TERM 1 2013 devotions Romans 1-8 Youth devotions But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.Romans 5:8 Romans 1– Youth Devotions (Elyse) Monday – Romans 1: 1-7 Day 1 1. What is the gospel of God? 2. What do we receive through him and his name sake? 3. How can you “call people from among all the gentiles”, tell not yet Christians about the gospel? Prayer Points Tuesday – Romans 1: 8-13 Day 2 1. Why is Paul thanking god through Jesus Christ for all those in Rome? 2. Why does Paul long to visit his brothers and sisters in Rome? 3. What should we be doing each time you meet with your brothers and sisters in Christ? Prayer Points - Wednesday – Romans 1: 14-17 Day 3 1. What is Paul not ashamed of? 2. What is revealed in the gospel? 3. Today what should we not be ashamed of? How do we show we are/are not ashamed? Prayer Points Thursday – Romans 1: 18-25 Day 4 1. Why was God’s wrath revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men? 2. What did God do to these men? 3. Since knowing god what must we be careful of? Prayer Points Friday – Romans 1: 26-32 Day 5 1. Make a list of the sins the wicked men committed after rejecting the gospel of God? 2. What do these men deserve? 3. How can we stay faithful to God and not be given over to wickedness? Prayer Points - Romans 2.1-3:8– Youth Devotions (Ritchie) Brief summary: In Romans 1:18-32 Paul explained the extent of our (the gentiles) wickedness against God. Now he focuses on the Jews (God’s chosen people in the Old Testament- ‘O.T’). He reveals to them that even though they have God’s law they are no better than the gentiles. It’s important to realise that from 1:18-3:20 Paul is making a big case that everyone is a sinner. Chapter 2 is right in the middle of his argument. He spends so much time talking about sin so that everyone realises they can only be saved through Jesus (3:21-26) Monday – Romans 2:1-5 Day 1 1. What are these people (the Jews) doing when they see other people sinning? Why is that not right? (v1 and 3) 2. What is the result for those who judge others yet do the same things? (If they are not saved through Jesus) 3. Look over the list of sin mentioned in 1:29-31. Do you judge other people for those sort of things? Have you accepted that even though may you judge others you do the same things or are you denying that you’re as sinful as others? Prayer Points Tuesday – Romans 2: 5-11 Day 2 1. What will God do on the last day? Will God be fair? Pointer: Keep remembering Paul is halfway through making a point about sin (see summary above). 2. Read Romans 3:10-12. In the end are there any who do good? How then can we receive eternal life? 3. Are there times when you think God is being unfair? How would considering his fair judgement at the end change that way of thinking? Prayer Points - Wednesday – Romans 2: 12-24 Day 3 1. What’s more important knowing/hearing the law or obeying the law? 2. Check out vs 17-20. What opinion did some people Jews have of themselves? 3. What was the problem with that? (v21-23) 4. Are you ‘practicing what you preach’? Prayer Points Thursday – Romans 2: 25-29 Day 4 Pointer: For Jews in the ‘O.T’ physical circumcision was a sign of being accepted & clean before God. 1. Is physical circumcision or heart circumcision more important? 2. What will it look like a for a person to have inward /heart circumcision? (v29) 3. What outward stuff are you doing for man’s praise (people’s respect)? What would a heart change look like in those areas? Prayer Points Friday – Romans 3:1-8 Day 5 1. What arguments are some people making about why it’s good to sin? (v5, vs 7) 2. What does Paul say about that sort of thinking (v6, 8)? 3. Have you ever heard anyone say that if we sin more it will just show God’s forgiveness more? What’s wrong with that sort of thinking? Prayer Points - Romans 3: 9-31– Youth Devotions (Ritchie) Brief summary: This chapter explains the gospel message. That we are sinners and can’t work to save ourselves. But God sent Jesus to die for us and make us right before him Monday – Romans 3: 9-18 Day 1 1. In vs 9-12 how many times does Paul say something about all of us sinning or none of us being righteous/ good? What point is he trying to make clear? 