, root systems, bacteria and others, carbon and nitrogen are converted into soil. This process occurs naturally in the forest: leaves and other plant matter (carbon) fall to the forest floor. Other organisms such as mycelium (mushrooms) and deposits made from various life forms (nitrogen) mix together and decompose, transforming into the new life-giving soil which begins the growth process again. The great soil deposits of the world were created over millennia of healthy ecological systems cycling through its many life forms. Soil ….. Not Oil ….. Leonardo da Vinci once said, "We know more about the movement of the celestial bodies than the soil underfoot.” In today's high-tech society, most people keep soil out of mind and out of context—yet what could be more important? All living things originate from the soil, and eventually return to it. All great civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, Mayans and Romans, depended upon an adequate supply of fertile soil. These civilizations also declined when soil resources became thin due to erosion and bad management. Organic Farming & Permaculture Organic farming practices will eventually replace Industrial Agriculture, if Mother Earth is to continue providing our needs. There are many forms of organic farming practices, and vary both in extend and depth. Permaculture could well be the ideal choice, as the practice is more than mere “permanent agriculture”. It is also “permanent culture” that covers environment designs and other cultural aspects. Permaculture The permaculture concept originated in Australia in the 1970s (Bill Mollison and David Holmgren) to promote agro-ecological design theory, and has since grown to include a collection of ethics and principles that influence the wider designing of human systems that work in harmony with natural ecosystems. Permaculture is a design science, based on observation, that integrates all human activities into a whole system based on natural patterning and ecology. In a word, Permaculture=Relationship Permaculture is a philosophy of agricultural land-use that calls for combining plants, animals, and structures in such a way as to maximize the number of uses for the land while increasing its selfsufficiency and minimizing maintenance by focusing on the use of perennial plants. Permaculture is a design system based upon observing how ecosystems (or any systems) interact. Its purpose is the formation of sustainable habitats (whether human, agricultural, cultural, financial, governmental, etc.). Permaculture principles are based upon core values or ethics (Earthcare, Peoplecare, Fairshare). Permaculture ….. A system for sustainable design of human culture that focuses on both ecological mindfulness and the provision of basic human needs in an environmentally sustainable way. Some specific elements addressing sustainable societies include natural building, small-scale agriculture, sustainable resource use, and the use of appropriate technologies. Permaculture is not energy- or capital-intensive, rather it is information-intensive. Permaculture is about "...saving the planet and living to be a hundred, while throwing very impressive dinner parties and organising other creatures to do most of the work.“…. Linda Woodrow Permaculture …… Permaculture goes beyond realising that conventional agriculture is the most destructive thing humans are doing on the planet: it offers an achievable alternative in the form of sustainable small scale local food production systems. Part of this vision is massively decreasing the distance between where food is produced and consumed (the food-mile concept). As a design process, permaculture has three phases: 1) Design, where a design or pattern is made that seamlessly integrates a landscape with the wants, needs and abilities of the people living there 2) Design implementation, where the design becomes a reality 3) Follow up and system evolution, where we learn from our successes and mistakes, and we let the system demonstrate its own evolution Food is just one part of the permaculture equation. Permaculture equally addresses and integrates water, energy, waste, shelter, community, local economy, governance and all other aspects of sustainable living. Permaculture Zones The term ‘Zones’ in Permaculture are simply labels for areas that are grouped together reflecting specific activities and characteristics. The zones are used to make sustainable design easy and ensure that each area is efficient, low maintenance, produces good results and integrates smoothly with other zones. The zones are: Zone 0 - Where you live, or where you spend most of your time in relation to the place of your Permaculture Project (ie. it could be your office or shop) Zone 1 - Vegetable Patch and close plantings to your house (or office or shop) Zone 2 - The “Food Forest” or Orchard Zone 3 - The Farming Area (whether it be crops or animals - often for commercial use) Zone 4 - Harvest Forests Zone 5 - Natural Forests or Conservation Areas Permaculture Guilds & Stacks In addition to zones, other patterns / relationships are very important in Permaculture, such as guilds and stacks, as