Le vocabulaire du Petit Prince

Le vocabulaire du Petit Prince
SW practice using the vocabulary words they have encountered in The Little Prince
SWBAT identify missing vocabulary words in context
SWBAT understand and discuss two chapters in The Little Prince
SWBAT ask and answer comprehension and analytical questions about the book
SL.PS4.PW.01 Create/Compose simple original sentences and questions on very familiar topics.
SL.PS5.IL.02 Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words and phrases when used in familiar contexts.
SL.PS5.IR.01 Demonstrate understanding of ideas and supporting details from longer and somewhat more
complex written texts on topics from everyday life.
vocabulary review sheet
printed copies of “Le Petit Prince”
slips of paper
homework worksheets
1 class period (50 minutes)
Oral: students will verbally answer vocabulary and reading comprehension questions
Written: homework questions, vocabulary sentences, vocabulary worksheet
Beginning of Lesson:
1. Ask students to take out the vocabulary review sheets that they completed for homework. Ask
them to choose their five best sentences (correct, well-written, and interesting). They should rewrite
these sentences, omitting the vocabulary word that they used.
2. Have the students exchange papers. In turn, each student will read a sentence from their paper.
The students who did not write the sentence will try to figure out what word is missing. The writer
will say yes or no.
3. Distribute the vocabulary review sheets. Have the students work independently on the questions,
then check with a partner, then go over as a class.
Middle of Lesson
4. Distribute handouts from chapters 14-15. Go over the vocabulary. Tell students they will have time
in class to work on the handouts.
5. Read Chapter 14 aloud.
End of lesson
6. Give students time to work on their reading and questions in class. Tell them that they will still
need to finish the questions for homework but they should focus on the vocabulary for Tuesday’s
7. Note: After class, the teacher will adapt some of the student-created sentences to include as a
portion of Tuesday’s test.
Students may use a French-English dictionary if necessary.
Advanced students will be encouraged to speak and write more extensively and to expand
on their ideas.
Advanced students may continue reading ahead in the novel.
Additional explanation in French will be provided to students who need it.
Some translation of individual words or abstract concepts will be provided as needed.
The students participated actively in the vocabulary review game. I invented
this game and am pleased with the way it worked. I will definitely reuse it because it
forces students to really listen to one another as they are not allowed to read the
sentences. The words and vocabulary activities were challenging for students; I am
making them do more than they are used to with the words. I will see tomorrow
how that turns out. In the past I have only had students translate the words or write
sentences. Making them find synonyms in French and fill in the blanks in sentences
is higher-level thinking and reading comprehension. However I do it in ELL classes
so it is high time I asked my French students to do it as well. Students were
challenged but worked hard during class time.
Le Petit Prince
Révision de vocabulaire 2
A. Trouver les synonymes ou les explications:
1. frapper _____
A. parce que
2. améliorer _____
B. tenir pour vrai, tenir pour certain, penser
3. croire _____
C. rendre meilleur, perfectionner, réformer
4. par hasard _____
D. persuader, convertir
5. doucement _____
E. un petit arbre
6. l’orgeuil _____
F. qui a la couleur de l’or
7. convaincre _____
G. accidentellement
8. car _____
H. irriter, énerver, impatienter
9. agacer _____
I. battre, taper, donner des coups
10. doré _____
J. ambition, amour-propre, vanité
11. une arbuste _____
K. discrètement, sans faire du bruit
B. Mettre les mots appropriés dans les espaces blanches:
la douceur
une panne
la sagesse
un métier
le soin
se rappeller
un mensonge
1. Ma voiture a eu _______________________ pendant notre voyage.
2. L’homme était très _____________________ de sa voiture qui était dans la rue dans
un quartier un peu dangereux.
3. Est-ce que tu _______________________ de notre prof à l’école primaire?
4. “La beauté plaît aux yeux; ___________________ charme l’âme,” Cabaret Voltaire.
5. La mère a pris ____________________ de bien laver son bébé.
6. L’élève a raconté ______________________ en disant que le chien avait avalé ses
7. On __________________ en grandissant.
8. J’ __________________________ mon sac dans l’autobus.
9. Qu’est-ce que vous voudriez faire comme _________________________?
10. “Celui qui cherche _____________________ est un sage; celui qui croît l’avoir
trouvée est un fou,” Sénèque.