Using the RDA Toolkit -

RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
Using the RDA Toolkit: Required Exercises At Your Own Pace
Presented by Andrea M. Morrison
amorriso [at]
March 11, 2013
These exercises will help familiarize you with the content of the RDA instructions and the
functions of the RDA Toolkit. Take several sessions to complete these on your own time after
training. Consult the RDA Toolkit help or send an e-mail after training if you have questions. For
definitions of terms see the RDA glossary and training materials.
Exercise 1. “Logging into the RDA Toolkit”
1. Log into your institutional account or trial account by accessing the RDA Toolkit directly
at You may also open it via a link in Cataloger’s Desktop
under RDA Toolkit, but always remember to open it in a separate tab or window.
2. After a period of time, you will be automatically logged out and the RDA Toolkit product
home page will be displayed, If this happens, simply click
on ‘Access the RDA Toolkit’ button on the upper left to access the Toolkit again and
login to your institutional subscription. (The institution displays on the right top toolbar.)
3. Create a user profile in order to log into your personal profile. Always log in to your
user profile every time you use the RDA Toolkit. User profiles allow individual users
to be recognized by RDA Toolkit. Profiles are required to set preferences, save searches,
and to create, save, and share workflows on RDA Toolkit.
4. Mouse over the icon of a head with a blue plus sign on the User Menu. You will see text
pop up: ‘Create Profile.’ Type in your full name (first and last name), then type in a
profile name of your choice (acts as a username), your e-mail address, and password. Reenter the password and accept the terms and conditions.
5. Check to make sure your name appears on the upper right screen. This indicates you
have correctly logged in.
6. Click on the Logout icon on the User Menu on the upper right
This logs you out of
your user profile and out of the RDA Toolkit. You are now viewing the RDA Toolkit
product home page.
7. Click on the Access RDA Toolkit button on the upper left of the page.
8. You should now be logged back into the Toolkit institutional account (I.U. at the top
right). Find the User Menu on the top right. Complete the log on process by logging into
your user profile from this menu, using the boxes for Profile Name and Password. You
can bookmark the URL, to access the Toolkit if you wish.
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
Exercise 2. Using the RDA Browse Tree and Table of Contents
1. Locate the RDA Browse Tree (RDA Table of Contents) and read the Section names. Find
the Appendices, Glossary and Index. Find the three tabs at the top of the Browse Tree,
the scroll bar and the About, Help and Feedback sections at the bottom.
2. Notice that the RDA tab at the top is highlighted
3. Click on Glossary and expand until you find the definition of Preferred Name for the
4. Use the Browse Tree scrollbar or arrow to find the RDA Table of Contents at the top of
the Browse Tree (before Chapter 0) and click on it.
5. Use the scroll bar of the document pane (or arrows) to view the entire RDA Table of
Contents (TOC) within the document pane. It is a limited version of the RDA Table of
Contents on the Browse Tree with links to instructions. Note that this TOC is broken
down only to a certain level (i.e., x.xx) and cannot be expanded. Notice each Section
starts with a Chapter on General Guidelines with sub-parts on scope, terminology and
core Elements. Notice chapters also begin with scope.
6. In the RDA TOC Browse Tree, expand 0 to find 0.5. Click on it and read about the
structure of RDA in the document pane. Notice that attributes are covered in Sections 1-4
and Relationships in Sections 5-10. Look at the Appendices, especially I and J.
7. Look at the top left of the document pane and notice Chapter 0 loads in 2 pages.
8. Click on the
Next Page icon to find 0.6 on Core Elements and read 0.6.2 Section 1:
Recording Attributes of Manifestation and Item. When recording data identifying and
describing a manifestation (cataloging), these are the FRBR attributes and minimum
RDA elements required (core when applicable and readily ascertainable).
9. Select all the various options on the page menu to navigate back and forth in Chapter 0.
This will give you the idea of navigation in a larger chapter. Look at RDA 0.6.3, which
lists attributes of work and expression and 0.6.4, which lists attributes of person, families
and corporate bodies.
