Unit 6 Reading Calendar

PERIOD 6: 1750 to 1914
An Age of Revolution, Industry, and Empire
Date Due
Assignment (Notes on blue sections listed)
Important Terms
Feb. 15
Chapter 28: Revolutions, pp. 620-630
John Locke
The Civil Code
1. Enlightened & Revolutionary Ideas
Levee en Masse
2. The American Revolution
Jean Jacque Rousseau
3. The French Revolution
Seven Years War
4. The Reign of Napoleon
Thomas Jefferson
Discussion Questions:
1. In what specific ways did the ideals of the Enlightenment challenge long-held assumptions about
government and social order?
2. What specific issues and concerns led the British colonies of North America to revolt against their
sovereign? What was the outcome of that rebellion?
3. What were the principal causes of the French Revolution of 1789? Were these concerns
addressed by the revolution?
4. How was French society restructured during the most radical phase of the Revolution (1793–94)?
Were these permanent changes, or short-lived ones?
5. Conventional wisdom holds that Napoleon ended the revolution when he proclaimed himself
emperor in 1804. In what ways did he continue the ideals of the revolution? In what ways did he
reverse the revolution?
Feb. 16
Chapter 28: Revolutions, pp. 620-630
Toussaint L’Overture
1. Haitian Revolution
Saint Domingue
2. Latin America
Gens de Couleur
3. Conservatism and Liberalism
4. Slavery
5. Women’s Rights
Discussion Questions:
1. In what specific ways did the ideals of the Enlightenment challenge long-held assumptions about
government and social order?
2. What specific issues and concerns led the British colonies of North America to revolt against their
sovereign? What was the outcome of that rebellion?
3. What were the principal causes of the French Revolution of 1789? Were these concerns
addressed by the revolution?
4. How was French society restructured during the most radical phase of the Revolution (1793–94)?
Were these permanent changes, or short-lived ones?
5. Conventional wisdom holds that Napoleon ended the revolution when he proclaimed himself
emperor in 1804. In what ways did he continue the ideals of the revolution? In what ways did he
reverse the revolution?
Feb. 17
Skill Development Day
Homework TBD
Feb. 18
Chapter 28: Revolutions, pp. 630-640
Edmund Burke
1. Wars of Independence in Latin Am.
John Stuart Mill
2. The Emergence of Ideologies: Conservatism
William Wilberforce
& Liberalism
Simon Bolivar
3. Testing the Limits of Revolutions Ideals:
Miguel Hidalgo
Jose San Martin
Discussion Questions:
1. Describe the basic social structure of Latin American society in 1800. What factors led to the
Feb. 19
Feb. 22
Feb. 23
Feb. 24
revolutions that followed?
2. What kind of states emerged in Mexico, Gran Colombia, and Brazil after the revolutions?
3. What factors led the western powers to abolish the slave trade and then slavery in the
nineteenth century?
4. What was the impact of the ideals of the Enlightenment and the events of the revolutionary era
on the status of women? Give some specific examples.
5. Compare the unification of Italy with the unification of Germany.
Chapter 28: Revolutions, pp. 640-650
Edmund Burke
Mary Wollstonecraft
1. Testing the Limits of Revolutionary Ideals:
John Stuart Mill
E. Cady Stanton
Women’s Rights
2. Nations & Nat’lism
3. The Emergence of Nat’l Communities
Theodor Herzl
4. The Unifications of Italy & Germany
Otto Bismarck
Discussion Questions:
1. Describe the basic social structure of Latin American society in 1800. What factors led to the
revolutions that followed?
2. What kind of states emerged in Mexico, Gran Colombia, and Brazil after the revolutions?
3. What factors led the western powers to abolish the slave trade and then slavery in the
nineteenth century?
4. What was the impact of the ideals of the Enlightenment and the events of the revolutionary era
on the status of women? Give some specific examples.
5. Compare the unification of Italy with the unification of Germany.
Skill Development Day
Homework TBD
Chapter 29: Industrial Society, pp. 650-660
1. Jainism and the Challenge to the
Siddhartha Gautama
Established Cultural Order
2. Early Buddhism
Four Noble Truths/Dharma
3. Mahayana Buddhism
4. The Emergence of Popular Hinduism
Bhagavad Gita
Discussion Questions:
1. What are the characteristics of Jainism? Why was it appealing to some people? Why didn’t it
gain a large following?
2. Describe the foundation of the Buddhist faith. Describe the doctrine.
3. Why was Buddhism appealing?
4. What developments in Buddhism made it even more popular?
5. Describe the spread of Buddhism.
6. How did Hinduism become a popular religion of salvation?
7. Describe the importance of the Bhagavad Gita.
Feb. 25
Skill Development Day
Homework TBD
Chapter 29: Industrial Society, pp. 660-672
Discussion Questions:
Feb. 26
Chapter 29: Industrial Society, pp. 660-672
Discussion Questions:
Feb. 29
Chapter 30: Americas: Building, pp. 676-688
Discussion Questions:
Mar. 1
Chapter 30: Americas: Economics, pp. 688-699
Mar. 2
Skill Development Day
Homework TBD
Chapter 31: Societies at Crossroads, pp. 704-712
Discussion Questions:
Mar. 3
Mar 4
Chapter 31: Societies at Crossroads, pp. 713-726
Discussion Questions:
Mar. 14
Chapter 32: Global Empires, pp. 730-744
Discussion Questions:
Mar. 15
Chapter 32: Global Empires, pp. 744-754
Skill Development Day
Homework TBD
Essay Day
Essay type-TBA
Test: Chapters 28-32
70 Multiple Choice (10 from previous material)
Mar. 17
Mar. 18