2015 Colorado Juvenile Defense Manual© and Continuing Legal Education Home-Study Programs Juvenile Defense Manual $ 65.00 CJDC/ADC Rate for Flash Drive $ 95.00 Standard Rate for Flash Drive $ 130.00 CJDC/ADC Rate for Notebook & Flash Drive $ 165.00 Standard Rate for Notebook & Flash Drive $ 100 CJDC Attorney Membership $ Subtotal CLE’s (total amount from page side of page, CLE home study programs) $ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE □ CJDC Member Billing Information: Name: Title: Company: Phone: □ ADC Contractor _ Address: _ City: _ State: Email: Zip: _ Shipping Information (if different from Billing) Name: Address: City: State: _ Zip: Make checks payable to: Colorado Juvenile Defender Center Or, pay by credit card via mail/fax: □ visa □ mc □ amex Card Number: Expiration Date: 3 Digit Code: Please complete this form and mail to: CJDC, 2062 Stout Street, Denver, CO 80205 Or fax to 303-825-0182 For more information call CJDC Office Manager Christie Earixson at 303-825-0194, or email admin@cjdc.org □ disc Continuing Legal Education Home-Study Programs Agenda’s Available online at http://cjdc.org/wp/juvenile-defense-center/training-and-education/ NOW AVAILABLE!!! Juvenile Defense Conference: Rising to the Challenge: Zealous Advocacy for Juveniles This two-day training was held October 13-14 in Boulder. Sponsored by the Alternate Defense Counsel, the Colorado Juvenile Defender Coalition, and the University of Colorado School of Law sure to be an inspiring event! Nationally renowned speakers include: Marsha Levick, Juvenile Law Center; Patricia Puritz, National Juvenile Defender Center; Nicole Pittman, author of Human Rights Watch report Raised on the Registry, Marty Beyer, adolescent development expert and more! 16 CLE credit hours and 2 ethics hours approved! $150.00 Non-Members $100.00 CJDC/ADC Members Mitigation in Juvenile Cases: What did the U.S. Supreme Court mean in Miller v. Jackson? This full-day 2013 training is helpful for any attorney representing youth, and in particular youth facing adult criminal court or adult sentencing. The DVD-CD set has been approved for 10 CLE credits (0.6 ethics). $75.00 Non-Members $50.00 CJDC/ADC Members Direct File Road Show 2012 Half-day training on 2012 updates to direct file, judicial transfer, and aggravated juvenile offender statute; includes presentations by Simmie Baer, Esq., Kim Dvorchak, Esq., Ashley Ratliff, Esq., and Adelle Cumming, Psy. Includes a Resource CD. CLE home study credit pending for this DVD-CD set. $75.00 Non-Members $50.00 CJDC Members Direct File Road Show 2011 Half-day training on creative litigation techniques, adolescent development/brain development, and constitutional challenges for youth prosecuted in adult criminal court. Includes presentations by the Youthful Offender System, the Division of Youth Corrections, and Dr. Bruce Perry of the Child Trauma Academy. Includes an extensive resource CD. CLE home study credit pending for this DVD-CD set. $ 75.00 Non-Members $50.00 CJDC Members Back to School: Education Law for Attorneys Who Defend and Represent Youth 2010 Allday training on school discipline, school searches, educational law, special education, and juvenile defense. Includes resource CD. DVD-CD set approved for 7 CLE home study credits. $75.00 Non-Members $50.00 CJDC/CCDB/OCR/NACC/ADC Members _ _SUBTOTAL (Please add this amount to front page of form)