Exercise 3. Examining the Structure of RDA Using the Browse Tree for Cataloging Questions
Exercise 3a. “Where are the instructions on the identifying attributes of a manifestation?”
1. Expand Section 1: Recording Attributes of Manifestation & Item in the Browse Tree.
2. Notice the breakdown of Section 1 into:
 General Guidelines
 Identifying Manifestations and Items
 Describing Carriers
 Providing Acquisition and Access Information
3. Expand Chapter 2: Identifying Manifestations and Items
4. Examine briefly the attributes that are covered in this chapter (2.3-2.20) by looking at the
expanded table of contents for this chapter. Remember that attributes are characteristics
of the entities and core elements are required by RDA for the description of those entities.
Examine 2.8 Publication Statement. Find:
 Core Element notification (in light blue)
 Optional omission RDA and its link to LC-PCC PS (green icon)
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
Alternative instructions (in green) under RDA
Glossary link RDA for publication statement (maroon link)
Example of recording parallel place of publication (dull yellow background).
Hint: Expand RDA 2.8 on the Browse Tree. What is the difference between
the black letters and light and dark grey letters in this example?
Exercise 3b. “Where are the instructions on the identifying attributes of a person?”
1. Expand Section 3: Recording Attributes of Person, Family, & Corporate Body (not to
be confused with Chapter 3)
2. Notice the breakdown of Section 3 into general guidelines and then one chapter for each
Group 2 entity
3. Expand Chapter 9: Identifying Persons
4. Examine briefly the attributes that are covered in this chapter RDA 9.2-9.18
Exercise 3c. “Where are the instructions on the relationship of a creator to a work?”
1. Expand Section 6: Recording Relationships to Persons, Families, & Corporate
2. Notice the breakdown of Section 6 into General Guidelines and then one chapter each on
the associations of these entities with Works, with Expressions, with Manifestations, and
with Items
3. Expand Chapter 19: Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies Associated with a
4. Expand 19.2 Creator and briefly review the scope in RDA Also review RDA Recording Creators. Notice in the examples, the creator is listed first, then after
the phrase “Authorized access point representing the creator for:” further information
about the resource is given.
Exercise 3d. “Where are the instructions on ‘related works’?”
1. Expand Section 8: Recording Relationships between Works, Expressions,
Manifestations, & Items
2. Notice the breakdown of Section 8 into General Guidelines and then one chapter each on
Related Works, Related Expressions, Related Manifestations, and Related Items
3. Expand Chapter 25: Related Works in the Browse Tree
4. Expand the hierarchy down to Referencing Related Works and briefly review
the examples of referencing related works. Find and compare the examples to
Referencing Related Manifestations.
Exercise 4: Using the RDA Table of Contents or Index and following links to related RDA
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
 In RDA, look at the table of contents, consult the instructions, and use internal links to
answer these questions. If you are stuck, look up the keyword in the index, e.g. ‘person,’
or ‘access point.’
 Where is the chapter on identifying persons?
 What is the source of information for persons?
 Where are the RDA instructions for determining preferred names for persons?
 Where are the RDA instructions for recording variant names for persons?
 Where are the RDA instructions for constructing the ‘authorized access point’ for
 Not including the name of person, what are some of the RDA elements included in the
authorized access point for the person?
Exercise 4a: “Where are the instructions on recording the ‘creator’ of a work?”
Expand Section 6: Persons, Families & Corporate Bodies
Expand Chapter 19: Persons, Families and Corporate Bodies Associated with a
Click on 19.2 Creator. Notice it is identified as a Core Element.
Click on the green
link and read the policy statement for LC practice.
Click on the blue RDA link to return to the RDA instruction
Scroll down to and read the instruction on recording creators
Click on the link to 18.4 for the general guidelines
Follow the link to for instruction on providing the authorized access point
Click on the link to 9.19.1 for instruction on constructing the access point for a
Click on the link to 9.2.2 for instruction on choosing the preferred name for the
Exercise 4b: “Where are the instructions on recording the title in a compilation of two or
more works?”
