SS8 How is society organised test study notes

Unit 2 Test Study Sheet
Test Dates:
 Thursday February 28 (Day 1)/Friday March 1 (Day 2)
 Gain information on student performance on/approaches to traditional test taking skills:
o Multiple choice
o Matching
o Fill in the Blank
 Allow students an opportunity to solidify their knowledge on the Unit’s information and
skills building up to the June Exam
Material Included:
 Notes & Classes- January 13-February 18th – Unit Question: How is society organised?
o What is the purpose of government?
o What is an economy?
o What is the role of health & the impact of disease?
o What are civil rights?
o What is a social class?
o What is slavery? How did it start?
 Resources
o Wordpress Class Notes
o Textbook, Pathways, pages: 44-58, 65-67, 149-155, 161-165
o Articles (links on wordpress): The Black Death, What divides us?,
 Skills
o Map observations (i.e. trade routes, pattern of black death)
o Historical Significance
o Developing and defending an opinion
o Creating thesis statements
Suggested Study Steps:
 Re-read the textbook pages- take notes on important people, places, things.
 Reflect and review your notes- look for patterns, important events
 Look at each class’s posting on wordpress from January 13th. Watch the videos, read the
links, look for patterns, important events.
 Speak with a trusted classmate and Ms. Coates for clarification, elaboration, etc.