illustrated here. Permablitz A permablitz is a contraction of permaculture and blitz, where a blitz simply means a focused application of energy or a concentrated effort to get something done. Permablitz: An informal gathering involving a day on which a group of at least two people come together to achieve the following: create or add to edible gardens where someone lives share skills related to permaculture and sustainable living build community networks have fun Once a design is in hand, a permablitz is a day where volunteers come together to help make that design a reality. Permablitz volunteers help with events corresponding to the three phases of design: 1) pre-blitz design visits 2) permablitzes proper 3) post-blitz follow up visits Re-Localization Very closely related to Permaculture is Relocalization. Relocalization is a strategy to build societies based on the local production of food, energy and goods, and the local development of currency, governance and culture. The main goals of Relocalization are to increase community energy security, to strengthen local economies, and to dramatically improve environmental conditions and social equity. The Relocalization Network supports local groups in developing community activities and programs that can be implemented locally and as working models for other communities seeking to increase their resilience. Relocalization …… Eat Local Buying locally-grown food and patronizing locally-owned restaurants and groceries supports local farms, strengthens local food supply chains, and decreases greenhouse gas emissions due to transportation of food grown outside the region. Grow Local Increasing the capacity of people to grow more of their own food promotes better nutrition, economic resilience in the face of rising food prices, and increased appreciation for nature and ecology. Buy Local Supporting locally-owned businesses benefits the locals by keeping more of the money spent here circulating through the local economy, encouraging new independent businesses, and helping to retain the unique character of the community. Local businesses have strong community ties and are more accountable for their environmental and employment practices. Local Energy Conserving energy and supporting development of renewable energy sources reduces reliance on imported fossil fuels, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and buffers people against rising energy prices. Local Transport Increased use of mass transit, ridesharing, and human-powered transportation also reduces reliance on imported fossil fuels, reduces pollution, and buffers people against rising energy prices. Local Culture Supporting local arts, entertainment, recreation, and regional tourism reduces our reliance on imported, mass-produced entertainment and unnecessary travel Home-Scale Permaculture In suburban contexts, permaculture design focuses on the relative location in space and time of things like herb gardens, vegetable gardens, chicken houses, paths, ponds and fruit trees. In this respect, Home-Scale Permaculture is much more than Organic Gardening, Square Foot Gardening etc, which can, however, be component parts of the big Permaculture picture. Square Foot Gardening Features & Benefits Square Foot Garden (Other equivalent: Keyhole / Lasagne Gardens etc) It is simple, fits in a small space and produces big results while costs little. Growing Real Organic Food in Urban Neighborhood (GROFUN) No Digging, No Tilling, No Weeding Small Space, Big Results, Little Costs Sharing & Exchanging (Share-Cropping) Service Network (Gardener For Hire) Horticulture Therapy & Aromatherapy Quotable Quotes ….. Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads …..Thoreau You can solve the problems of the world in a garden …… Geoff Lawton “More grows in a garden than what the gardener plants” …..Old Spanish Proverb Business Savvies vs. Values Savvies Business Savvies vs. Systems Savvies Systems Savvies vs. Sustainability Savvies Sustainability Savvies vs. Ecosystems Savvies Ecosystems Savvies vs. Holism Savvies Holism Savvies vs. Theology Savvies Happiness & Sense of Coherence Hedonistic (Pleasure / Pleasant Life) Desire (Engagement / Good Life) Objective Meaning (Meaningful Life) Authentic Happiness: All Three combined Salutogenesis / Sense of Coherence Manageability Comprehensibility Meaningfulness So, what are we selling? So, what are we selling …? In the market economy, there can be recognized five types of economic offering as follows: Agrarian Industrial Service Experience Transformation We like to classify ourselves as the last category, even though the SOHOLUTION approach certainly contains the other elements as well. You can definitely recognize the relevant components as you explore deeper and participate actively in the full range of offerings. Appendix: Biochar Biochar Bio char is a modern equivalent of Terra Preta, a rich soil found in South America. The soil found there was heavily amended with charred organic materials and has been found to greatly enhance plant growth. Bio char is created by pyrolysis. This process takes place in an oxygen deprived system (limited oxygen), thus