Click on the minus sign next to RDA at the top of the Browse Tree to collapse the
contents and click on the plus next to RDA once to expand it. Click on RDA
Table of Contents in the Browse Tree
Scroll down and click on the link to 6.2 Title of the Work
Expand the Browse Tree hierarchy for 6.2.2 Preferred Title for the Work
Expand the hierarchy for
Click on
Click on the link to view the
on the alternative
Note that the Browse Tree jumps to the “Resources” tab.
Click on the RDA tab to return to the RDA instructions. Jump back to
and return to RDA using the blue RDA link.
Exercise 5. Using the RDA Glossary and Index. “
“Where can I find a definition of “carrier type,” and instructions on recording it?”
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
In the Browse tree TOC, expand the Glossary to the “C” portion
Click on Carrier Type to view and read the definition. Notice there is no link to
Expand the RDA Index on the Browse Tree to the “C” portion. Scroll down to Carrier
Type in the document pane and click on the link to RDA 3.3.
Use your browser back button to return to the index.
Find ‘Carriers’ in the index. Using the cross reference, find and link to the RDA
instruction for ‘media type.’
Exercise 6. Linking from a known AACR2 rule to the related RDA instruction.
“Find RDA companion instructions to AACR2 rules?”
Click on the Resources tab at the top of the Browse Tree.
Expand AACR2 to 21: Choice of Access Points
Expand and select rule 21.30D1on added entries for editors and compilers.
Click on the blue RDA link next to 21.30.D1
Under the result in RDA Recording Contributors, look at the examples with
the yellow background. Notice RDA examples are given first in black and larger letters.
The description of the bibliographic data in RDA terms is in smaller bold gray letters
below the RDA examples. The actual source data follows the colon in lighter gray letters.
Notice the RDA tab at the top of the Browse Tree is highlighted.
Go back to AACR2 by clicking the Resources tab at the top of the Browse Tree.
Find and click on AACR2 rule 21.1B2
Click on the blue RDA link next to 21.1B2, which takes you to RDA
Scroll down to the examples. Notice the grouping of creators according to type in RDA Recording Creators. Find the examples that start with “Works of an
Administrative Nature” and look at the subsequent groups of examples.
Click the ‘Previous Hit’ icon
(to return to RDA at the top) and click on
link next to RDA
Look at the LC-:CC PS for Corporate Bodies Considered to be Creators
Scroll up the Browse Tree on the Resources tab to the AACR2 section
Navigate to AACR2 rule 21.1C1, Entry under Title. Click on the blue RDA link next
to 21.1C1. Notice that several RDA instructions are listed as results. There is no exact
correlation between RDA instructions and AACR2 rules!
Exercise 7. Going directly to an LC-PCC PS
“I know that LC-PCC PS 1.7.5 addresses Sign and Symbols, but I can’t remember what it
Click on the Resources tab
Notice the LC-PCC PS display at the chapter level. (no sections like in RDA)
Expand RDA 1: General Guidelines on Recording Attributes of Manifestations and
Items and click on LC-PCC PS for 1.7.5 Symbols.
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
Notice the examples are illustrative, not prescriptive—use cataloger judgment. In this
chapter, the policies are both LC practice/PCC practice:
Click on the blue RDA link to view RDA examples
Exercise 8. Searching RDA Quick Search
It is best to search using RDA terminology. Searching is not case or punctuation sensitive
Exercise 8a. Searching by keyword (searching all words in any order)
Click in the RDA Quick Search box
Type recording contributors
Press <Enter>
Notice the results statement in the upper right of the document pane: ‘Results 1 - 4 of 4
for recording contributors in RDA by ‘Relevance.’ Notice the Glossary and Index
results are not counted in the results.
Change Relevance in the Drop Down box to ‘Document order’ and back to ‘Relevance’
and notice the display resorting. The Appendix ‘I’ result, ‘I.3.1’ can sometimes look like
the number ‘1.’ Notice that the Appendix is sorted in the results with the instructions, not
displayed separately like the Glossary and Index.
Notice that Basic Instructions
and Core Elements
are indicated in the
results display by icons. These refer to RDA core, not LC or Local Policy core.
