Advertising – Features and Advantages

Advertising – Features and Advantages
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
Advertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to
purchase their products. This communication is usually through various forms of paid
media -- TV and radio commercials, print ads, billboards and more recently, product
placement. Ads are placed where advertisers believe they will reach the largest, most
relevant audience. Commercial businesses use advertising to drive the consumption of
their product, while non-profit organizations may place ads to raise awareness or
encourage a change in behavior or perception.
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
Relayed : Receive and pass on (information or a message)
Persuade : Induce (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument
Perception : The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses
Commercial : Making or intended to make a profit.
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
Features of Advertising
Provides information
Paid communication
Non-personal presentation
Art, science and profession
Element of marketing mix
Basically for persuasion
Target oriented
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
Advantages of Advertising
The advantages of advertising can be divided into two main groups. One group denotes
benefits to manufactures and other group denotes benefit to consumers.
The advantages of advertising for manufacturers:
Large-scale production & marketing
Introduction of new products
Creates new demand
Effective personal selling
Builds brand image
Facing competition
Sales promotion
Goodwill builder
Reduces cost of production
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
The advantages of advertising for consumers:
Information and guidance
Acts as reminder
Attracts consumers
Effective product use
Removes misunderstanding
Raises living standards
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
1) Name a few things that ads use to make their product well known.
2) What is the difference between display and classified ads?
3) Give 5 words related to advertising.
4) Name a few examples of direct mail.
5) Are there any bad sides of advertising? Name some.
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
Choose the correct word to fill the space after each definition
(market leader, logo, brand, product, market share, advertising, marketing, point of sale,
market research, house brand, brand loyalty)
1. Advertising at the place where the consumer buys the product ---------2. The brand of the shop or supermarket which sells it ----------
3. The symbol or design used to represent the company ---------4. The work of collecting information about people's buying habits ---------5. The phenomenon of individuals continuing to buy the same brand ---------6. Something generic which a company makes or sells ---------7. The particular name given to a product by a company ----------
© 2014
Advertising – Features and Advantages
(market leader, logo, brand, product, market share, advertising, marketing, point of sale,
market research, house brand, brand loyalty)
8. The best selling brand of a particular product ---------9. The activity of presenting, selling and promoting a product ----------
10. The activity of informing people about a product or service with posters, films etc ------11. The amount a company sells compared to all the other companies ----------
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