Term 1 Essay #4 Research Paper-Topic of Choice

Modern Dilemmas
Research Project-Topic of Choice
Current Event (individual grade)
Power Point (or media) Presentation (group grade)
Term Paper #4 (individual grade)
Part I. The Current Event (Individual Grade. It will be an event connected to your general research topic.)
Due: September 23rd
Choose a current event that represents a controversial, pressing modern dilemma affecting our society
today. Cut it out from a newspaper or a magazine, or you can download it from an online source.
Read the news article through thoroughly so that, during an in class presentation, you will: show your
Understanding of the event, offer where and when it happened, share who it affected and how, and explain
the local, national, and global repercussions of the event. You will also be asked to share your opinion on
the matter.
Part II. The Power Point Presentation (Group grade-You will be grouped by similarity of topic.)
Due: October 5th
You will become a member of a group that focuses around a core “freedom” which is threatened by your
general research topic. You will be assigned specific pages to read, to understand, and then to teach to
the other members of the class through a power point presentation. I suggest you also explore other
reading materials on your own to help you better understand, and therefore better teach, your topic.
Since each member of the group has already found a recent current event connected to this “freedom,”
there will be plenty to discuss in your group.
Your power point presentation should:
Explain what the freedom is, how it connects to “the original” and “the modern” dilemma as it is presented
in the online textbook
Explain how the American government’s attempt to maintain this freedom affects its purpose of
maintaining order, ensuring freedom, and promoting equality.
Evaluate, as a group, whether or not America is functioning as a healthy democracy in regards to your core
Slide Requirements:
A “Title slide”
A minimum of 10 “Content Slides” that answer the above questions.
A “Key Points Slide.” This will summarize your presentations THREE most significant points for your
A “Bibliography Slide” in MLA format
Part III. The Research Paper (an individual grade)
Due: October 30th
Choose a controversial, pressing modern dilemma from our brainstormed list or offer an alternative topic
of your choice. In a minimum 5-paragraph, research-based essay, address the following question:
In what ways does this dilemma and the way in which it is perceived by the
public reflect larger societal controversies, taboos, problems, or anxieties that
result from the increased globalization of the modern world? How can a
healthy democracy handle this topic in a way that if fair for all citizens?
In the course of your research essay, be sure to address all of the following questions:
What is the history of this problem? When did it begin? Why has it become such a growing
problem in our globalized society?
Why do people find this topic so objectionable or controversial? What are the public’s varied
responses/reactions/feelings about it?
Which people or group(s) finds this topic objectionable or controversial?
What are the prominent social concerns or groups that this topic primarily affects?
What are the potential/proposed solutions to combat this crisis? How effective are these
What may be the legacy or the lasting effects of this current issue?
Your essay MAY be structured as follows (or you can choose own DIs):
Introduction: Anecdotal/interesting opening, main idea/thesis statement, presentation of developing
ideas, closing sentence.
Developing Idea #1: Background about the topic- Cover the first bullet point above while also meeting
(all levels do)
the level requirements per developing paragraph, as listed below.
Developing Idea #2: Analysis of the controversy- Cover bullet points #2 and #3 while also meeting
(all levels do)
the level requirements per developing paragraph, as listed below.
Developing Idea #3: Analysis of the context-Cover bullet points #4 and #5 while also meeting
(only level 2+3 must do)
the level requirements per developing paragraph, as listed below.
Conclusion (covers last bullet point)
Reaffirm your main idea/thesis Statement. It should also make a statement from your
own point of view (without using “I”, “me”, or “my”) about the legacy or the lasting social effect of
this current issue?
Level Modifications
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
5 paragraphs total. 9 cited examples total. 4 DQs required
5 Paragraphs total. 6 cited examples total. 3 DQs required.
4 Paragraphs total. 6 cited examples total. 2 DQs required.
Suggested Thesis Statements
Your MI/Thesis Statement should be structured something like this:
Sample 1: People respond
to “insert topic” primarily because the current social climate feels
____ (adverb)
about “insert the basis of the dilemma.”
Sample 2: “Insert topic” has come to represent
(abstract concept/controversial idea)
the current social climate is primarily concerned with…..
Sample 3: “Insert topic” captures all of the
dilemma” since it portrays the……
over time since at
emotion associated with the “insert the bass of the
Sources: Your must use a minimum of 3 sources for this paper and a maximum of 6. Avoid using .com websites.