Click on the hit RDA 20.2.1, which appears to be the basic instruction for recording
contributors. Notice the results are highlighted in yellow in the document, and the terms
were searched as keywords, not as a phrase, as both the phrase and individual terms are
Click on the Next Hit icon
(under Quick Search box) several times to see that hits
in both the RDA instructions and examples are highlighted in the viewing pane. Click on
the Previous Hit icon
several times.
Use the Document Pane scroll bar to view the entire RDA Chapter 20 from the first to
last instruction. Notice the entire chapter loaded in one page (no page menu top left).
Return to results using the Document Menu icon .
Exercise 8b. Searching by phrase
1. Type “recording contributors” in the RDA Quick Search box. You are limiting the
search results to the phrase in quotation marks.
2. Press <Enter>
3. You have limited your search results to 2 instead of 4.
4. Click on RDA 20.2.1 again and notice the entire phrase is highlighted.
5. Try a phrase with a keyword search: "preferred name" corporate
6. Look at a few of the results, using the hit icons to navigate within the instructions and
using the Return to results icon.
Exercise 8c. Understanding Search Results
1. Type the words content type in the RDA Quick Search box.
2. Recording Content Type RDA is your first result. Notice the default display is
‘Relevance.’ Change it to ‘Document Order.’ What is the most useful result?
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
3. Notice that the Basic Instructions
and Core Elements
are indicated in the
results display.
4. Click on RDA Notice Table 6.1 which lists the terms that must be used for RDA
content type. Notice that Chapter 6 loads in 13 pages (displays on upper left of
Document Pane). Click on various pages until you don’t see highlighted results in the
instructions. Notice that the corresponding instruction in the Browse Tree TOC is Bold.
5. Your ‘Hits’ are still active. Use the ‘Next Hit’
and ‘Previous Hit’
icons to search
in Chapter 6, the Chapter loaded in the Document Pane, for your content type.
6. Select the first page of the Chapter. There are no hits on this page, but when you use the
‘Next Hit’
, you will jump to page 3. Select the last page of the Chapter. Notice ‘Next
Hit’ is not an option, although you can use ‘Previous Hit.’ The ‘Hit’ icons only move
you through a loaded Chapter. RDA gives you an option of loading each Chapter in one
page if you wish.
7. Return to results .
Exercise 9. Limiting Searching by Multiple-terms
Click in the RDA Quick Search box
Type compilation. (You are searching for ‘compilation of works.’)
Press <Enter> or use the ‘Go’ icon next to the box.
You retrieve results for “compilation of works” (which we do want), but also compilation of
musical excerpts, laws, treaties, etc. -- a total of over 50 results. The number of results is listed
under the Document Menu. Too many! Notice at the Document Pane bottom right, you can select
the next 25 results to view. Click on the ‘Next Page’ icon
and ‘Previous Page’ icon to change
your view.
Now click in the RDA Quick Search box. Type the words compilation works and
press <Enter>.
You now retrieve over 30 results and have narrowed your search.
However, you want to see even fewer results. You want to find the instruction for a
compilation of works in a single form.
Click in the RDA Quick Search box
Type these keywords compilation works form and press <Enter>. Remember that AND
is assumed between terms. These 4 instructions in the results are useful!
Click on the first result to see the three terms highlighted.
Other searches to try. Remember that other Boolean operators are also valid. Try these
searches: compilation works NOT musical; compilation works NOT legal; variant title;
variant title compilation; variant title official; transcription numerals; parallel title proper;
parallel titles subseries; incorrect series numbering. Try your own!
Exercise 10. Using the wildcard
You can use the asterisk ‘*’ wildcard in either Quick or Advanced Search. If you want to search
a word but are uncertain about whether you should use to singular or plural form, or the past or
present forms, use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. The wild card can be used as a replacement for
letters in a word. For example, a search of Abbrev* will return results for "abbreviation,"
"abbreviations," "abbreviated," and abbreviate."