resulting in char rather than ashes (as in normal burning process). Biochar ….. The following benefits occur with additions of biochar Enhanced plant growth Suppressed methane emission Reduced nitrous oxide emission (estimate 50%) Reduced fertilizer requirement (estimate 10%) Reduced leaching of nutrients Stored carbon in a long term stable sink Reduces soil acidity: raises soil pH Reduces aluminum toxicity Biochar ….. Increased soil aggregation due to increased fungal hyphae Improved soil water handling characteristics Increased soil levels of available Ca, Mg, P, and K Increased soil microbial respiration Increased soil microbial biomass Stimulated symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legumes Increased arbuscular mycorrhyzal fungi Increased cation exchange capacity Biochar (Biological Charcoal) Biochar: A Soil Amendment that Combats Global Warming and Improves Agricultural Sustainability and Environmental Impacts Biochar production processes can utilize most urban, agricultural or forestry biomass residues, including wood chips, corn stover, rice or peanut hulls, tree bark, paper mill sludge, animal manure, and recycled organics, for instance. Biochar …. Biochar and bioenergy co-production from urban, agricultural and forestry biomass can help combat global climate change by displacing fossil fuel use, by sequestering carbon in stable soil carbon pools, and by dramatically reducing emissions of nitrous oxides, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.[1],[2] As a soil amendment, biochar helps to improve the Earth’s soil resource by increasing crop yields and productivity, by reducing soil acidity, and by reducing the need for some chemical and fertilizer inputs.[3],[4] Water quality is improved by the use of biochar as a soil amendment, because biochar aids in soil retention of nutrients and agrochemicals for plant and crop utilization,[5],[6] reducing leaching and run-off to ground and surface waters. Biochar production and utilization systems differ from most biomass energy systems because the technology is carbon-negative: it removes net carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and stores it in stable soil carbon “sinks”.[7] Other biomass energy systems are at best carbon-neutral, resulting in no net changes to atmospheric carbon dioxide. Biochar …. [1] Yanai et al., 2007, Effects of charcoal addition on N2O emissions from soil resulting from rewetting air-dried soil in short-term laboratory experiments, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 53:181-188. [2] Rondon, M., Ramirez, J.A., and Lehmann, J.: 2005, Charcoal additions reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, in Proceedings of the 3rd USDA Symposium on Greenhouse Gases and Carbon Sequestration, Baltimore, USA, March 21-24, 2005, p. 208. [3] Glaser, B., Lehmann, J. and Zech, W., 2002, Ameliorating physical and chemical properties of highly weathered soils in the tropics with charcoal --- a review, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 35: 219-230. [4] Lehmann, J. and Rondon, M., 2006, Biochar soil management on highly weathered soils in the humid tropics. In Uphoff N (ed.), Biological Approaches to Sustainable Soil Systems, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 517-530. [5] Lehmann, J., et al., 2003, Nutrient availability and leaching in an archaeological Anthrosol and a Ferralsol of the Central Amazon basin: fertilizer, manure and charcoal amendments, Plant and Soil, 249: 343-357. [6] Steiner, C., et al., Long term effects of manure, charcoal and mineral fertilization on crop production and fertility on a highly weathered Central Amazonian upland soil, Plant and Soil, 291: 275-290. [7] Lehmann, J., Gaunt, J., and Rondon, M., 2006, Bio-char sequestration in terrestrial ecosystems – a review. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 11:403-427 Acknowledgement & Bibliography Contact: Blog: Group: Email: Mobile: +6012-213-4968 SOHO TECHNOLOGY Office-in-Every-Home (Family Office) Home-in-Every-Office (Corporate Family) Rise of the Third Place (Co-Working Place) Open Source & Open Source Ecology The Gift Economy Personal & Business Enlightenment SOHO Technology “Office-in-Every-Home” = Developing Family Office for entrepreneurship …. (1). “Home-in-Every-Office” = Developing Corporate Families for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) …. (2). “Third Place” = Evolution of Co-working space to Open Source Ecology / Gift Economy …. (3). SOHO Technology = Integrating 3-in-1 (Triple Home Owner) for Personal and Business Enlightenment. Using (1) to realize (2) assisted by (3). “Office-in-Every-Home” (Family Office) Convert every family to endorse “Lifeis-A-Business” outlook, becoming “business-like” in outlook, for business start-ups or otherwise. Every household to have “Family Office” … an extension to PC-inEvery-Home much touted earlier. Business Start-up Work Trend: Outsourcing Free Agent / Indies Pitching & Presentation Business Proposal / Plan Writing Business Proposal Writing Present status review Market analysis (Existing & Future Demand) Existing Supplies Unique Selling Points (USP) Costs of supplies