Chapter 12

Chapter 12
Cross-cultural Exchanges on the Silk
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Long-Distance Travel in the Ancient
Lack of police enforcement outside of
established settlements
Changed in classical period
Improvement of infrastructure
Development of empires
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Trade Networks Develop
Dramatic increase in trade due to Greek
Maintenance of roads, bridges
Discovery of Monsoon wind patterns
Increased tariff revenues used to maintain
open routes
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Trade in the Hellenistic World
Persia, Egypt
Spices, pepper, cosmetics, gems, pearls
Wine, oil, jewelry, art
Development of professional merchant class
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The Silk Roads
Named for principal commodity from China
Dependent on imperial stability
Overland trade routes from China to Roman
Sea Lanes and Maritime trade as well
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Organization of Long-Distance Trade
Divided into small segments
Tariffs and tolls finance local supervision
Tax income incentives to maintain safety,
maintenance of passage
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The Silk Roads, 200 BCE-300 CE
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Cultural Trade: Buddhism and Hinduism
Merchants carry religious ideas along silk
India through central Asia to east Asia
Cosmopolitan centers promote development
of monasteries to shelter traveling merchants
Buddhism becomes dominant faith of silk
roads, 200 BCE-700 CE
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The Spread of Hinduism, Buddhism and
Christianity, 200 BCE – 400 CE
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Buddhism in China
Originally, Buddhism restricted to foreign
merchant populations
Gradual spread to larger population
beginning 5th c. CE
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Buddhism and Hinduism in SE Asia
Sea lanes in Indian Ocean
1st c. CE clear Indian influence in SE Asia
Rulers called “rajas”
Sanskrit used for written communication
Buddhism, Hinduism increasingly popular faiths
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Christianity in Mediterranean Basin
Gregory the Wonderworker, central Anatolia 3rd c.
Christianity spreads through Middle East, North
Africa, Europe
Sizeable communities as far east as India
Judaism, Zoroastrianism also practiced
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Christianity in SW Asia
Influence of ascetic practices from India
Desert-dwelling hermits, monastic societies
After 5th c. CE, followed Nestorios
Emphasized human nature of Jesus
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Spread of Manichaeism
Mani Zoroastrian prophet (216-272 CE)
Influenced by Christianity, Buddhism and
good vs. evil
light vs. dark
spirit vs. matter
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Manichaean Society
Devout: “the Elect”
Ascetic lifestyle
Celibacy, vegetarianism
Life of prayer and fasting
Laity: “the Hearers”
Material supporters of “the Elect”
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Decline of Manichaeism
Spread through silk routes to major cities in
Roman Empire
Zoroastrian opposition provokes Sassanid
Mani arrested, dies in captivity
Romans, fearing Persian influence, also
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The Spread of Epidemic Disease
Belief systems and scapegoats
Romans believe Christians are to blame
St. Cyprian – On Morality
Role of trade routes in spread of pathogens
Limited data, but trends in demographics reasonably
Smallpox, measles, bubonic plague
Effect: Economic slowdown, move to regional selfsufficiency
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Epidemics in the Han and Roman
Chinese Population, 0600 CE
c. 0 c. c. c.
CE 200 400 600
Roman Population, 0400 CE
c. 0 CE c. 200 c. 400
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Internal Decay of the Han State
Court intrigue
Formation of actions
Problem of land distribution
Large landholders develop private armies
Peasant rebellions
184 CE Yellow Turban Rebellion
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Collapse of the Han Dynasty
Generals assume authority,
reduce Emperor to puppet
Alliance with landowners
200 CE Han Dynasty
abolished, replaced by 3
Immigration of northern
nomads increases
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Sinicization of Nomadic Peoples
Sinicization: to make Chinese in character or
bring under Chinese influence
Nomads adapt to Chinese environment
Adoption of sedentary lifestyle
Adoption of Chinese names, dress,
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Popularity of Buddhism and Daoism
Disintegration of political order casts doubt on
Confucian doctrines
Buddhism, Daoism gain popularity
Religions of salvation
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Fall of the Roman Empire: Internal
The Barracks Emperors
235-284 26 claimants to the throne, all but one killed
in power struggles
Disintegration of imperial economy in favor of local
and regional self-sufficient economies
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Diocletian (r. 284-305 CE)
Divided empire into two administrative districts
Co-Emperors, dual Lieutenants
Currency, budget reform
Relative stability disappears after Diocletian’s
retirement from office (305 CE) civil war follows (306
Constantine emerges victorious
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Fall of the Roman Empire: External
Visigoths, influenced by Roman law, Christianity
Formerly buffer states for Roman Empire
Attacked by Huns under Attila in 5th c. CE
Massive migration of Germanic peoples into Roman
Sacked Rome in 410 CE, established Germanic
emperor in 476 CE
 Germanic general Odovacer deposed Romulus
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Germanic invasions and the fall of the western
Roman empire, 450-476 C.E.
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Cultural Change in the Roman Empire
Growth of Christianity
Constantine’s Vision, 312 CE
Promulgates Edict of Milan, allows Christian
Converts to Christianity
380 CE Emperor Theodosius proclaims
Christianity official religion of Roman Empire
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St. Augustine (354-430 CE)
Hippo, North Africa
Experimented with Greek thought,
387 converts to Christianity
Major theologian
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The Institutional Church
Conflicts over doctrine and practice in early
Divinity of Jesus
Role of women
Church hierarchy established
Bishop of Rome
Five Patriarchs of Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria
and Constantinople
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Collapse of Rome and the Church
Church Council’s
Council of Nicaea (325 CE) and Council of
Chalcedon (451 CE
Determine the nature of Jesus
Pope as spiritual leader
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