2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Title First Last Agency Course Title Chief (ret.) Jeff Chudwin Olympia Fields Police Dept. AR-15/M-16 Armorer Class Master Instructor Erich Clark Glock USA Glock Armorer Regional LE Sales Manager Ken Paradise S&W M&P Pistol Armorers Class Police Officer Ramtin Sabet North Chicago Police Dept Introduction to the Kalashnikov for Law Enforcement Director of LE Sales and Training Bob Wood Ruger Firearms Ruger Striker Fired Pistol Armorer Course Dennis Carroll Sig Sauer Academy Sig Sauer Academy P-320 Armorers Course Gary Monreal Team One Network Benelli Nova/Super Nova Shotgun Armorer Course Section Chairperson Don Alwes National Tactical Officers Association Active Shooter Panel Discussion Director of Accreditation Hertig Christopher International Foundation for Protection Officers The Active Threat Training Gap Vice President Edward Mohn Illinois Tactical Officers Association ITOA Tactical Patrol Officer Active Threat Response Special Agent Scott Smith NCIS Active Shooter: Lessons from the Navy Yard Barlow Hampton Roads Criminal Justice Procedural Justice & Legitimacy for Basic Law ARMORER Tactical Instructor ACTIVE SHOOTER COMMUNITY RELATIONS/POLICING Asst. Director/Chief Scott 1 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) (Retired) Training Academy Enforcement Training CEO Byron Boston Professional LE Training Police and Minority Relations Co-Owner / Lead Instructor Phil Carlson Command Presence Training Dynamics of Police / Citizen Encounters Dr. Michele Devlin Iowa Department of Public Safety Tactical Anthropology Dr. Stephen Lettic i2S Strategic Social Interaction. DEFENSIVE TACTICS/FORCE OPTIONS Special Deputy Bill Anders Noble County Sheriff’s Dept. (IN) Maximum Control, Minimum Effort- Simple Effective Joint Locks President Ryan Berman Defense, LLC ‘MMA 4 Police’ Instructor Development Sgt. (Ret.) James Boydd Peacekeeper Products Intl. Peacekeeper Expandable Baton Instructor Transition Course Instructor Refugio Escobedo T.R.A.P. Edged Weapon Awareness Chief Instructor Nik Farooqui S2 Strategic Defense Edged Weapons Disarms Level One Instructor Fletch Fuller Collier County Sheriff’s Office Close Quarter ClinchFighting at the Zero Yard Line President Tom Gillis Blue Guardian Tactical Training Ground Fighting Instructor HQ Faculty Instructor Mark Gridley IPDTI Anatomical Compliance Tactics Head instructor Marc Halleck NSA Martial Arts Defensive Knife Sr. Director of Sales North Am. Daryell Harmon ASP, Inc ASP Tactical Flashlight Instructor 2 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) CEO Josafath Herrera INKOGA Controlling Yourself in High Performance Scenarios Training Director Peter Hetrick MPI Protetive Service The Director Drill –Versatile DT Scenario Training Trainer / Sergeant (retired) Bernard Hogancamp NEMERT Foundational Defensive Tactics Instructor Owner Charles Joyner Survival Sciences, LLC Tactical Team Non-Lethal Tactics Training Manager Dennis Jurasz Delta Airlines Global Services, LLC Hiatt(r) Tactical Handcuffing Instructor Course Lieutenant Nick Kalfas Lake County Sheriff (IL) Cell Extractions-Barricaded Subject of Corrections Vice President Sonny Lynch National Law Enforcement Training Center Handgun Retention Trainer Certification-The Lindell Method Owner Richard Nance WARTAC CQC. Firearm Retention and Disarming Director John Perdikaris Innovative Defensive Options Inc. Force-on-Force Simulation Instructor Diana Rathborne Minnesota Kali Group Combative Movement Enhancement Drills for LE Sergeant Ray Price Reno Police Dept. High Performance Control Tactics- Beyond MMA Lieutenant (retired) Dave Rose Placer County Sheriff (WA) Yawara Stick Instructor Owner Lee Shaykhet Shaykhet Training, LLC You don’t have to die – How to survive and win in an ambush Deputy Chief (Retired) Westland Police Dept. Gary Sikorski Reasonable Force Training Civilian Safety Awareness Instructor Course CEO/Head Instructor Harinder Singh Jeet Kune Do Athletic Knife, Grappling and Mass 3 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Association Attack Grandmaster Kenneth Smith Modern Arnis Academy Gun retention with improvised weapons Master Instructor Jay Ryan TASER International TASER Instructor Sergeant Don Wieder Lexington County Sheriff’s Dept. Sabre OC Aerosol Projector Instructor Course Instructor Duane Wolfe