MAT 0028 Spring 2013 - Lake

Lake-Sumter State College Course Syllabus
Course / Prefix Number
Course Catalog
MAT 0028
Course Title:
Developmental Mathematics II
Spring 2013
This course includes basic concepts and operations, linear equations and inequalities, word
problems, exponents, factoring, simple quadratic equations, and graphing. Students will receive
a grade of either “Satisfactory” or “Unsatisfactory.” One of the requirements for receiving a
“Satisfactory” grade is passing the state mandated Florida College Basic Skills Exit Test.
Richard Morrill
Office Location:
Contact Information:
Room 4131
Office Hours:
12-7 Mon and Wed
12-6:30 Tues and Thurs
10 – 2 Saturdays
All students are required to use LakerMail for official college e-mail communications.
See the college webpage for instructions on activating LakerMail.
Textbook and Other
Course Materials:
“Satisfactory” grade in MAT 0018 or appropriate placement score
Textbook: Introductory Algebra, Marvin Bittinger, 11th Edition, Addison –Wesley, 2011
Technology and Online
Computer Access
MyMathLab access code morrill38614
(register and log in at
To master basic algebraic concepts, operations, and problem solving techniques. This course
Course Objectives:
(what the course will do) should prepare you for your first college-level (non-developmental) mathematics course,
MAT1033, Intermediate Algebra
Student Learning
Outcomes (SLOs)
Assessed in this Course:
(what the students take
with them beyond this
Academic Integrity:
Important Information
for Students with
Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Simplifies expressions using the order of operations.
2. Solves linear and literal equations and linear inequalities.
3. Simplifies expressions involving exponents.
4. Factors polynomials.
The successful functioning of the academic community demands honesty, which is the basis
of respect for both ideas and persons. In the academic community, there is an ongoing
assumption of academic integrity at all levels. There is the expectation that work will be
independently thoughtful and responsible as to its sources of information and inspiration.
Honesty is an appropriate consideration in other ways as well, including but not limited to the
responsible use of library resources, responsible conduct in examinations, and the responsible
use of the Internet. (See college catalog for complete statement.)
Any student with a documented disability who requires assistance or academic
accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities immediately to
discuss eligibility. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is located on the Leesburg
Campus, but arrangements can be made to meet with a student on any campus. An
appointment can be made by calling 352-365-3574 and specific information about the OSD
Privacy Policy (FERPA):
and potential services can be found at, then go to “Quick Links” and click on
Disability Services.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR
Part99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. In order for
your information to be released, a form must be signed and in your records located in the
Admissions/Registrar’s Office.
Regular, punctual attendance is essential to your success in this course and is therefore
mandatory. Missing class, arriving late, or leaving early will affect your grade, as
discussed in the next section (“Methods of Evaluation”). If you wish to withdraw from this course,
it is your responsibility to go to the Admissions Office and do so officially, to avoid receiving a “U”
for the course.
If you miss a test or quiz for any reason, you will get a 0 on it. Make-up tests are given
in extreme conditions, but only if approved by the instructor before the in-class test is
given (do not wait until the next day to request a make-up). Make-up tests may be
allowed at the discretion of the instructor. The instructor may ask the student to supply
supporting documentation (such as a doctor’s note).
Withdrawal Deadline:
The deadline for withdrawing from this course this semester is Friday,
March 22, 2013
You will receive a course grade of either “S” for “Satisfactory” or “U” for “Unsatisfactory,” based
on whether you qualify for and successfully complete the Exit Test. If you qualify for the Exit Test
and earn a 23 or better on it, you will receive an “S.” If you receive less than a 23 on the Exit Test
or do not qualify to take it, you will receive a “U.” You must earn an “S” to progress to the next
course, MAT 1033, Intermediate Algebra, or MTB 1370, Math for Health Related Professions.
In order to qualify to take the Exit Test, you must obtain at least a 70% course average. If, at the
end of the term, your course average is less than 70%, then you will not qualify to take the Exit
Test, and you will receive a “U” for the course. There will be no exceptions.
Methods of Evaluation:
If you qualify for the Exit Test, you will have two opportunities to take it. If you are in a day class
of MAT0028, the first opportunity (the initial test) will be given on Tuesday, April 23, 4:30 pm –
6:25 pm. The second opportunity (the retake) will be on Thursday, April 25, from 4:30 pm –
6:25 pm. No other testing dates will be provided. If you take the initial test and do not pass it, you
may come back for the retake and try again; if you fail to show up for the retake, you will receive a
“U” for the course. If you miss the initial test, then the retake will be your only opportunity to take
the Exit Test. Make-ups for the Exit Test (other than the retake) are against LSCC policy.
