Lowndes County Public Schools LESSON PLANS Teacher: A. Williams Date: September 8, 2014- September 12, 2014 Subject: Science Block: 4th Grade Alabama COS: standards SC (8) Identify major body systems and their functions, including the circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, and reproductive system. RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. W. 4.8 Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; take notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources. S.L. 4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly. L. 4.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: KWL Survey Word Splash Possible Sentence First Word Concept Map Word Map Frayer Model Engagement Strategies: - Collaborative Group Work - Questioning Techniques Technology Integration: Clickers ACCESS COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: Anticipation Guide Think-Pair-Share Vocabulary Overview Daily Language Practice (DLP)___________________ - Writing to Learn - Scaffolding Text Lecture Reading Graphic Organizer/VLT Pictograph Model Diagram Hands-on Mind Map/Visual Guide - Literacy Groups -Classroom Talk Poem, Rhymes, etc. Acronyms/Word Writing Other: ____________ TWIRL Other:_______________________________ Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Computer Program:________________________________ Other:______________________________________ Digital/ Video Camera This Week’s Vocabulary: Artery, Capillary, Circulatory System, Heart, Respiratory System, Vein, Inherit, Trait, Blood, Digestive System, Esophagus, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Stomach PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Essential Question Objective(s) Preview (Before) Instruction (During) Include small group plans Monday What body system helps humans turn the food they eat into energy? Students will be able to identify major body systems and their functions, including the circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, and reproductive system. Tuesday What body system helps humans breathe? Wednesday Thursday Friday What body system controls other body systems What body system provides structure for the body? What body system allows us to move? Students will be able to identify major body systems and their functions, including the circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, and reproductive system. Students will use the Internet to locate pertinent information, and will communicate knowledge via technology based data systems. Students will use the Internet to locate pertinent information, and will communicate knowledge via technology based data systems. ASSESSMENT Review of previous lesson (word wall) watch you tube video Guided Read Aloud/Talk About It (Turn and Talk) Review of previous lesson (word wall) watch you tube video Guided Read Aloud/Talk About It (Turn and Talk) Review of previous lesson (word wall) watch you tube video Guided Read Aloud/Talk About It (Turn and Talk) Review of previous lesson (word wall) watch you tube video Guided Read Aloud/Talk About It (Turn and Talk) Review of previous lesson (word wall) watch you tube video Guided Read Aloud/Talk About It (Turn and Talk) Review/Assess Review/Assess Review/Assess Review/Assess Review/Assess Students have been asked to list diseases related to each body system, as part of their PowerPoint presentation. Students, who have already mastered the primary objective, may further explore one or more of these diseases. Areas may include, but are not limited to history, diagnoses, treatment, and causes. Study Vocabulary Words Students have been asked to list diseases related to each body system, as part of their PowerPoint presentation. Students, who have already mastered the primary objective, may further explore one or more of these diseases. Areas may include, but are not limited to history, diagnoses, treatment, and causes. Study Vocabulary Words Students have been asked to list diseases related to each body system, as part of their PowerPoint presentation. Students, who have already mastered the primary objective, may further explore one or more of these diseases. Areas may include, but are not limited to history, diagnoses, treatment, and causes. Study Vocabulary Words Additional online time for exploring the human body systems may also be utilized on Yucky Kids Discovery, which does a great job of explaining the functions of the human body systems in an entertaining manner. Additional online time for exploring the human body systems may also be utilized on Yucky Kids Discovery, which does a great job of explaining the functions of the human body systems in an entertaining manner. Study Vocabulary Words Have a great weekend! (After) Extension/ Refining Homework Assessment (formal or informal): Summarizing: 3-2-1 class work Ticket out the Door notebook homework The Important Thing quizzes Cue Cards tests computer activities Teacher Questions collaborative work Student Summary project based Other:___ Other:_______________________