Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT COVER SHEET Name: Emily Gunderman Unit Title: M1U3 L1-3, M1U2 L 1-3, M1U2 L 2-3, M2U7 L 2-2, M1U2 L3 Dates of Instruction: Grade Level: 09 Fall Semester 2015 Timeframe (Add days as needed) COURSE: Algebra 1 1 Day: After CPM 1.2.1 Lesson/task/assessment: It’s A Draw: Describe a Graph COURSE: Accelerated Geometry 1 Day: After CPM 1.2.6 Lesson/task/assessment: Oh No My Face! 2 Days: After CPM 5.1.2 or replace 5.1.4 Lesson/task/assessment: How Tall is That Thing? COURSE: Advisory - Accelerated Geometry 1 Day: Before CPM 7.2 Lesson/task/assessment: Intro to Conditional Proofs 1 Day: After CPM 7.2.5 Lesson/task/assessment: Matching Activity- Proofs Standards Alignment Content Standards: F.IF.1, F.IF.4, F.IF.5, F.IF.6, G.CO.6, G.CO.9, G.SRT.5, G.SRT.6, G.SRT.7, G.SRT.8 Standards for Mathematical Practice: MP 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M1, U3, L1-3 DAY: 5 DAILY LESSON PLAN Objectives Students will improve their understanding and use of key features of functions Content Standards F.IF.1, F.IF.4, F.IF.5, F.IF.6 Mathematical Practices MP 3, 6 Materials It’s a Draw handouts Preparation Copies of It’s a Draw handout Lesson Activities Assessments 1. Have students select a partner. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Distribute the directions and graph paper. Provide the students with time to read the directions. Ask if there are any questions. Provide the students time to work through the activity. Encourage them to compare and contrast their pictures with the descriptions that were provided. Collaboratively, have the students determine what could have improved the descriptions. 7. Have the students reverse roles. Formatively assess as students complete the It’s a Draw handout and listen to student discourse. In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will critique the explanations provided by other students. MP 6: Attend to precision. Students will learn the importance of being precise in their descriptions using key features Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M1, U2, L1 DAILY LESSON PLAN DAY: 3 Objectives Students will apply different rigid motions to put the pieces of the face back into the correct location. Students will justify their reasoning. Content Standards G.CO.6 Mathematical Practices MP 1, 3, 4, 6 Materials Oh No My Face, pre-cute manipulatives Preparation Copy Oh No My Face handout Cut out and laminate the face pieces (1 set for each student) Lesson Activities 1. To save class time, pre-cut and laminate all the pieces for students to manipulate. 2. Distribute the pieces and the Oh No My Face handout. 3. Have students read the directions and complete the activity. Walk around to ensure students see the differences in the ears and the eyes. Assessments None In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? Giving students think time will be important as they make a plan and strategize what they want to do in order to solve the problem. Allowing group discussion time as they critique each other’s reasoning about their transformations they make. Students can check with one another to make sure they attend to precision. Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M2, U7, L2-2 DAILY LESSON PLAN DAY: 2-4 Objectives Students will understand how sides are related to angles in right triangles. Students will utilize the relationships of sine and cosine. Students will apply trig ratios to solve problems. Students will measure angles of elevation using a clinometer and find the height of different objects. Content Standards G.SRT.6 G.SRT.7 G.SRT.8 Mathematical Practices MP 1, 2, 6 Materials Homemade clinometer (transparency, string, washer) Calculator or computer with sine/cosine/tangent capabilities. “How Tall is that Thing” Worksheet. Measuring Tape. Preparation Have copies of “How Tall is that Thing?” handout ready for students. Have homemade clinometers copied on transparency paper, one for each student to cut out. Lesson Activities 1. Students will work in groups on a short preparation assessment pertaining to information they would need to solve problems involving right triangle trigonometry. 2. Teacher and students will have a brief class discussion about their answers. 3. Students will then cut our their homemade clinometers and construct their clinometers with the given washers and strings. 3. Students will draw a detailed picture of the objects and situation they will model when they go outside. 4. Students will relocate to their designated areas to make their measurements. Students will work with their group to calculate the measurements of their given objects. 5. Students will make some sort of presentation (i.e. powerpoint, poster, etc.) to present to the class, answering the questions on page 7 of the “How Tall is this Thing?” document. 6. Students will present their findings to the class. Assessments This project will be assessed based on the attached rubric in the “How Tall is this Thing?” document. In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will solve problems in context that involve right triangles MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. . Students will reason about the ratios used to represent relationships between sides and angles. MP6 Attend to precision. While solving problems involving right triangles, students will attend to the precision of their answers. They will use appropriate language to describe their measurements and calculations. Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M1, U2, L3 DAY: 1 DAILY LESSON PLAN Objectives Students will get another glimpse at proof and use this knowledge to build formal proofs Content Standards G.CO.10 Mathematical Practices MP 1,3,7, and 8 Materials Scissors Matching Activities Handouts Preparation Copies of handouts Lesson Activities Steps PART l: 1. Pass out the “Intro to Conditional Proof”. Allow time for students to cut the statement strips. 2. Students will put strips in a sequential order. 3. Upon completion, collect all materials. 4. Teacher will distribute “Matching Activity PART I”. 5. Check the “teacher directions” on the document. Have slips already cut out on card stock and sorted into envelopes of baggies. If engagement is low, make it into a competition. Assessments Formatively assess students by listening to group discourse. In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will group and rearrange completed thought processes (statements and reasons) to put them in a meaningful order. MP 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will be discriminating between what information is relevant and accurate. MP 7: Look for and make use of structure. Students should begin to see a pattern with the properties and postulates. MP 8: Look for an express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students should be able to identify which parts of each triangle are congruent to the parts of the other triangle and WHY. Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M1, U2, L3 DAY: 2 DAILY LESSON PLAN Objectives Students will extend their knowledge of lines, angles, and triangles to proving relationships regarding parallelograms. Content Standards G.CO.10 Mathematical Practices MP 1,3,7, and 8 Materials Scissors Matching Activities Handouts Preparation Copies of handouts Lesson Activities 1. Pass out “Intro to Parallelograms”. 2. Highlight the differences and similarities between two column proofs, paragraph proofs, and flow proofs. 3. Highlight the differences and similarities between triangle congruency and parallelogram congruency. 4. Go through the “Intro to Parallelograms” as a class. 5. Next, hand out “Matching Activity PART II”. 6. See “Teacher Directions” on the document. Assessments Formatively assess students by listening to group discourse. In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP 1: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Students will group and rearrange completed thought processes (statements and reasons) to put them in a meaningful order. MP 3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will be discriminating between what information is relevant and accurate. MP 7: Look for and make use of structure. Students should begin to see a pattern with the properties and postulates. MP 8: Look for an express regularity in repeated reasoning. Students should be able to identify which parts of each triangle are congruent to the parts of the other triangle and WHY.