2. What words are used to describe all of us in vs 13-18? 3. How many good people are there in the world? Why do you think we often believe that we are pretty much good people? Prayer Points Tuesday – Romans 3: 19-20 Day 2 1. Out of all the people in the whole world and in all of history how many will be counted righteous by obeying God’s law? 2. What then is the purpose of the law? What does it show us? 3. Are you trying to get right with God by obeying his law? What does vs 20 say about how successful you will be? Prayer Points - Wednesday – Romans 3: 21-26 (focusing on 21-24) Day 3 1. If righteousness doesn’t come from obeying God’s law (v20) where does it come from? (v21 & 22) 2. How do we receive the righteousness that comes from God? 3. Do you believe that you are right before God through what Jesus has done? Why/ why not? Prayer Points Thursday – Romans 3:21-26 (focusing on 25-26) Day 4 1. What did God present his own son as? 2. Why did he put forward Jesus to die in our place? (vs 25b-26) 3. How does Jesus death for our sin mean that God is both ‘just and the one who justifies’? Prayer Points Friday – Romans 3: 27-31 Day 5 1. Why do we have no reason to boast about being saved? (esp v28) 2. What is the only way that all people (both Jews & Gentiles) can be made right before God? What must our faith (trust) be in? (v 22 & 25) 3. Do you ever think more highly of yourself cos you’re a Christian? Why is that a crazy thing to do? Prayer Points - Romans 4 – Youth Devotions (Youngy) Brief summary: In this chapter Paul uses Abraham (the great patriarch or the Jewish nation) as an example to make his point that our righteousness comes from faith, and not from works, just as it always has. It is a gracious gift from God not payment for our works in following his laws. Monday – Romans 4:1-5 Day 1 1. Why did Abraham receive righteousness from God? 2. Why is a workers’ wages not a gift? 3. Do you desire to be labelled by God as righteous? What are the right and wrong ways to go about that? Prayer Points Tuesday – Romans 4:6-8 Day 2 1. What works are required by those whose sin the Lord does not hold against him? 2. How does David describe the man who is credited righteous? 3. Is there any sin in your life that God is going to hold against you? Prayer Points - Wednesday – Romans 4:9-12 Day 3 1. What did circumcision represent for Abraham? 2. How did Abrahams blessing represent Jews (the circumcised) and the believing gentiles? 3. What things in your life cause you to believe that you belong to God? And what should? Prayer Points Thursday – Romans 4:13-17 Day 4 1. What is of value, faith or living by the law? 2. The promise of righteous comes by faith and by what else? 3. Do you deserve to receive righteous from God (his grace)? And how does that effect how you live? Prayer Points Friday – Romans 4:18-25 Day 5 1. How did Abraham remain faithful in tough times? 2. How was Jesus involved in crediting us as righteous? 3. What are some things in the present or future that might cause your faith to fail? How can you prepare and stand firm through these? Prayer Points - Romans 5 – Youth Devotions (Maryanne) Monday- Romans 5:1-5 Day 1 1. How do we gain access to God’s grace? 2. What should we rejoice in? 3. What are some ways you normally respond to suffering? How does this passage say we should respond? Prayer Points Tuesday – Romans 5:6-8 Day 2 1. Who did Jesus die for? 2. When did Jesus die? 3. Do you really think Jesus needed to die for you? Prayer Points - Wednesday – Romans 5:9-11 Day 3 1. What have we been justified by? 2. What are we saved from? 3. Why would you want to tell your friends about this? Prayer Points Thursday – Romans 5:12-17 Day 4 1. Where did sin and death come from? 2. Where did righteousness and life come from? 3. When are some times where you ignore God and try to control your own life? Prayer Points Friday – Romans 5:18-21 Day 5 1. What did one trespass (or sin) result in? 2. What did one act of righteousness result in? 3. Does this encourage you to share God’s grace with your friends? Prayer Points - Romans 6 (Hannah) Day 1 Monday - Romans 6:1-4 1. God shows us grace, does this mean we should just keep sinning? Why? 2. Verse 2 says we have died to sin? How does that work? See verse 3 and 4 3. How does being united to Christ in his death and life change how we want to live? Prayer Points - Day 2 Tuesday - Romans 6:5-10 1. What happened to Jesus in these verses? 