Break-Even Point (BEP) Analysis BPW ….. Capital Costs Recurrent Costs Cash-flow Projection Internal Rate of Return (IRR) Repayment Schedule Second Round Funding Exit Strategy BPW ….. Management & Project Team Marketing Strategies Affiliate Program Advertising & Promotion Execution Schedule Review & Mentoring Progress Updates Online & Offline activities Essential Business Management Lexicon PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cycle Budgeting Variance Monitoring Viral Marketing Seed Money Business Angel Venture Capitalist IPO / Franchise 6 Alternative Work Spaces to the Home Office 1.) Co-Working Facilities 2.) The Cafe Best for - focusing and finishing tasks Downside - you can’t yell at your monitor 5.) WiFi-enabled Public Parks Best for - Workaholics, Adventurers Downside – cost 4.) The Public Library Best for - energizing with the buzz of activity (and caffeine, of course) Downside - tough to find a table in busier locations- usage fees are common 3.) The Working Vacation (Workation) Best for - socializing and collaborating, having desk space Downside Best for - fresh air inspiration, writing, brainstorming, creativity Downside - bad weather 6.) The Public House (a.k.a., the Reward) Best for - indoor creative inspiration, buzz Downside - potential for laptop damage (spills, sticky tables) “Home-in-Every-Office” (Corporate Family) Advocate every businesses / companies to be “Corporate Family” “Home” ambience or atmosphere in the workplace Producing Happy and Productive Employees, Customers, Suppliers etc Practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Changing from Hierarchy to Holarchy Home-In-Every-Office Operational Areas by Corporate Family: Additional Employees Benefits: Tele-commuting / Flexi-times Provision of Creche / Lunch Enterprise 2.0 Intrapreneurship etc. Corporate Social Responsibility Triple Bottom Line Corporate Philanthropy Additional Employee Benefits Tele-Commuting / Flexi-times Flexible working arrangement Provision of Creche / Lunch Creating Family or Home Feel Practice of Enterprise 2.0 See details below Intrapreneurship etc Business Incubator Employee Share Ownership Scheme etc Enterprise 2.0 Enterprise 2.0 is the term for the technologies and business practices that liberate the workforce from the constraints of legacy communication and productivity tools like email. It provides business managers with access to the right information at the right time through a web of inter-connected applications, services and devices. Enterprise 2.0 makes accessible the collective intelligence of many, translating to a huge competitive advantage in the form of increased innovation, productivity and agility. Corporate Social Responsibility Triple Bottom Line Profit (Economy) People (Equity) Planet (Ecology) Business Savvies vs. Values Savvies Truly “Green” & “Blue” Corporate Philanthropy Not “Once-off” but “Sustainable” Business Savvies vs. Values Savvies Business Savvies vs. Systems Savvies Systems Savvies vs. Sustainability Savvies Sustainability Savvies vs. Ecosystems Savvies Ecosystems Savvies vs. Holism Savvies Holism Savvies vs. Theology Savvies Zentrepreneurism "The fusion of one's personal vision with one's professional mission, grounded in activism and a holistic philosophy will hallmark the next hundred years.“ While an entrepreneur creates a business- a zentrepreneur creates a business and a life!..... Allan Holender The Rise of Third Place The term “Third Place” was first coined and used by Prof. Ray Oldenburg to describe public spaces complementary the role of Home (First Place) and Office (Second Place). Good examples are Social Clubhouses, Cafes etc. So are different forms of social organizations. Third Places are very important for work, social and recreational purposes, as well as personal development and actualization. The Rise of Third Place … Third Places feature prominently in leading property development projects, world-wide and are highly valued socially. With globalization and joboutsourcing / business start-ups, Third Places take on even more important role in the family, work and social lives of individuals. They serve the family, working and social needs. Types of Third Places There are many categories of Third Places, some are even virtual, most are physical. The Internet is world’s largest Third Place, so to speak (Some to prefer to call it the 4th Place). With wide-spread practice of job outsourcing / business start-ups, coworking spaces are becoming important Third Places Co-Working Spaces Such evolving Third Place that serves the following purposes: Business Startup & Weekly Meet-ups Collaborative Community / Networking Community Services Evolution of Co-Working Space Co-Working Co-Housing Co-operative Common Open Source Ecology / Gift Economy Open Source Ecology The Open Source Ecology (OSE) project is truly a fantastic concept. It beautifully combines the following elements which can be classified as “hi-tech” and “hi-touch” while attempting cooperatively to attain sustainable lifestyles in a crisis-laden global environment: Open Source Software (OSS) technology / approach Peer-to-Peer (P2P) methodology Appropriate