Workplace Adjustment Survey - Australian Public Service Commission

ICT Accessibility Community of Practice
Workplace Adjustment Survey
Information you should know
This survey has been developed to identify existing best practices across the Australian Public Service (APS) in relation to Accessible and
Inclusive Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
The questions contained in this survey seeks to identify ICT specific barriers which may prevent APS employees with disability from fully
participating in the workplace. This includes access to enabling technologies and implementing these as ICT workplace adjustments.
Not all of the information will be relevant to you or you may choose not to answer some of the questions. Please complete as many questions
as you can, or choose not to answer. There are 18 questions in this survey. It should take you around 10 minutes to complete.
We respect your privacy. Any information you provide will be treated confidentially and no identifying information will be collected, published or
transferred across agencies.
Results from this survey will be used to help the ICT Accessibility Community of Practice to develop a workplace accessibility and inclusion
business case to define and prioritise issues for accessible ICT, particularly from a whole of APS perspective.
Workplace Adjustment Survey
1. Which option best describes your reason for completing this survey?
(Please select the appropriate options)
I am a person with injury, illness or disability
I am the supervisor, team leader or manager of a person with injury, illness or
I am an advocate of a person with injury, illness or disability
I have an interest in disability inclusion in the workplace and would like to
contribute my views
2. How many years have you worked in the APS?
 Less than 1 year
 1 – 2 years
 2 – 5 years
 5- 10 years
 10 – 15 years
 more than 15 years
3. Which agency do you work for?
This question has been included only for the purposes of measuring agency response
rates. Although it is not possible to attribute any information in this survey to an individual
or agency you may choose not to disclose this information.
(Please select the appropriate options)
 Department of Human Services
 Department of Education and Training
 Department of Employment
 Australian Taxation Office
 Department of Social Services
 Department of Communications
 Australian Public Service Commission
 Other
 Choose not to disclose
4. Have you, or someone you know, received an ICT adjustment in the workplace?
ICT adjustments include any information communication technology changes that have
been made to make sure you have equal access to participate in the workplace. This is
irrespective of whether you have formally disclosed disability to your agency.
Examples may include the provision of:
assistive technology such as Dragon Naturally Speaking, JAWS or Zoomtext,
specific hardware such as an ergonomic mouse, or a larger screen monitor;
Accessible telecommunication equipment such as telecoil compatible headsets,
neckloops or other auditory assistance devices
(Please select the appropriate options)
5. How was this adjustment initiated?
(Please select the appropriate options if you answered YES to question 4)
 Reasonable adjustment form
 Supervisor, line manager or manager
 People Support Team/Area
 Colleague
 Self-initiated
6. What type of adjustment was implemented?
(Please select the appropriate options if you answered YES to question 4)
 Software
 Hardware
 Video/multimedia product
 Desktop or portable computer
 Telecommunications
 Other – please specify (insert text box)
7. How was this adjustment funded?
(Please select the appropriate options if you answered YES to question 4)
 Early intervention
 Centralised funding
 Job Access
 Local business unit
 Previous employer
 Own property
 Unknown
8. How promptly was this adjustment implemented?
(Please select from one of the following)
Less than 1 week
More than 1 week but less than 2 weeks
More than 2 weeks but less than 3 weeks
More than 3 weeks but less than 4 weeks
More than 4 weeks but less than 6 weeks
More than 6 weeks but less than 3 months
More than 3 months but less than 6 months
More than 6 months but less than 9 months
More than 9 months but less than 12 months
9. What do you consider to be the main barriers faced by people with
disability in your organisation?
Responses should be in the context of implementing ICT specific workplace adjustments
such as installing assistive technology software on your network, provision of
telecommunication equipment such as telephones, headsets.
(In order of ranking, please select from the list below)
Lack of support – supervisor or manager
Lack of support - organisational
Lack of support – ICT Service Desk
Lack of support – Senior leaders/disability champion
Low level of disability awareness – managers
Difficulty accessing policy or procedural information
Availability – assistive technology software or hardware
Lack of centralised training and support
IT Security
Computer access – e.g. compatibility of systems or applications
Technical awareness/competency
Inability to personalise or adapt ICT to individual requirements
In-house agency application
Geographic location – eg limits availability to, or quality of ICT services
10. To what extent do you agree with the following statements in connection
within your current role.
My immediate supervisor has a good
understanding of workplace
accessibility issues
My organisation has a culture that
encourages workplace accessibility
and adjustments
My organisation has robust policies
and processes relating to workplace
My organisation does a good job in
promoting the availability of workplace
My organisation does a good job in
implementing workplace adjustments
My organisation is aware of the needs
of staff with disability
My organisation is inclusive and has
an accessible environment for all
people with disability
11. If you or someone you know experienced a problem with an ICT adjustment, would
you know who to contact to report or resolve the issue?
(Please select the appropriate option)
12. Would you feel confident that an issue you raised regarding an ICT adjustment
would be resolved quickly? If you answer no, please briefly describe your own
experience in attempting to resolve an issue.
(Please select the appropriate option)
13. The following are possible areas of focus for the APS. To facilitate seamless access to ICT for people with illness, injury or
disability, please indicate how important you consider each item to be.
(Please select the option that that indicates how important you consider each area to be.)
Not important
Strengthening research and development to develop ICTenabled solutions for staff with disability
Mainstreaming the use of the universal design principle ie
access for all abilities
Centralising the availability of assistive technology software
Incorporating accessibility requirements into procurement
Enhancing existing internal policies to better foster
availability of accessible ICT
Training information technology professionals on ICT
Implementing mandatory disability awareness training for all
staff within the organisation
Reducing unnecessary communication with future
managers regarding the ICT adjustments people require in
the workplace
Having ICT capability which allows me flexibility to work
outside the office environment eg teleworking
Mandatory staff training in writing accessible documents
14. Can you suggest any other areas of focus? Enter response in the cell line below
15. What could your organisation or the APS do better to promote or implement
workplace adjustments? Enter response in the cell line below
16. Are there any other steps your organisation could take to remove ICT related
barriers for people with disability in the workplace?
For example would the introduction/enforcement of more accessible IT procurement in
your agency lead to better universal access to all employees including staff with
disability? Or perhaps the implementation of more accessible eLearning material? Enter
response in the cell line below
17. What is your organisation doing well in relation to ICT adjustments for people
with disability in the workplace?
This could be anything relating to support, policy, procedural or ICT specific Enter
** Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey **