Robert Service High School Geometry Mathematics Shawna Barber CALENDAR WEEK 6 Today’s Topics Monday September 20, 2010 Review for Test 2 Day 1 Tuesday September 21, 2010 Discuss Project Review for Test 2 Wednesday September 22, 2010 Test 2 Thursday September 23, 2010 3.1 Identify Pairs of Lines and Angles Friday September 24, 2010 3.2 Use Parallel Lines and Transversals Homework Worksheet 9 1) Read Page 133/134 (Big Ideas/Key Vocab) 2) Problems: 134137/1-10,12-15,18-20 3) Fill in the blanks in the proof printed below Work on Project Page 150/1-23,2932,45-49 Page 157/5-23/odd,2737/odd,41 Given: AX DX A XC XB Prove: AC BD D Statements 1. AX DX X Reasons 1. XC XB B C 2. 3. AX + XC = AC DX + XB = BD 4. AC = BD 5. 2. Addition Property of = 3. 4. 5. Definition of