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
1. Search the term publication in RDA and notice the number of search results. Click on
the result for RDA 2.8 and look at the highlighted results of your search. Only the term
‘publication’ is highlighted.
2. Search for the search publ* and compare the highlighted hits in the same instruction,
RDA 2.8. This returns publication and also publisher, publishers, and publishing.
3. Wildcard searches may be used with other terms. Try these searches identify publ* and
abbrev* names.
4. If you are constructing a narrow or complex search phrase, use Boolean operators as
needed. Helpful operators include: "and", "not", "or", and "w/#" (where # is a number
indicating the desired proximity between the two words). Search the terms edition w/4
Exercise 11. Specifying which documents are to be searched
How can I find the instructions on how to record a person
as creator?
Click on the Advanced Search
icon (next to the
My Profile icon,)
Click on Clear Previous Search
. This clears the
entire previous search and all limitations.
Type person creator in the search box
Click on Search or hit <Enter>
The Results are from various parts of RDA Chapter 19
(recording creators), Chapter 18 (core elements),
Introduction (RDA 0), Appendices, etc. How do I limit the
instructions to recording the relationship of a person to a
Click on the Advanced Search icon
Notice that the default is to search all of RDA.
Uncheck the box in front of RDA
Expand the hierarchy by clicking on the plus sign in front of RDA and on the plus sign
in front of Section 6 on relationships. Check only the box in front of Chapter 19
Persons, Families, and Corporate Bodies Associated with a Work.
Click on Search. Notice your results are only from Chapter 19.
Now clear your search and search on the terms meeting name. Limit your search to RDA
Mapping in Advanced Search. Notice your results include both authority and
bibliographic mapping from MARC to RDA and vice-versa.
Return to advanced search and change the search slightly to: meeting names. There are
no results because ‘names’ is plural! When you get no results, be sure to shorten your
search or use the wildcard search meeting name*. Try again on meeting name*.
Click on a result and navigate to an RDA instruction.
Click on the Tools Tab, and you will return to the RDA Mapping
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
Exercise 12. Limiting Searches
Exercise 12a: Excluding examples from the scope of a search. How can I find a term only in
an instruction? I don’t want to see dozens of examples that just happen to contain the word
I’m searching for.
Click on the Advanced Search icon
Click on Clear Previous Search
Type creator in the search box (Enter phrase or string to search…)
Check the boxes in front of both RDA and LC-PCC PS
Click on Search
Click on the first result and then advance using “Next Hit”
There are only over 30 “Results,” but there are many more “Hits.” The first result has a
large example!
Go back to results (click
icon) and click on RDA 19.2. Every example of ‘creator’ in
19.2 is highlighted. Move through these using the Next Hit icon several times and notice
‘creator’ is highlighted both in instructions and examples.
Click on View Text
icon in the Document Menu and select ‘Hide Examples’ Move
through the instructions using the Next Hit icon. Go back to search results and select
RDA 19.2 again.
Click OK on the warning box. Notice that ‘Filtered’
appears on the upper left
of the Document Menu. Move through the instructions using the Next Hit icon.
Notice that ‘creator’ appears in the instructions, but no examples appear.
At least now you won’t stop on every example.
Select the View Text menu again and Click “Show Examples.” Advance in the document
again with ‘Next Hit’ and notice the highlighted term ‘creator’ in both instructions and
examples. Notice the filter button at the top left has disappeared.
Exercise 12b: Limiting Searches by RDA Chapter
1. Click on the Advanced Search
icon and clear the previous search with
. Below
the Select Documents box, click the box
next to the , then click on the icon
These select all documents to search and clear all documents to search. Toggle back and
forth and view the results. You can also check and uncheck any box next to a resource,
i.e. RDA or LC-PCC PS. If you check the box, your search is limited within that text.
Expand Section 4 in RDA to Chapter 16. Notice how far you can expand Chapter 16.4.
You can make multiple choices across resources, e.g. you can search RDA 16.4 and LCPCC PS 16.4.
2. Clear Documents using
and select RDA > Section 1 > RDA Chapter 2 by checking
the box next to it.