Alex Tech College LE Program Fighting With the O.O.D.A. Loop Director Dave Young Arma Training Winning in Confined Spaces Captain Mas Ayoob Grantham Police Dept. (NH) Deadly Force Panel President/Lead Instructor Wes Doss Khyber Interactive Associates LLC Lights, Sights, Lasers: Lessons Learned from coast to coast Training Officer John Farnam Park Co Sheriff’s Office (CO) Patrol Rifle Owner Chad Gruenstern GreenStar Tactical SIRT Introduction Cristian Jiménez Ludus PMC Effective and low cost firearms training, the Mexican experience Ed Santos Tactical Services Group Terminal Ballistics – A Study in the Mechanics of Projectile Trauma Sgt. (retired) John Avery Salinas Police Dept. (CA) Breaking the Silence: Suicide Prevention in LE Owner Renise Bayne No’eau Associates, LLC Protect & Serve Your Family… FIREARMS HEALTH AND WELLNESS 4 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Director, Technical Integration Roger Benn Crouse Hospital Bridging LE Agencies and Healthcare Organizations Assistant Professor Traci Ciepiela Western Wyoming Community College Tactical Yoga, Healing Your Body Assistant Academy Director Adam Duncan Law Enforcement Training Institute Having Hard Conversations: Revisiting a Familiar Skill Police Officer Stephanie Gibson Columbus Police Dept. (OH) The Impact of PTSD on Law Enforcement The First Person Perspective Border Services Officer Carol Green Canada Border Services Agency Rut Conquering – Engage the Possible Dr./Founder Olivia Johnson Blue Wall Institute Surviving & Thriving Behind the Badge™ Assistant Professor Danny McGuire, Jr. National Louis University Officer Self Awareness and Positive Stress Release Techniques Captain Brian Nanavaty Indianapolis Metro Police Dept. (IN) Responding to the “At-Risk” Employee Instructor Curtis Pote Iowa Law Enforcement Academy Healthy Living for Law Enforcement Instructor/Consultant Kevin Rice Command Presence Training Associates The Frustration-Aggression Theory: Saving Careers Dr. Ron Rufo Chicago Police Dept. (Retired) Police Suicide: Is Police Culture Killing Our Officers? Police Officer – Physician Jonathan Sheinberg Cedar Park Police Dept. (TX) Heart Disease and Obesity— Steps to Reduce Officer Cardiovascular Death and Disability Anderman I2S Chief Development and Design Officer INSTRUCTOR DEVELOPMENT Chief Development and Design Officer Anthony 5 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Lieutenant Laurie Austen Yadkin County Sheriff’s Office (NC) Avoiding Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda – Conducting Training Needs Assessments CEO Kerry Avery Odin Training Solutions Inc. Build Better Courses: Instructional Design 101 Chief Learning Officer Yousef Badou i2S Human Behavior and Threat Analysis Sergeant Perry Bartels Newport News Police Dept. (VA) What every force trainer needs to know Lieutenant John Bennett Charleston Police Dept. (IL) Human Factors in Training and Performance Deputy Chief Roy Bethge Buffalo Grove Police Dept. (IL) Growing Courage for Trainers Instructor William Blake MD Police Correct. Train. Commission The Simpsons Method in Law Enforcement Training T4T Force Training Unit Manager Robert Bragg Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission 6 Myths of Motor Learning? The Rest of The Story Training Officer Thomas Cline Chicago Police Dept. (IL) Helper or Hunter? Reserve Deputy Sheriff Gordon Decker Pennington County Sheriff’s Office (SD) Dealing with “brokenness” in Law Enforcement Consultant Thomas Dworak The Virtus Group Growing Courage: The Adaptive FTO Vice President Vicki Farnam DTI, Inc Instructional Challenges for Female Officers: What Gets in the Way of Learning Constable Danny Fraser Calgary Police Service Sticky Learning & Kick-Ass Presentations Sergeant Daniel Greene Chandler Police Dept. The 21st Century FTO: 6 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Lou (AZ) Training the Next Generation Hamblin LouKa Tactical Building Warrior Women Trainers Officer Louis Hayes Hinsdale Police Dept. (IL) Growing Courage: Nurturing Adaptive Learning Staff Sergeant Brian Hill Federal Reserve P.D. Presenting & Training From the Heart Officer Jayson Hubbard Riley County Police Dept. (KS) 21st Century Police Training: The PTO Method Sgt. (retired) Chuck Humes APPLE PITT LLC Realistic Adaptive Conceptual Skills Officer Angeleic Huth Kansas City Police