Betsey Ellingsen Lesson Plans, March 1st through March 5th AP French Blue Days Note: by definition this combined class of AP French and Honors French 4 is differentiated. Day One, Tuesday, March 2nd Curriculum standards ML5CCC1C Research and discuss how the viewpoints of people in countries where the target language is spoken are reflected in their practices and products, such as political systems, art, architecture, music, and literature Technology Standards No use of technology is required for this class Essential Question How do the French view their daily life? Assessments Warm-up: formative: Reponds a cette question: Quelles sont 3 industries importantes en France? Summarizer: formative: Answer the essential question for today Instructional Plan Warm-up Enrichment summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: France 3 Years, French Daily Life, pages 509-511; Ex. A and C, pages 511-512 Day Two, Thursday, March 4th Curriculum standards ML5CCC1C Research and discuss how the viewpoints of people in countries where the target language is spoken are reflected in their practices and products, such as political systems, art, architecture, music, and literature Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question How do you think that French literature might reflect in France’s practices and products? Assessments Warm-up: formative” Reponds a cette question: Qu’est-ce qu’on appelle “le repas fait dans la nuit de Noel”? Summarizer: formative: Answer the essential question Instructional Plan Warm-up Enrichment Summarizer: Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: French Literature, Middle Ages, 16th and 17th centuries, pages 514-515; choose one author from each century mentioned and write a short blurb in French about him/her Monday, 3/8 French Literature: 18th and 19th centuries, pages 515-516 Wednesday, 3/10 French Literature: 20th century 516-520, ex. B, C, and E, pages 521-522 Friday, 3/12 Beaux Arts et La Musique—pages 523-530, page 527, ex. B and C on page 527 and Ex. A and C, page 530 Tuesday, 3/16—Les Sciences, page 531-532, ex. A and C, pages 522-523; pre-test on The Three Musketeers Thursday 3/186—Major Test on French Civilization, Begin Three Musketeers Betsey Ellingsen Lesson Plans March 1st through March 5th Honors French 4, blue days Note: by definition this combined class of Honors French 4 and AP French Language is differentiated. Day One, Tuesday, March 2nd Curriculum standards ML4CCC3B Compare linguistic elements of the target language and English, such as the different structures to express time, tense, and mood ML4INT1A Identify main ideas, supporting details and various elements, such as plot, theme, setting, and characters, from a variety of texts Technology Standards None is required for this class Essential Question Why is Tunis a country of contrasts? Assessments Warm-up: formative: matching vocabulary from city/traditional life Summarizer: conjugate chanter, grossir, and attendre in both imperfect and conditional tenses Instructional Plan Warm-up Remediation Enrichment Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Remediation; Review of conditional and imperfect tenses in French in preparation for Thursday’s grammar instruction; Enrichment: New vocabulary from section dealing with expressing hopes or wishes and giving advice in preparation for Thursday’s grammar instruction: Tasting of dates, a Tunisian crop; reading about the culture of Tunisia from pages 221, page 224, page 233; Reading Comprehension on page 220, ex. 1 and 2 Day Two, Thursday, March 4th Curriculum standards ML4CCC3B Compare linguistic elements of the target language and English, such as the different structures used to express time, tense, and mood ML4INT1A Identify main ideas, supporting details and various elements, such as plot, theme, setting, and characters, from a variety of texts Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question Why is Tunis a country of contrasts? Assessments Warm-up: formative: conjugate regarder, maigrir, and perdre in both imperfect and conditional tenses Summative: Assessment on vocabulary from city and traditional life Summarizer: formative: answer the essential question Instructional Plan Warm-up: 10 minute study session for vocabulary quiz Remediation Enrichment Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Remediation: sequence of tenses; Enrichment: asking someone to convey good wishes and closing a letter; Reading Comprehension, ex. 3-5 on page 220 Monday, 3/8—vocabulary on complaining, workbooks page 73, Ex. 1, 2, Wednesday, 3/10—expressing annoyance, workbooks page 78-79, ex. 10-13 Friday, 3/12 making comparisons, workbooks page 74, ex. 4-6 Tuesday, 3/16—Unit 8 Vocabulary Test Betsey Ellingsen Lesson Plans March 1st through March 5th Honors French 3, white days Day One, Monday, March 1st Curriculum standards ML3CCC3A—Demonstrate understanding that language and meaning do not directly transfer from one language to another ML3CCC3B—Demonstrate understanding that vocabulary, linguistic structures, and tense usage in English differ from those of the language studied. Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question What do you suppose the following drawing resembles? [Copy drawing from Chapter 1 of Le Petit Prince.] Assessments Warm-up: none for this class Summative: Unit 4 individual/pair/group test (Open Notes and Open Book), Summarizer: conjugate these 3 verbs in the passe simple: chanter, choisir, attendre Instructional Plan Unit 4 Test Enrichment Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: introduction of passé simple to prepare for Le Petit Prince.; Antoine de St. Exupery biography; history behind the writing of Le Petit Prince. Day Two, Wednesday, March 3rd Curriculum standards ML3CCC3A—Demonstrate understanding that language and meaning do not directly transfer from one language to another ML3CCC3B—Demonstrate understanding that vocabulary, linguistic structures, and tense usage in English differ from those of the language studied. Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question How is Stephen Spielberg like Antoine de St. Exupery? Assessments Warm-up: formative assessment: Write down the endings for ER, IR, and RE regular verbs in the passé simple Summarizer: conjugate: regarder, maigrir, and perdre in the passé simple. Instructional Plan Warm-up Enrichment Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: Passe simple of avoir, etre, and faire; New vocabulary from Le Petit Prince; Begin Novel study of Le Petit Prince, chapter 1 -2th Day Three, Friday, March 5 Curriculum standards ML3CCC3A—Demonstrate understanding that language and meaning do not directly transfer from one language to another ML3CCC3B—Demonstrate understanding that vocabulary, linguistic structures, and tense usage in English differ from those of the language studied. Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question How would you compare your “inner child” with an adult’s world? Assessments Warm-up: 10 minute study session for assessment on the regular passé simple Summarizer: conjugate: regarder, maigrir, and perdre in the passé simple. Instructional Plan Warm-up Summative assessment on passé simple Enrichment Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: Passe simple of aller, prendre, and venir; New vocabulary from Le Petit Prince; Begin Novel study of Le Petit Prince, chapter 1 Betsey Ellingsen Lesson Plans March 1st through March 5th French 1, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th blocks daily Please note: each class begins with a warm-up; after which there is now a series of Opening Questions that the instructor asks the students which include: the date, the days of the week, the months of the year, the 4 seasons of the year, the 8 surrounding countries of France, the weather, and the time. Day One, Monday, March 1st Curriculum standards ML1P2B Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material MLIP2C Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question Why does a person have to learn how to conjugate verbs? Assessments Warm-up: formative: conjugate prier—to pray Summarizer: formative: conjugate monter—to go up Instructional Plan Warm-up Remediation Ernichment Differentation Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Remediation: Review of verb conjugations taking examples from the Unit 1 test, students will try to correct sentences Enrichment: the verb to have—avoir—conjugation, avoir in the negative; Reading Pre-test on Chapter 3: tout pour la rentree; vocabulary from section 5 Day Two, Tuesday, March 2nd Curriculum standards ML1P2B Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material MLIP2C Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written exchanges Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question What is the difference between regular and irregular verbs? Assessments Warm-up: formative: derived from workbooks, page 12, ex. 7 Summarizer: formative: TOD: Write what class you have for first block on blue days Instructional Plan Warm-up Enrichment Remediation Summarizer -2Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Remediation: workbooks page 13, ex. 9 Enrichment: vocabulary section 6 Differentiation: Reading and acting out parts of the dialogue on page 49 Day Three, Wednesday, March 3rd Curriculum standards ML1P2B Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question How and why do the French use the 24-hour clock? Assessments Warm-up: formative: What does quelle heure est-il mean? Summarizer: formative: TOD, answer the essential question Instructional Plan Warm-up Enrichment Remediation Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: Enrichment: vocabulary section 7; cultural note about the 24hour clock on page 58; Creation of a French personal school schedule Remediation: how to tell time and the 24 hour clock Day Four, Thursday,March 4th Curriculum standards ML1P2B Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material ML1INT1A Identify the main ideas and some details when reading and listening Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question What does the rentree have to do with you? Assessments Warm-up: formative: matching of new vocabulary words Summarizer: formative: match le matin, l’apres-midi, aujourd’hui, demain and maintenant Instructional Plan Warm-up Enrichment Remediation Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: new vocabulary section 8 Remediation: workbooks pages 10, ex. 1 and 2, page 11, ex. 3 and 4 -3Day Five, Friday, March 5th Curriculum standards ML1P2B Demonstrate comprehension of rehearsed material ML1INT1A Identify the main ideas and some details when reading and listening Technology standards No technology is required for this class Essential Question What time is it? Assessments Warm-up: study 10 minutes for posttest Summative: Post-test on verb avoir Summarizer: formative: derived from workbook page 15, ex. 5 matching times with the correct numerals Instructional Plan Warm-up Posttest on Verb avoir Enrichment Remediation Summarizer Remediation/Enrichment/Differentiation Enrichment: new vocabulary section 9 Remediation: Numbers 20-59; review of plus, minus, multiplication, and subtraction, write 4 math problems, one of each function whose answers fall between 20 and 59. Monday, March 15th—vocabulary section 10 Tuesday, March 16th—vocabulary section 11 Wednesday, March 17th—review for vocabulary test Thursday, March 18th—Unit 2 Vocabulary Test