Your course average will be based on the following components:
I. In-class exams will comprise 75 % of your course average.
II. Quizzes (online and in class) will comprise 10 % of your course average.
III. Homework (online) will comprise 10 % of your course average.
IV. Class Participation/Attendance will comprise 5 % of your course average.
Course Average = 0.75(Exam Avg) + 0.10(Quiz Avg) + 0.10(Homework) + 0.05(Class Attendance/Participation)
Quizzes. There will be at least 10 quizzes in this course. NO make-up quizzes will be allowed.
Quizzes will mostly be given online but they may also be administered in class. The lowest 2
quiz grade will be dropped at the end of the term and your remaining quizzes will be averaged
for your quiz grade. Quizzes may or may not be announced, but online quizzes are generally
assigned at the end of every week and are due by 8 am on the first class meeting of the week
(Monday or Tuesday). If you are not present in the room when an in class quiz is given you
will receive a 0 on that quiz. There is a prerequisite of scoring at least a 70% on the sections of
homework for the tested material in order to be eligible to take a quiz. You will not be allowed
to take a quiz if you have not done the appropriate homework for that quiz. No make-up
quizzes will be given for any reason, but I will drop your lowest 2 quiz scores.
Your Class Attendance/Participation Grade is based on 180 points. In order to earn the full 180
points, you must attend every class, arrive on time and stay until class is dismissed, maintain
appropriate behavior throughout class, and participate fully in all class work assigned by your
instructor. For each class you miss, you will lose 6 points. You may also lose points for arriving
late, leaving early, behaving inappropriately, or failing to participate in assigned class work.
HOMEWORK. MyMathLab online Homework Grade is based on problems assigned on the
“My Math Lab” Internet site ( This work will generally be done
outside of class, on your own time. You may access “My Math Lab” on the computers in the
LSCC Learning Center, or on your home computer if you have appropriate hardware and an
Internet connection. However, you are strongly encouraged to do as much of the work as
possible in the Learning Center since there are tutors on duty who can help you with any
difficulties that may arise. Details on accessing and using “My Math Lab” are on my website.
There is a prerequisite of scoring at least a 70% on a section of homework before being allowed
to the next homework assignment in each chapter. The deadline for the homework is the day of
the test but if you do not have the appropriate homework done by a quiz date, you will be unable
to take the quiz.
My “MyMathLab CourseID” for the Spring 2013 semester is morrill38614.
Grading Scale:
Course Calendar:
You will receive a course grade of either “S” for “Satisfactory” or “U” for “Unsatisfactory,” based
on whether you qualify for and successfully complete the Exit Test. If you qualify for the Exit Test
and earn a 23 or better on it, you will receive an “S.” If you receive less than a 23 on the Exit Test
or do not qualify to take it, you will receive a “U.” You must earn an “S” to progress to the next
course, MAT 1033, Intermediate Algebra, or MTB 1370, Math for Health Related Professions.
Chapter R: Prealgebra Review (Sections R.1 & R.2)
Chapter 1: Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions
Chapter 2: Equations and Inequalities (Omit 2.8)
Chapter 3: Graphs of Linear Equations (Omit 3.6, 3.7)
Chapter 4: Polynomials: Operations
Chapter 5: Polynomials: Factoring (Omit 5.4, 5.8)
Chapter 6: Rational Expressions and Equations (Omit 6.6, 6.8, 6.9)
Chapter 8: Radical Expressions (Omit 8.5, 8.6)
See attached tentative daily schedule and homework assignments.
No calculators are to be used in this course.
Classroom Rules and
All answers must be in "simplified form." For ex, all fractions must be reduced to lowest
terms. Other specifications will be made in class.
TURN OFF all beepers/cell phones upon entering the class. You may lose participation
points for this.
If you are disruptive, then I will ask you to leave.
If you are late and the class is taking a test, then you only have the time remaining, as do
the students who were there on time.
If you are caught cheating, you will either fail the assignment/test or fail the course, at the
discretion of the instructor. No warning will be given
Violence Statement:
Syllabus Disclaimer:
Lake-Sumter State College has a policy of zero tolerance for violence as stated in
College Board Rule 2.17. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with
Board Rule 2.17.
Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of this instructor, considered
correct and complete when distributed to the student. The instructor reserves the right, acting
within policies and procedures of Lake-Sumter State College, to make necessary changes in
course content or instructional techniques without prior notice or obligation to the student.