Dept. (MO) Teach a New Dog Old Tricks Captain Chip Huth Kansas City Police Dept. (MO) Mindset and the Modern Police Trainer Officer Michael Huth Kansas City Police Dept. (MO) Honing Your Inner Hunter Without Treating People Like Animals Commander King Laura McHenry Police Dept. (IL) Growing Courage- Simplify: Finding the solution by getting back to basics Director CCPD Brady Locher American Military University Train the Trainer Online Techniques BT Mahoney Praxis Tactical Guardians are Warriors Program Chair for Criminal Justice Jonathan McCombs Franklin University Problem-Based Learning in Law Enforcement In-Service Training Staff Instructor Larry Nadeau R.A.D. Systems Simulation Program Management: The Art of Replicating Adverse Dynamics 7 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Educational Consultant Shelly Sandry WI DOJ-Training and Standards Presentation Skills Special Agent Jim Smith CSX RR Police Think Like Soldiers Act Like Cops: Where Are We? Developmental Programs Supervisor Aaron Snyder Indianapolis Metro Police Dept. (IN) Mentoring Recruit and Veteran Officers Officer Graham Tinius Chandler Police Dept. (AZ) Train, Motivate, and Influence Across Generations Captain Dennis Valone Alpharetta Police Dept. (GA) W.I.N: Everyday in Everyway Lead Instructional Designer Terry Ward ITP Course Evaluation: Looking Beyond the Happy Sheet Training Coordinator Donald Weaver Lexipol, LLC Improve Safety and Performance through Policy Training Chief Excellence Officer Brian Willis Winning Mind Training What is with all the questions? President Jim Zalud Jim Zalud LLC Presentation Skills for Educators and Trainers Ross Botha Security Devices International Impact Munitions Instructor Patrolman/Trainer Chris Cerino Rittman Police Dept. (OH) Carbine Performance Diagnostics Senior Instructor Chip Eberhart Top Shot Academy Instructing pistol and holster fundamentals (diagnosing shooters, and dry-fire practice training) Training Sergeant Alex Embry McHenry County Sheriff’s Dept. (IL) Developing a Patrol CQB Program Todd Fletcher Combative Firearms Off-Duty and Concealed LIVE FIRE 8 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Training, LLC Carry Tactics Deputy/Range Master Kimberly Heath Will County Sheriff’s Police (IL) The Atomic Structure of Building Better Shooters. Investigator Greg Lee Nashville Metro Police Dept. (TN) Revolver for Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Senior Inspector David McGaha US Marshals Service Training Division 50 Rounds and a Plan: Effective Range Time Use President John Meyer Team One Network Dynamic use of target systems Sr. Instructor James Meyers Sig Sauer Academy Pistol – Task, Conditions, Standards Captain(retired) Richard Nable Fulton County Police Dept. (GA) Shooting from Unconventional Cover Positions Owner Christophor Periatt Critical Training Group LLC Reality Combat Pistol Officer Peter Pfau Milwaukee Police Dept. (WI) Identify and assist the problem shooter Chief of Police Chris Bratton Elgin Police Dept. (IL) Make it Contagious Lieutenant Andrew Casavant Walton County Sheriff’s Office (FL) Lean Leadership is Continuous Improvement Chief William Harvey Ephrata Police Dept. (PA) How to Succeed as a Supervisor Instr. Community Corrections Institute Ron Scheidt am I that man? Am I that man? Founder/President Bill Mikaluk CopsCoach International Conscious Collaboration: Your Blueprint For Masterful Leadership LEADERSHIP 9 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Sergeant Mark St. Hilaire Natick Police Dept. (MA) Re-Energizing Our Honorable Profession International Director Del Walinga Pointman Leadership Institute Leadership-The Power of Character Instructor Joe Willis Team One Network Inter-Cultural Leadership Skills Sgt. (retired) Steve Ashley Livingston County Sheriff Dept. (MI) Protecting the Protectors: The Role of the Trainer Director Derrick Bartlett Snipercraft Tactical Vision Police Officer Dane Baumgartner Blue Ash Police Dept. (OH) Below 100 for the FTO Manager Ronald Borsch PACT Consultant Group Single Officer’s Lifesaving Others Lieutenant Eric Dickinson Vinton Police Dept. (IA) Below 100: Implementation Tips & Updates CEO Tony Blauer Blauer Tactical Systems, Inc. Neuroanatomy of Street Survival: Why Physiology Rules Chief of Police (retired) Gilbert “Bert” DuVernay New Braintree Police Dept. (MA) Using