Baby Bjorn's allow moms to strap the baby to their chest while they

Congratulations on your new baby and welcome to the
6-week challenge!
You are taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle.
EVERYDAY aim for:
*1 minute STRETCHING
*15 minutes CARDIO
*3 CORE exercises
*2 UPPER BODY exercises
*1 LOWER BODY exercise
STRETCHING: Perform these gentle stretches before and after
exercise and at any other time of day as needed to help relieve
discomfort from lifting and holding your new baby.
Child’s Pose
Breathe in and reach
your arms far in front
of you till you feel a
stretch in your
shoulder blades.
Breathe out, and pull
your bellybutton to
your backbone.
Hold for 30 seconds.
Breathe in and pull your bellybutton to your backbone as you curl your
body in and hold for 15 seconds. Breathe out and stretch your head up,
dipping your back. Hold for 15 seconds.
CARDIO: Begin by walking 10 minutes a day and increasing by one
Side Step Up and Down
minute daily. Also, pick a stair climbing exercise from below. Stair
climbing can be substituted for walking!
Step up together,
then down together.
Step Up Forward/ Step Down Backwards
Repeat for 2 ½
minutes each side
Use a single stair or small stool
with railing or counter nearby
available for balance.
Step up together then back
down together.
Repeat for 5 minutes
CORE: Pick 3 to do daily.
You should work to do all each week, and to
repeat each 10 times. Listen to your body and start where you are at
Step Up Backwards/ Step Down Forward
Tight abs
Lie on your back with
you hands on your
hips. Breathe in and
expand your belly,
then blow the air out
of your mouth
quickly like blowing
out candles. Repeat
10 times.
Repeat for 5 minutes
Pelvic Tilt
Breathe out and press your
waist to the floor and your
bellybutton to your
backbone. Repeat 10 times.
Breathe in, squeeze
your bottom together
and your belly to your
backbone. Breathe
out and lift your hips,
holding for 5 seconds
at the top. Return to
start, repeat 10 times.
Foot slide
Breath out, press your
bellybutton to your
backbone and slide your
heel until your waist comes
off the ground then return
to start position. Repeat
with each foot 10 times.
Leg bridge
Place your feet on
stool or stair. Breathe
in, squeeze your
bottom together and
your belly to your
backbone. Breathe
out and lift your hips.
Repeat 10 times.
1 leg bridge
Double Heel Slide
Breathe out, press your
bellybutton to your
backbone and slide both
heels away until your waist
comes off the ground, then
return to start position.
Repeat 10 times.
Start with one foot
on floor and one leg
at knee height.
Breathe out and lift
your hips. Repeat
10 times.
Curl: Only perform if there
is no more than two
finger widths down
midline of abdominal wall
With feet on floor,
bellybutton to backbone,
chin to chest, hug baby
lifting shoulderblades off
floor. Repeat 10 times.
Look at baby!
On forearms and knees,
keep body in straight line
from shoulders to knees
while looking at your baby,
squeeze your bottom,
bellybutton to backbone
and hold for 10 seconds.
Side to side
Repeat curl bringing
shoulder to opposite knee.
Repeat 10 times each side.
Arm&Leg Raise
Start with both hands and
knees on the floor, then
pull your bellybutton to
your backbone, exhale and
slowly lift both arms and
legs. Repeat on other side.
10 times each side.
On forearms and foes,
keep a straight line from
shoulders to ankles,
squeeze your bottom,
bellybutton to backbone,
and hold for 10 seconds.
On hands and knees with
hips facing the floor,
bellybutton to backbone,
slowly lift your bent knee
outwards and repeat 10
times each side.
From the side
On forearm and side
of bent knee, keep a
straight line from
shoulders to knee,
squeeze your bottom,
bellybutton to
backbone and hold for
10 seconds.
From the side II
On forearm and
outside edge of foot,
keep a striaght line
from shoulder to
ankle, squeeze your
bottom, bellybutton
to backbone, and hold
for 10 seconds. No
hips dipping!
You can use anything as a weight like cans of formula, bottles filled
with water, or grapefruit. Keep bellybutton to backbone and repeat
each 10 times SLOWLY!
Stand and Pull
Repeat 10 times.
Lift up
Lift from hips to
straight out in
front, repeat 10
Bicep curl
Bend your hands
to your shoulders
slowly, repeat 10
Push up
Lift from
shoulders to
above your head,
touching weights
together at top,
repeat 10 times.
Tricep curl
Lean forward,
holding your
baby. Straighten
opposite arm
backwards, then
bend at elbow
bringing hand to
shoulder, repeat
10 times each
LOWER BODY: Pick one
Keep back
straight, squeeze
bellybutton to
backbone, and sit
no farther that
you would on a
chair. Return to
standing, repeat
10 times.
Forward Lunge
Take a big step
forward, squeeze
bottom, keep both
knees in L shape,
and return to
standing pushing
heels to floor. Repeat 10 times.
Side Lunge
Take a big step to the side,
squeeze bottom, bend working
knee keeping the other straight,
and return to stand. Repeat 10
times each side.
Stand and Raise
Holding onto a
chair, squeeze
bottom, and lift
leg to side, hold
for 5 seconds,
repeat 5 times
each side.
Lift back
Facing a chair,
bottom, and lift
leg backwards,
hold for 5
seconds, repeat
5 times each