See me for approval on those. Try to have one non-internet source (a book, documentary, a news special
or interview). All sources must be cited. A Works Cited for the entire paper must be attached to the
paper. When in doubt, cite! I will be using “Turn it in .com” with this assignment.
Please format your paper with a proper heading-see below
Fennelly 1
Your Name
Ms. Fennelly
Modern Dilemmas
Research Paper
My Catchy Title
Research Paper Outline
Thesis Statement______________________________________________________________
State DI#1________________________________________________________________
State DI#2________________________________________________________________
State DI#3 (levels 2+3)_________________________________________________________
Developing Paragraph #1:
Example #1_____________________________________________________________________
Example #2_____________________________________________________________________
Developing Paragraph #2:
Example #1_____________________________________________________________________
Example #2_____________________________________________________________________
Developing Paragraph #3: (only level 2 and 3 complete)
Example #1_____________________________________________________________________
Example #2_____________________________________________________________________
Topic Sentence_____________________________________________________________________
Restate DIs_______________________________________________________________________
Works Cited Page
Author Last Name, First Name. Title. Place of Publication: Publishing Company, Year of
Author Last Name, First Name. “Article Title”. Magazine/Newspaper Title. Date of
Author Last Name, First Name. “Web Article Title”. Web Site Title. Date Posted or
Updated. Date accessed.
Author Last Name, First Name. “Article Title”. Journal Title. Date Published. Database
Name. Service Name. Name of Library. Date Accessed.
NOTE: There are other types of sources you may use. See the LMC's “MLA Works Cited Entries” handout for
further formatting directions.
Due Dates Checklist
___Topic Choice and selection of Current Event- this can
serve as a source for you research paper later
____Presentation of Group Power Point, individual current
event, and course reading. The course reading can serve
as a second source for your research paper.
Due Wednesday, September 23rd
Due Monday, October 5th
____Third Source about your topic, either its history,
the current controversy surrounding it, or the possible
lasting consequences.
Due Tuesday, October 6th
___ Outline of DIs (given to you) and evidence (your research)
Due Thursday, October 15th
____ Final Draft of Essay Due
Due Friday, October 30th
Current Events and Power Point Presentations
Student Name:
_______________________Student’s Research Topic_____________
“Freedom Group” Assigned __________________
4 (Very Good)
3 (Acceptable)
2 (Needs Work)
1 (Poor)
Student is completely
Student seems pretty
prepared and has obviously prepared but might have
needed a couple more
Speaks clearly & distinctly Speaks clearly and
100-95% of the time;
distinctly 100-95% of the
mispronounces no words time, but mispronounces
1 or 2 words
Stands up straight, looks
Stands up straight and
relaxed and confident.
establishes eye contact
Establishes eye contact
with everyone in the
with everyone in the room room during the
during the presentation.
The student is somewhat Student does not seem
prepared, but it is clear at all prepared to
planning was lacking.
Speaks clearly and
distinctly 94-80% of the
time. Mispronounces
some words
Sometimes stands up
straight and establishes
eye contact.
Often mumbles or can
not be understood OR
mispronounces many
Slouches and/or does
not look at people
during the
Summary of
Current Event
Shows a comprehensive
understanding of the event.
Presentation of the
summary is detailed and
Summary shows some
understanding of the
event. Presentation of the
summary is somewhat
detailed and fluid.
Summary shows only
basic understanding of
the event. Presentation of
the summary has little
detail and is forced.
Summary shows little
or no understanding of
the event. No details
are presented.
Connection to
Dilemma and
Explains connection to this
unit's dilemma w/
confidence & offers several
examples of evidence to
validate the connection.
Connection is made clear to
Explains connection to
this unit's dilemma
w/confidence & offers
some examples of
evidence to validate the
connection. Connection
is somewhat clear to
Explains connection to
this unit's dilemma
w/little confidence &
offers few examples of
evidence to validate the
connection. Connection
is not entirely clear to the
Doesn’t explain
connection to this
dilemma. Offers no
examples of evidence
to validate the
Connection is not at all
clear to audience.
Oral and
Articulate, clear deliver’
PowerPoint serves as a
effective supplement to
presentation; strong
understanding of topic.
Beautifully follows
instructions as to number
and purpose of slides.