Technology (AT) Energy Descend (Peak Oil or Power-down) Transition Movement Permaculture or regenerative land use design The objective or goal at Open Source Ecology is to develop tools and technologies in the public domain for sustainable and just living. When engineering and technologies are part of the public domain, they benefit everyone Gift Economy Information is particularly suited to gift economics, as information can be copied and transmitted at practically no cost. It can be treated as a nonrival good: when you share information, you do not deprive yourself of the information. Traditional scientific research is an information gift economy. Scientists produce research papers and give them away through journals and conferences. Other scientists freely refer to such papers. All scientists can therefore benefit from the increased pool of knowledge. The free software community is an information gift economy. Programmers make their source code available, allowing anyone to copy and modify or improve the code. People may benefit from any improvements. This is the essence of P2P (Peer-to-Peer) economy. Neo-Subsistence That is the term “we apply to a lifestyle where people produce tangible (physical) wealth, as opposed to dealing with information in the information economy. We are talking about basics: even though we live in the information economy, we cannot deny the reality that human prosperity is founded on the provision of physical needs upon which the meeting of all higher needs is predicated. Neo-subsistence is related to the information economy in that the information economy is a foundation for neo-subsistence” The project is of considerable importance because it represents a concerted effort that is derived from a synthetic understanding of sustainability, and the very concrete effort to build a self-sustaining, but also open and therefore trading global village, which combines local production with cooperation on a global scale around open global design. Neo-Subsistence …. The project is first of all a farm, with naturally self-replicating plants and animals, but at the same time it is an attempt to combine this with a selfsustaining environment for the flexible manufacturing towards local needs. His, partially misnamed because misleading ‘open farm’ project (it is so much more than that), as it combines permaculture with permafacture, i.e. sustainable manufacturing, is perhaps the most important social experiment in the world….. Neo-Subsistence …. This is a template that combines with energy decent programs like the Transition Movement, policy governance paradigms like bioregionalism, and regenerative land use like permaculture design (although to do justice to both permaculture and bioregionlism it is hardly fair to classify either as anything short of radical earth-centric philosophies) This kind of open source technology and innovation is why the internet is our greatest hope for catalyzing a global transformation to a regenerative culture...and I am happy to see open source's rich creative potential being applied to meet tangible everyday human needs…… and on their blog Triple Home Doctrine Triple Home Owner 3-in-1 Job: Chief Executive Officer / Chief Family Officer / Chief Happiness Officer Home / Office / Third Place Triple Bottom Line Profit / People / Planet Local / Global / Cosmic Personal Development & Actualization Personal & Business Enlightenment Survive / Understand / Wisdom & Love SOHOT: Business Savvies vs. Values Savvies Business Savvies vs. Systems Savvies Systems Savvies vs. Sustainability Savvies Sustainability Savvies vs. Ecosystems Savvies Ecosystems Savvies vs. Holism Savvies Holism Savvies vs. Theology Savvies Happiness & Sense of Coherence Hedonistic (Pleasure / Pleasant Life) Desire (Engagement / Good Life) Objective Meaning (Meaningful Life) Authentic Happiness: All Three combined Salutogenesis / Sense of Coherence Manageability Comprehensibility Meaningfulness So, what are we selling? So, what are we selling …? In the market economy, there can be recognized five types of economic offering as follows: Agrarian Industrial Service Experience Transformation We like to classify ourselves as the last category, even though the SOHOLUTION approach certainly contains the other elements as well. You can definitely recognize the relevant components as you explore deeper and participate actively in the full range of offerings. In Conclusion … Conclusion We have a convergence of crises: Food, Fuel, and Finance So, we need a solution that is converging that addresses the Local, Global and Cosmic aspects which lead to Survive / Understand / Love. It is coming from SOHO, Sun and Soul. Because, ultimately we (each and every one of us): Must have our own individual Small Office Home Office (Survive) Appreciate the Sun: its place in the world / ecology (Understand) Find our own Salutogenesis or Soul: Wisdom & Love (Love) It is all about the Big Three: I (Self) / Its (Nature) / We (Culture) Profit / Planet / People or Economy / Ecology / Equity Body / Mind / Spirit Beauty / Truth / Goodness Acknowledgement & Bibliography Contact Blog: Group: Email: Mobile: +6012-213-4968