Airsoft to Teach Advanced Shooting Skills Executive II Richard Fairburn Illinois State Police Ambush: Prepare your officers for the #1 killer. Director Mark Fallon ClubFed, LLC Weapons of Influence for Instructors Sergeant-Retired Joseph Ferrera Southfield Police Dept. (MI) Haters, Crazies & Terroristsis your facility safe? Thomas Loftis Below 100 Below 100 Instructor Brian McKenna Winning Edge Training Beyond Ferguson: Officer Safety Training Needs for the OFFICER SURVIVAL Owner/Lieutenant (retired) 10 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Future Executive Director Kimberly Schlau Jessica and Kelli Uhl Memorial Foundation Both Sides of the Door Captain (Retired) Dale Stockton Carlsbad Police Dept. (CA) Keys to Powerful Training, Lessons from Below 100 Major (Retired) Travis Yates Tulsa Police Dept. (OK) Surviving the First Three Seconds Chief of Police David Flory Hot Springs Police Dept. (AR) Casualty Care and Rescue Tactics Training Chief Tim Barfield Wellington Police Dept. (OH) The Romans 13 Warrior President Bill Booth Interact Business Group Revenue Ideas For Public Safety Training Centers Colonel Danny Dickerson Central Intelligence Agency Law Enforcements Role in Fourth Generation warfare National Sales Director Adam Freeman Stop Stick, Ltd. Stop Stick Tire Deflation Device Instructor Course President East Coast Operations Kevin Gors Seal~Mar Protection Services, Inc. Counterterrorism… Evolving 2016 Consultant Silouan Green Everon LLC PTSD: Responding to Returning Veterans and the Trauma of Service Autism Training Specialist Susan Hamre Giant Steps 10 Things Police Trainers Need to Know About Autism Corporal Julie Johnson Carol Stream Police Dept. (IL) Body Searches: From Terry Stop to Strip Search Co-Owner / Lead instructor Richard Judy Command Presence Training Essentials In Correctional Excellence SPECIAL TOPICS 11 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Mike Krapfl The CTK Group Interrogation: Gaining Maximum Tactical Advantage OTD, MOTR/L, ATC Alicia Lutman Shenandoah University Supplemental Training for School Resource Officers Lieutenant (retired) Daniel Marcou LaCrosse Police Dept. (WI) “Lessons From the Great Law Dogs in History.” Dr. Ron Martinelli Martinelli & Associates, Justice & Forensic Consultants, Inc. Black Lives Matter and the War on Police Instructor Thomas McGreal Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, Inc. Fact Finding Interviews Dr. Martin Smith ITC Consulting Ltd Understanding and working with different Personality types and disorders Associate Medical Director Stephen Wood Winchester Police Dept. (MA) Update on Current Trends in Illicit Drugs Officer Elijah Woodward Oro Valley Police Dept. (CA) Law Enforcement and Hackers 101 Training Supervisor/ Sergeant Mark Worley Montgomery Co. Sheriff’s Office (OH) American Heart Association First Aid/CPR/AED Certification John Bostain Command Presence Shots Fired; Suspect Down: Now What? Wellness Program Specialist Stephen Burke Indianapolis Metro Police Department (IN) Responding to the Officer Involved Shooting Chief (ret) Jeff Chudwin Olympia Fields Police Dept. (IL) Legal and Tactical Issues of Police Use of Force USE OF FORCE 12 2016 ILEETA Conference Course List (12/7/2015) Officer(retired) Kevin Davis City of Akron Police Dept. (OH) Use of Force: Under the Microscope Sergeant Don Gulla King County Sheriff’s Dept. (WA) Effective Youtube Friendly Verbals & Force Options Attorney Laura Scarry DeAno & Scarry Analysis of "Armstrong v. Village of Pinehurst" Sergeant Jason Stump Marion County Sheriff's Office (IN) Emergency Vehicle Operations Policy Workshop for LEO’s. Captain Thom Jackson Nevada Highway Patrol Reviewing Force on Video, a Crash Course for Leadership Director of Training Gary Klugiewicz Vistelar Making (Instead of Getting) your Story Right Owner Michael Paulus Michael Paulus Training, LLC ExDS- A Metabolic Freight Train to Death- Recognition and Response(sm) Professor Darrell Ross Valdosta State Univ. Assessing Sudden Arrest Related Deaths Consultant Guy Rossi Major (Retired) Mark Sawa Travis County Sheriff's Office (TX) De-Escalation Strategies Owner Jerry Staton ARTT Arrest Related Deaths and EXDS Sgt. (ret) / Consultant Rocky Warren Warren Consulting Use of Force Panel Discussion and Workshop Telling the Truth: ReDefining Officer Safety and Risk Management 13