3. Type other title in the search box and search it.
4. Look at the results. Notice all results are from Chapter 2 on manifestations. Click on the
first result.
5. Use the scroll bar and scroll down. Remember you are only scrolling in the one page of
Chapter 2 in the Display Pane.
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
6. Click on the Advanced Search icon. Notice when you return to the Advanced Search, the
box next to RDA is empty. Expand RDA instructions to see that your selection of Chapter
2 was still active. Deselect Chapter 2 by using the icon which clears Document
selection. (Always clear the search and try again if your results are not what you
will clear the entire search)
7. Search other title again, but only in RDA Chapter 6 in Section 2 on works and
expressions. Results are only in Chapter 6.
8. Try these searches in Advanced Searching. Always clear your previous search
 Search the keyword terms --source information title – limit your search only to
Chapter 2, then only to Chapter 6 and compare
 Search the term Dissertations only in the RDA Index. Notice you don’t find D
as a result. Try Dissertation, then Dissertation*.
 Limit your search to the RDA Appendices, and search on the name of a language
of your choice
Exercise 13. Narrowing a search by Instruction
Type. How can I search for a term appearing
only in certain instructions?
To further narrow your search, you can specify
the type of instructions to be searched, by
selecting from the drop-down menus on the
“Advanced Search” dialog. These menus take
advantage of behind-the-scenes coding which
tags instructions as belonging to one or more of the “instruction types.”
Note: You can select from more than one of these filter menus for a single search.
All Instruction Numbers
Accept this default, or limit the search to:
 Core
1. To refresh your memory about core, go to
the Tools Tab and Select RDA: Element Set. Expand the hierarchy FRBR entities >
Manifestation > Attributes > Core, to see a list of RDA core elements for manifestations
2. Return to Advanced Search and Clear Previous Search.
3. Select Core elements from this menu. Search Publication Statement, which is a core
element. Notice all the results have the icon Core.
All Description Types
Accept this default, or limit the search to:
 Analytical
 Comprehensive
 Hierarchical
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
Select Help at the bottom of the Browse Tree
Select Search Tips
Select <Cntrl> F to get a Search box and search the terms all description types
Read the definitions
Close Window
All Content Types
Accept this default, or limit the search to:
 Cartographic
 Movement
 Moving image
 Music
 Still images (visual or tactile)
 Tactile (movement, music, still image,
text, or three-dimensional form)
 Text (notated, spoken, or tactile)
 Three-dimensional forms (visual or
1. Return to Advanced Search and Clear Previous Search
2. Select Text Only under Content Type
3. Search the term volumes
All Media Types
Accept this default, or limit the search to:
 Audio
 Computer
 Microform
 Projected
 Stereographic
 Unmediated (content designed to be
perceived directly through one or
more of the human senses without the
aid of an intermediating device)
 Video
Go to Advanced Search and clear your search
Search the term extent in Advanced Search in RDA instructions only
Try the same search limited by Microform Only and compare the results
Compare to the same search limited by the selection of Unmediated Only (print
resources, etc.) under All Media Types.
All Issuance Types
Accept this default, or limit the search to:
 Integrating resources
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
 Multipart monographs
 Serials
 Single units
1. Go to Advanced Search and clear your search
2. Search the term pages in Advanced Search in RDA instructions only
3. Try the same search limited by the issuance type Multipart Monographs Only and
compare the results
All Work Types
Accept this default, or limit the search to:
 Legal
 Musical
 Official communications
 Religious
Go to Advanced Search and clear your search
Search the terms preferred title in Advanced Search in RDA instructions only
Try the same search limited by Legal Only and compare the results
Try the search limited to other work types
Try a few of your own searches using these filters, so you can get a general idea of their
usefulness. This is not meant to be comprehensive training in limiting by Instruction Type.
Exercise 14. Creating bookmarks.
“Bookmarks” may be most useful for jumping quickly to frequently-consulted instructions.
Type 19.2 and press <Enter>
Click on the Bookmark
icon in the Document Menu
Click on Add in the “Manage Bookmarks” dialog
Click in front of the instruction number 19.2.1
Click in the “Bookmark Name” field and type Creator
Click on Set.