2. What happens to us in these verses? 3. Verse 10 says the death Jesus died he died to sin once for all. What does this mean? 4. Do you believe that united to Jesus you have been totally freed from sin Prayer Points - Wednesday – Romans 6:11-14 Day 3 1. How are we to count ourselves? 2. Therefore what should we offer ourselves to? 3. In what areas of your life are you allowing sin to master you? Prayer Points Thursday – Romans 6:15-19 Day 4 1. What did we used to be slaves too? 2. What have we been freed to be? 3. Think about what it means to be a slave? What is some sin you’ve been a slave to? 4. What would it look like to be a slave to righteousness? Prayer Points Friday – Romans 6:20-23 Day 5 1. What was the benefit/result of being a slave to sin? 2. Now you’ve been set free from sin, what is the benefit of being a slave to God? 3. How did we receive this benefit? See verse 23 4. We’ve seen the results of being a slave to sin or a slave to God, which one do you want? Prayer Points - Romans 7 – Youth Devotions (Johnny) Monday – 7: 1-6 Day 1 1. What have we died to? And how? (v4) 2. For what purpose have we died? (v4) 3. How can you be sharing the Gospel with your friends? Prayer Points Day 2 Tuesday – 7: 7-12 1. How did Paul learn what sin Was? (v7) 2. What is Holy (v12) 3. How can you see sin in your life? Prayer Points - Day 3 Wednesday – 7: 13-14 1. How different is the law from Paul (v14) 2. What has happened too Paul? (v14) 3. How can we overcome being a slave to sin? Prayer Points Day 4 Thursday – 7: 15-20 1. What does Paul do? (v15) 2. Why does Paul do what he hates? (v17, 20) 3. How can we deal with sin so that we do what is right? Prayer Points Day 5 Friday – 7: 21-25 1. What does Paul delight in? 2. Who will rescue us from death? 3. Have you been rescued from death like Paul? Prayer Points - Romans 8 (Jasmin) Monday - Romans 8:1-4 Day 1 1. What does Paul say about those who are in Christ Jesus? 2. How is this possible? 3. Do you truly believe that you can stand before God free of condemnation because of Jesus? Or do you ever feel guilty before God? Prayer Points Tuesday - Romans 8:5-17 Day 2 1. How does this passage describe life lived according to the sinful nature? 2. How is this contrasted with living according to the spirit? 3. Who has the spirit in them and what happens to these people? See verses 9-11 & 14-16 4. In verses 16 & 17 what is our relationship with God and what does this mean for our lives? Note: The word Abba means Daddy Heirs are those who will receive a person’s inheritance, usually their children Prayer Points Day 3 Wednesday – Romans 8:18-27 1. How is creation described in these verses? What analogy is used? 2. How is this also true for us? 3. Do we have what we hope for yet? 4. What do you hope for? Do you long for the redemption of your body and adoption as sons or is it something else? Thursday – Romans 8:28-30 Day 4 1. Do you think verse 28 means that those who love God will have an easy life? 2. Looking at the rest of the paragraph, what do you think the “good” is that God will do for us? (Particularly verse 29) 3. Look at all the doing words in this paragraph. Who is doing all the doing? 4. God has a plan to make us more like Jesus, do you trust God’s plan or do you want to something else? Prayer Points Friday – Romans 8:31-39 Day 5 1. What does this passage say about who can condemn/bring charges against us? How is this possible? 2. If God is for us can anything separate us from his love? List the things that can’t separate us from his love. 3. Are you ever tempted to doubt that God loves you? What about when you are feeling guilty or suffering? Prayer Points - notes notes