THE EFFECTS OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT IN THE FAMILY SYSTEM REALIZED BY : MONTAÑO RENUMA WENDY YULIETH ORTIZ LEONEL JAZBLEIDY YOHANA INTRODUCTION The topic of the effects that have the unemployment in the family environment. As a situation of the group of persons in age of working that at present they do not have employment even if available” (Banco de la Republica, 2015) Can generate a rupture of the relations of the family system and in their internal dynamics. The problematics that affect the development of a family. This problematic is important from the profession social work, because is a discipline that focusing in the different problematic of the families, generating actions that counteract the effects of these, as family is the core of the society. QUESTION What are the effects of the unemployment in the family system? OBJETIVES GENERAL OBJETIVE: To recognize the effects of the unemployment in the family system in the city of Bogota. SPECIFIC OBJETIVES: To define the To mention the To identify the unemployment and effects of the unemployment their characteristics unemployment in valuation in the city in the city of the family system in of Bogota. Bogota the city of Bogota THEORICAL FRAMEWORK THE UNEMPLOYMENT Is defined as " that situation in which someone with capacity and in disposition to work professional occupation does not find " (Espluga & Baltierrez, 2004) . THE FAMILY Is defined as “The fundamental core of the society. It is constituted by natural or juridical links, by the free decision of a man and a woman of marrying or for the responsible of conform. The State and the society guarantee the integral protection of the family” (Article 42, Political constitution of Colombia) THE CAPITAL “The capital that represents the monetary resources that are in use for buying the natural resources, the land and other properties of the capital. The monetary resources flow across the economy of a nation, as the individuals buy and bandage resources to individuals and companies " (Vitez, SF). POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS TO THE EFFECTS OF THE DESEMPLO IN THE FAMILIAR SYSTEM. The unemployment is a problematics that develops in the different contexts and populations, concerning the system family, because it brings multiple effects in the family. Therefore it becomes necessary that the social worker develops actions focused in the intervention of case with each of the members of the familiar core across therapeutic processes. On the other hand it is possible to do Management of networks to help to the subject to find employment, Going to mitigate the effects that generates the unemployment problematics . Also it becomes necessary that the social worker intervenes in the processes of construction of the policies focused in generating employment in the Colombian population, taking part actively in programs related to the unemployment. REFERENCES • Political constitution of Colombia, 1991. Colombia • Espluga, & Baltierrez. (2004). Desempleo juvenil, exclusion social y salud. España: ICARIA. • Vitez, O. (SF). La voz de Houston. Obtenido de