Citizen in a changeable world The meaning of the “citizenship” Active Responsible Solidly European Caterina lombardo 2007 What the “citizenship” is ? The citizenship is the most complete and inclusive form of taking part in the life of the community Caterina Lombardo 2007 Different types of humanity arise from the necessity to stay together in order to answer more effectively the individual demand for needs: - first (food, shelter, defence of external and enviromental attack , …) and - second ( affectivity, communication, mutual identification, friendship, play, …) Caterina Lombardo 2007 OCCUPATION, among human activities , links many needs: 1.those which arise from the exercise of the physical and mental resources (to better the quality of the material life ) 2. those which reply to the necessity to stay together and to cooperate (to better the quality of the intellectual and emotional life) Caterina Lombardo 2007 Who withdraws from the others, impoverishes his/her own life. TAKING PART IN THE LIFE OF THE COMMUNITY WHERE ONES LIVES OFFERS TO EACH INDIVIDUAL THE POSSIBILITY TO DISCOVER AND REALIZE THE FEATURES OF HIS/HER OWN PERSONALITY Caterina Lombardo 2007 When a human being becomes part of a community he/she acquires a series of rights of participation They are different rights in accordance with the nature, aims, dimensions of the community in which a human being takes part (family, local community, Nation, European Union) Caterina Lombardo 2007 THERE ARE SOME FOUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS THAT THE HUMAN COMMUNITIES ARE OBLIGED TO RESPECT They are the UNIVERSAL RIGHTS OF THE MANKIND obtained through age-old successions of conquests of civilization, often closely-fought and bloody. France, 1789 – Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen ONU, 1948 – Universal Declaration of the Human Rights Italy, 1948 – Constitution of the Republic Preface to the Declaration of 1948 Our greater aim is a world where human beings have the right of saying what they think, of choosing what they want to believe in and of living without fear The law must defend the human rights CONSTITUTION OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC Art. 3 All citizens have the same social dignity and they are equal for the law, without distinction of sex, of race, of language, of religion, of political views, of personal conditions. The Republic has to remove the economic and social obstacles which, limiting citizens’ freedom and equality, prevent the full development of the human being and the effective partecipation of all workers to the political, economic and social organization of a Country. Europe of rights 1950 – European convention of the human rights and of the foundamental freedom EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS 7th December 2000 BILL OF FOUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF EU (Nizza’s Document) Caterina Lombardo 2007 From all these declarations come out that: RIGHTS RESPONSABILITY INDIVIDUAL DUTIES ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP = RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP All people have right to private and home life right to have opinions and profess different religions right to speak freely right to be properly informed right to study right to health right to work right to enviroment EACH RIGHT, PRACTISED RESPONSABLY WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, IS FEELING OF A SOLID CITIZENSHIP SUMMARIZING: Citizen (civis) is who is actively part of an organized social and political background (civitas) Citizenship is source of rights and duties within an organization checked by laws and rules which become security for individuals’ freedom and civil, political, social and economic rights. Caterina Lombardo 2007 ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP SOLID CITIZENSHIP EUROPEAN CITIZENSHIP Caterina Lombardo 2007 People are citizens of social and political different organizations at the same time ( family, school, work, local community, Nation, E.U.) Each of these aggregations is part of a larger community and it has the task to warrant rights and equal opportunities for all individuals who live in it. IN THIS WAY THE DIFFERENCES ARE RECOGNIZED AND APPRECIATED Caterina Lombardo 2007 The transnational citizenship EUROPEAN UNION E. U. is based on the idea that, even though the different cultural and territorial belongings, VALUES – RIGHTS – DUTIES exist They are common to all citizens of the European Nations: Values of the democratic cohabitation Values of universal rights of the mankind Values of the solidarity and peace The European Union , developing these values, consider Education and Training of its citizens the first and most civil and economic important mean of progress In a “Society of knowledge” the economy and the walfare depend on the skilful and the common use of new knowledges and new technologies. In a “Society of information” the nature of the work and the production change: that’s why the necessity for all people to be part of the new conquest of the knowledge and its consequences on the quality of life Caterina Lombardo 2007 Two new ideas LIFE LONG LEARNING DIGITAL DIVIDE Caterina Lombardo 2007 OTHER INITIATIVE … ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP FOR DEMOCRACY PROJECT 2005: EUROPEAN YEAR OF CITIZENSHIP THROUGH EDUCATION Active citizenship= Participation in the civil society , in the political life and in the community life, characterized by the mutual respect and by the non-violence according to the human rights and the democracy. Help: THE ACTIVE CITIZEN NEEDS KNOWLEDGES, ABILITIES AND TO REACH THE RESPECT OF THE FOUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND OF THE PLURALISTIC DEMOCRACY. Art. 9 The Republic promotes the development of culture and the scientific and technical research. It protects the environment and the artistic and historical heritage of the Nation. Art. 33 Art and science are free and they can be taught freely. The Republic sets the genaral standards for Education and sets up state schools for everyone. Public and private bodies have the right to set up schools without paying anything to the Government (…) Art. 34 School is open to everyone. Clever and worthy people, even if lacking in means, have the right to reach high standards of study The Republic offers scholarships, family allowance and other benefits which have to be assigned through a competition. Prof. Caterina Lombardo Gratuated with honours in classical studies. Permanent teacher since 1986. Teacher seconded (art. 14) to the University of Palermo (from 1988 to 1991), Institute of Theory and History of Ideas, chair of Aesthetics and Philosophy of language. She has carried out studies in depth on teaching method and Italian literature, converged in the publication “Margaritas ante puellulos”. She has carried out studies of classical linguistics in “Omero onomatopoios” as well. She has carried out research into a literacy campaign in Italy in the eighties, together with the University La Sapienza in Rome, under the direction of the Professor Tullio De Mauro. She has conducted training seminars promoted by the Aesthetics department at the University. Teacher of Italian at I.C.S. “Ignazio Buttitta” since 2003. Trained for the national project “Training to European Citizenship” at Liceo Scientifico Palmeri (Termini Imerese), school year 2005-2006. Trained e-tutor for the national project “Training to European Citizenship”, taking part in the national seminar in Bologna in November 2006. E-tutor for the regional project “Spazio 22” school year 2006-2007 TO EVERYONE... BUON VIAGGIO, BON VOYAGE, BUEN VIAJE,KALO TAKSIDI, TREVLIG RESA, ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY ALL OVER EUROPE Consultant teacher and translation by Prof. Nunzia De Luca