1-55 odd, 57-64 all
1 – 25 odd, 31 – 71 odd, 73-80 all
1 –21 odd, 25, 29 –55 odd, 61, 65 – 75 odd
Pg 431 1-65 odd
1 – 69 odd, 73 – 91 odd, 93 – 98 odd, 101,102
1 –29 odd, 33 –53 odd, 57 –77 odd,86 –89 all
1 – 17 odd, 25 – 55 odd, 69 –74 all, 73, 74
Pg 476 1,2,4-28, 30-39
Page 479 1 – 24 all
SECTION note: Good reviews for exams:
Pg 53
1 – 51 odd
1 – 9 odd, 13 – 53 odd, 57-63 odd, 65 – 74 all
1 – 10 all
1 – 55 odd, 59 – 68 all
9 – 79 odd
1 – 61 odd, 67, 69, 83, 84
1 – 91 odd, 107, 108
1 – 11, 13 - 51
1 – 65 odd, 66, 67 – 73 odd, 85 – 94 all
1 – 15 odd, 17 – 28 all, 31 – 40 all, 43 – 48 all,
49 – 71 odd, 81, 84 - 86
1 – 59 odd, 61 – 64 all, 65 – 127 odd, 129 – 139 all
1 – 81 odd, 83 – 90 all
Pg 134 1,2,4-37,42-61
Pg 137 1 – 28 all, 33 – 43 all
Pg 90
Pg 220
Pg 223
1 – 51 odd, 53 – 62 all
1 – 43 odd, 45 – 54 all
1 – 61 odd, 67 – 71 odd, 77–85 odd, 91, 93–100 all
1 – 51 odd, 53 – 58 all, 61, 62
1-36, 39, 41-46
1 – 31 odd, 37, 38, 41, 4247, 48, 63 – 66 all
3,4, 15–20 all, 23–26 all, 28,30, 35-38 all, 39–48 all
1 – 83 odd, 85 – 96 all
1-16, 18-21, 23-41, 46-48,50-52,56
1 – 11 all, 14 – 27 all, 29, 32, 33, 37, 38
1 – 7 odd, 9 – 12 all, 13 – 25 odd, 27 – 40 all,
43 – 55 odd, 63 – 111 odd, 112, 113, 115 – 120 all
1 – 51 odd, 53 – 62 all, 67 – 74 all, 97 – 106 all
1 – 11 odd, 27 – 42 all, 43 – 69 odd, 71 – 80 all,
93 – 100 all, 102 – 107 all, 109
Pg 351
1 – 11 odd, 21 – 69 odd, 75 – 84 all
1 – 35 odd, 390 – 44 all
1 – 41 odd, 43 – 54 all
1 – 59 odd, 61 – 66 all, 71 – 74 all
1 – 53 odd, 55 – 60 all
Pg 519 1-26
23-25 all, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 43–56 all,59- 62 all
Worksheet on Conversions
Pg566 1-27, 33, 35, 36
Pg 569 1 – 17 all, 27,,28 ,31
Pg 296
Pg 301
1 – 57 odd, 63 – 70 all
1 – 57 odd, 59-64 all
1 – 8 all, 9 – 47 odd, 65 – 70 all
1 – 25 odd, 41 – 50 all
1 – 29 odd, 31 – 38 all
1 – 11 all, 15-17, 19 – 24 all
8.1 1 – 19 odd, 37 – 61 odd, 72, 73, 74
1 – 27 odd, 35 – 85 odd
1 – 45 odd, 87 – 92 all
Pg 651 1-4, 6, 7, 9-18, 20-32
1 – 21 odd, 39 – 51 odd, 69 – 74 all
Pg 678 1-4,11-21,23,24,27-29,31-40,44,45,47,48
Pg 681 1, 2, 3, 7, 10 – 14 all, 16 – 22 all, 24, 25, 27, 28
1 – 51 odd, 65 – 74 all
1-26, 29-40
1 – 49 odd, 61 – 81 odd, 83 – 90 all, 92
1 – 99 odd, 106 – 110 all
1 – 7 odd, 17 – 20 all, 21 – 83 odd
1 – 23 odd
Final Exam
Pg 751 1 – 14 all, 18, 21 – 25 all, 32, 33, 36 – 57 all, 59 – 63 all,
65 – 74 all, 77, 78, 79, 85, 86, 100, 102, 112, 113
Pg 390 1-10, 12-14, 18-30, 33-49, 52, 53
Pg 393 1 – 15 all, 17, 18, 22 – 44 all
Tentative TR Daily Schedule (28)
(subject to change)
January 8
January 10
January 15
January 17
January 22
January 24
January 29
January 31
February 5
February 7
February 12
February 14
February 19
February 21
February 26
February 28
March 12
March 14
1.3, 1.4,
1.5, 1.6,1.7
1.7, 1.8 Review
Test 1, 2.1, 2.2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4
2.7, review
Test 2, 4.1
4.2, 4.3
4.4, 4.5,
4.6, 4.7
4.8, review
Test #3, 5.1
5.2, 5.3/5.4
April 16
April 18
5.5, 5.6
5.6, 5.7, review
Test #4 ,6.1
6.2, 6.3
withdrawal date
6.3,6.4, 6.5
6.7, conversions
Test #5, 3.1
3.2, 3.3, 3.4,3.5
8.1, 8.2
Test #6
review for exit test
April 23
April 25
Initial Exit Test 4:30 pm – 6:25 pm
Retake Exit Test 4:30 pm – 6:25 pm
March 19
March 21
March 22
March 26
March 28
April 2
April 4
April 9
April 11