You should now see a graphic indicating that you have set a
bookmark here.
Now set a bookmark with an annotation for 20.2 and name it Contributor. Use
your own language for the annotation.
You should now see a graphic
indicating that you have set a bookmark here, but notice the bookmark icons are
different depending on
whether there are
annotations or not.
Exercise 15. Navigating to bookmarks
Click on Bookmark
Click on the Go to Bookmark …
drop-down menu
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
Note that the bookmarks are listed in alphabetical order (however, hyphens and other characters
affect the order)
Select Creator
Click on Go
Click on Bookmark
Click on the Go to Bookmark … drop-down menu
Select Corporate Names in Many Languages PS
Click on Go
Notice that this takes you directly to the Bookmark -- even though the
bookmark is in the LC-PCC Policy Statements.
From this dialog you can also Reset -- move to another location -- or Delete a bookmark. But
you cannot “rename” a bookmark, although the dialog suggests that you can “Edit” them.
You can also quickly access or delete your Bookmarks from the “My Profile” screen.
However, you cannot reset or create bookmarks from your profile.
If you want to rename a bookmark, you need to delete it and re-create it with a new name.
Exercise 16. Saving a search
Saved searches may be most useful when you’ve done a complicated search, or finally found the
correct instruction after trying several strategies. Another advantage: search terms are
Click on the Advanced Search icon
Click on Clear Previous Search
Type “period of activity” in the search box (include the quotation marks to search it as a
phrase, but DON’T use copy and paste)
Make sure that RDA has been checked as a document to search
Click on Search
The search yields 11 results, some from Chapter 9--9.3 for general guidelines and 9.19 for
specific instructions on constructing an access point -- and a few from the Appendices. Let’s try
to narrow this down a bit.
Click on the Advanced Search icon
Type two phrases, including quotations,
"period of activity" "access points" in the
search box
The search yields fewer results. The first is in RDA
9.19, about constructing access points for personal
You don't want to recreate this search every time,
and you don't want to create a bookmark for Period of Activity of the Person because
you may want to see all related instructions.
Instead, save the search, and then decide each time
RDA: Using the RDA Toolkit Exercises
which result(s) to view.
Click on the Advanced Search icon
Type period of activity access point person in the “Save Search as ...” box. This is the
title you give your search.
Click on Search This saves the search and performs it again.
Now perform and save a search on: “choosing the preferred title” limited by core
instructions in RDA. (Limit by RDA Instruction Type: Core) Name it choosing the
preferred title core.
Exercise 17. Making use of saved searches
Click on My Profile
Scroll to Manage Personalizations …
Click on the saved search period of
activity access point person to run the
saved search.
Click again on My Profile
Now run the saved search choosing the preferred title core
Return to My Profile
Scroll to the saved search period of activity access point person and click on Edit. .
Click in the box to expand the scope of the search to include LC-PCC PS documents
Click on Search. This runs AND saves the edited search.
Return to My Profile
Scroll to the saved search choosing the preferred title core and click on Rename
Type preferred title core for the saved search and click on Rename
Go back to My Profile and check to see that these changes are made to the saved
Exercise 18. Exploring Workflows
Click on the Tools Tab and
Expand the hierarchy in Workflows down to Global Workflows
Scroll down and click on LC Staff: Transcribing
This Workflow is a useful one-stop compilation of all the RDA instructions on
transcription. This particular Workflow includes a hyper-linked “Table of Contents
Go back to the Tools Tab to see a workflow for cataloging with RDA
In the Tools Browse Tree, click on LC Staff: Simple Book (MARC)
Browse through this workflow to see that it presents a step-by-step ‘tutorial’, complete
with links from MARC fields to the relevant RDA instructions and MARC21 Format for
Bibliographic Data. Orange links next to dots jump to the RDA Element Set.
Click on an RDA instruction in the Workflow. Click on the Tools Tab to return to the
In the Tools Browse Tree, click on LC Staff: Simple Multipart Book (MARC) and
am, 3/7/2013