Clear delivery;
PowerPoint serves as an
effective supplement to
presentation; fairly
strong understanding of
topic. Mostly follows
instructions as to number
and purpose of slides.
Deliver unclear and
disjointed at times;
PowerPoint should have
been a more effective
supplement to
presentation; better
mastery of subject matter
needed. Missing at least
one slide, possibly more,
thus creating gaps in
information needed.
Deliver unclear and
disjointed throughout;
PowerPoint was an
ineffective supplement
to presentation; no
mastery of subject
matter. Does not
follow instructions as
to number and purpose
of slides.
Effective choice of sources; Effective choice of
careful attention to proper sources; few mistakes
with formatting.
Some questionable
sources; few mistakes
with formatting.
Questionable sources;
many mistakes with
Either did not make good
use of class time, did not
divide work equitably, or
not respectful audience
Two or three of the
following: did not
make good use of class
time, did not divide
work equitably, or not
respectful audience
Professionalism Excellent use of class time; Good use of class time;
equitable work division;
respectful audience
mostly equitable work
division; respectful
audience member.
Modern Dilemmas Research Paper Rubric
Teacher Name: Ms. Fennelly
Student Name:
Complete Identification: full The introduction clearly
title, author or director, year states the main topic, CI
it was released or published and DIs, but is not
The introduction is
particularly inviting to the
interesting and articulate. It reader.
) previews the structure of the
paper with a clear main idea,
CI and the DIs. Thoughtful
Relevant, telling, quality
Supporting details and
examples give the reader
information are relevant,
important information that but not all examples
goes beyond the obvious or support the developing
Diction, style,
and Mechanics
Each example is analyzed in Each example is analyzed
a clear, articulate way. The in a clear way. The author
author thoughtfully connects connects examples to the
examples to the thesis
thesis statement, showing
statement, showing a
a mastery of material and
mastery of material and
some critical thinking.
critical thinking.
The introduction states the
There is no clear introduction
main topic, but does not of the main topic or structure
adequately preview the of the paper.
structure of the paper nor is it
particularly inviting to the
Some relevant
examples present, but
several examples seem
unconnected to the
developing idea.
Supporting details and
information are typically
unclear or not related to the
Each example is
Each example is not
analyzed. The author
analyzed. The author does not
does not always connect connect examples to the
examples to the thesis thesis statement, showing
statement, showing an little knowledge of text.
uncertainty of some of Analysis resorts to
the text. Minimal critical generalizations or repetition of
Writer uses vivid words and Writer uses vivid words and Writer uses words that Writer uses a limited
phrases that linger or draw phrases that linger or draw communicate clearly,
vocabulary that does not
pictures in the reader's
pictures in the reader's
but the writing lacks
communicate strongly or
mind, and the choice and
mind, but occasionally the variety, punch or flair. captures the reader's interest.
placement of the words
words are used
Writer makes a few
Jargon or clichés may be
seems accurate, natural and inaccurately or seem
errors in capitalization present and detract from the
not forced. Writer makes overdone. Writer makes 1 and/or punctuation that meaning. Writer makes
no errors in capitalization or or 2 errors in capitalization catch the reader's
several errors in capitalization
punctuation, so the paper is or punctuation, but the
attention and interrupt and/or punctuation that catch
exceptionally easy to read. paper is still easy to read. the flow. Simplistic
the reader's attention and
Varied Sentence Style.
Varied sentence style-flows writing style.
greatly interrupt the flow.
Mature writing-no personal nicely. Writing could be
Immature writing style
pronouns or passive voice. more mature.
All quotes are cited
1-2 errors total with citation Has at least two errors Has several errors total with
and works cited.
total with citation and
citation and works cited.
The works cited page meets Paper has proper heading works cited.
Paper has more than two
all requirements requested and format including page Paper has at 1-2 errors errors with heading and
by teacher.
numbers, font, margins, etc with heading and format format including page
Paper has proper heading and is in proper format
including page numbers, numbers, font, margins, etc
and format including page
font, margins, etc and is and is in proper format
numbers, font, margins, etc
in proper format
and is in proper format.
The conclusion is strong and The conclusion is
The conclusion is
There is no clear conclusion,
leaves the reader with a
recognizable and ties up recognizable, but does no RFS, the paper just ends.
feeling that they understand almost all the loose ends. not tie up several loose
what the writer is "getting
RFS is clearly understood. ends. RFS weak or
at." Articulate and mature