ADVANCED TRAINING FOR ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE INTRODUCTION Interactive Metronome, Inc. was founded in the early 1990's Patented IM program was introduced for the first time in 1999 to qualified professionals. In 2001, a new training protocol was developed for athletic performance applications. Leaders in the field of athletic performance are incorporating the IM training program into their workouts and showing impressive results. INTRODUCTION Today, IM trained athletes and institutions include: TOP DIVISION I ATHLETIC PROGRAMS Notre Dame Syracuse North Carolina Miami PRO TEAMS NFL Miami Dolphins NBA Miami Heat Miami Panthers Significance of Timing •One of the basic elements of our existence • Timing and rhythm play a vital role in movement and the production of neuromuscular efficiency. • Planning, Sequencing, and Timing have been difficult to evaluate and improve, until now… WHAT IS IM? •The Interactive Metronome (IM) is a patented, interactive training system that accurately measures and improves a person’s rhythm and timing. •By improving this fundamental ability, IM positively impacts athletic performance HOW DOES IM WORK? During each As the athlete listens, he/she performs various hand and foot exercises for a high number of session, the repetitions to a rhythmic beat. computer produces a metronome beat heard through headphones. HOW DOES IM WORK? Auditory guide tones provide immediate feedback, letting the athlete know if his/her response was on time, early or late. If you hit too late, a guide sound on the right is heard. If you hit too early, a guide sound on the left is heard. If you hit right on the beat, a reward sound is heard in both ears. HOW DOES IM WORK? The difference between the athlete’s response and the actual beat is measured in milliseconds and a score is provided. The ultimate goal is to achieve a low IM score, which indicates improved accuracy and performance. IM score (ms.) Range 30 and under Exceptional 31 – 40 Above Average 41-120 Average 121-200 Below Average Why IM Works Theoretical Concepts During advanced thinking and problem solving, the ability to plan and sequence thoughts with behaviors occurs at a basic, fundamental level IM physical motion exercises are used as “outward catalysts” which help the athlete directly improve neurological or “inward mental” function Why IM Works Research has clearly shown that the brain learns through repetition of precise activities. By keeping the beat, IM “trains the brain” to plan, sequence and process information more effectively. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS? Over a decade of clinical research on IM demonstrates that gains in motor planning, sequencing and timing lead to improvements in: ATTENTION / FOCUS MOTOR CONTROL / COORDINATION MENTAL PROCESSING SPEED OVERALL EXECUTION IM TRAINING SUMMARY Time Efficient Format: Training consists of 12 to 18 sessions over a 6 to 9 week period. Active Training Process: 13 different exercises keep athletes engaged and challenged. Immediate Feedback: Auditory guide tones help the athlete achieve perfect timing. Builds Mental Endurance This conditioning process exercises and builds the core mental skills essential for superior athletic performance. KEY PERFORMANCE FACTORS: WHERE IM FITS IM TRAINING The IM Training program serves the sports industry's need for a proven, systematic method to train key mental capacities for optimal athletic performance. Mental Nutritional Emotional Mechanical Physical SPORTS INDUSTRY BENEFITS Establishes new set of performance standards - For evaluation of new and existing players & - For development of players Builds team unity & player confidence in another essential area Beneficial activity that conserves physical resources of players Productive and efficient use of time in off-season and pre-season IM RESULTS Golf Shot Accuracy Study High School Performance Professional Football Team Results Golf Study Study shows significant improvement in the IM trained group. Golf Shot Accuracy Study 20% Overall Gain in 30% Shot Accuracy % Improvement 35% Increase for advanced golfers who had consistent swing mechanics 28% 25% 24% 20% 15% 20% 15% 14% 10% 5% 0% -5% -10% 9 Iron 7 Iron 5 Iron Driver IM Group Control Group * Published in The Journal of General Psychology, March 2002 Overall Golf Study - Featured in Golf Digest Magazine, February 2003 “The Interactive Metronome is the hottest piece of workout equipment on the (PGA) tour.” Scott Riehl, head strength and conditioning specialist for the PGA tour reported that players Vijay Singh and Glen Day trained on the IM and produced an IM score of less than 15, “which is a strong indicator of how good a golfer’s timing has to be.” St. Thomas High School Team-Based Case Study All Varsity Offensive and Defensive Football Players Selected for IM training Trained During Pre-Season (Two-Times a Day Practice in August) St. Thomas High School Team-Based Case Study St. Thomas Aquinas Football 2000 vs. 2001 Season Comparison 2000 2001 Points Scored (1st Half) 225 342 % Improvement 52.0% 3rd Down Conversion % (1st Half) 40.9% 50.8% 24.2% Total Fumbles 33 25 -24.2% Total Penalties 123 91 26.0% St. Thomas Aquinas Football Group (ShortImproved Form Scores) 80% IMProgress Timing Student/Athletes began the 12 session format at the 50th percentile and finished at the 99th percentile. 80.00 55th Percentile National Ranking 70.00 60.00 99th Percentile National Ranking 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 PreDay Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Test 10 Task 1 46.16 35.08 31.57 25.75 22.52 19.29 21.20 17.97 17.42 17.74 Task 2 70.11 51.30 33.33 24.14 18.88 17.87 19.23 16.52 15.43 15.38 Day 11 15.23 14.59 St. Thomas High School On-Field Performance Turned “Rebuilding Year” into Undefeated Regular Season 15-1 Final Record 2002 Runner-up Florida State Champions Stats comparison vs. 2001 Season -Improved Offensive Efficiency - Improved Execution, Especially at Critical Times (3rd Down Conversions) - Reduction of Mental Miscues, (i.e. Fumbles) - Fewer Penalties (Classic Mental Mistakes) The Miami Dolphins have added the IM training program into their offseason and regular season workouts to build and refine their players' mental skills, as reported by the Miami Herald – Oct. 2, 2002. The Dolphins offensive starters plus additional key players completed the IM program under the direction of John Gamble, Head Strength & Conditioning Coach. STAYING FOCUSED Dolphins Offensive lineman, Brent Smith keeps pace with an Interactive Metronome program - designed to hone concentration, mental processing speed, and timing. Dolphin's "Mind Speed" Pre/Post Testing Results Pre Test Post Test 90 83 81 80 80 79 78 78 77 75 77 73 70 70 66 62 Percentile Rank 60 58 57 56 52 50 47 41 40 42 40 39 36 34 29 30 20 10 0 16 6 42 Training on the program produced: 70% Increase in Time Accuracy 300% Gain in the ability to concentrate in a "zone" like mental state Over 60% improvement in mental processing speed IM Has Received Broad Media Recognition CBS Early Show with Bryant Gumbel U.S. News & World Report Feature articles by leading publications CNN International, WABC New York, CBS, Fox 13 Tampa Bay and more… Health Segments aired on 100+ TV affiliates and radio stations “It’s a program of focus and concentration enhancement that allows a player to better focus all of his energies on the given task. If you have the ability to focus and concentrate … then especially in pressure situations you’re much clearer in your thoughts and your view of what’s taking place. And, therefore it should enhance the ability to make big plays.” --Tyrone Willingham, head coach of Notre Dame, interviewed during ESPN College Gameday Special Report on IM September 13, 2003