Three Part Application process for Type 1 project proposals. Tranche 2 , 2014-2018. Comprehensive Eye Care (CEC) Seeing is Believing (SiB): Mission: To tackle avoidable blindness in communities across our footprint, especially among children, and to raise awareness of blindness and visual impairment. Aim: We aim to raise USD 100mn by 2020 for projects to tackle avoidable blindness. Working in partnership with leading eye care organisations and NGOs, we will fund the development of local eye care capacity to provide sustainable and quality eye care for millions of people with little or no access to services. Goals: 1) To stimulate new fund raising for the global campaign to eliminate avoidable blindness by 2020 by raising USD 100mn. 2) To maximise the impact of our funding on levels of avoidable blindness in our communities and build the capacity for delivering eye care sustainably within our communities. 3) To build on Seeing is Believing’s roots as a staff-driven initiative and continue to unite staff globally, fulfilling a shared staff expectation to make a difference to the communities that underlie our business. 4) To be active partners and committed advocates in the campaign to eliminate avoidable blindness. The new Seeing is Believing commitment is both larger and over a longer period than the previous commitments. To manage this smoothly, Seeing is Believing is establishing a steady project flow and creating a balanced global portfolio of SiB projects until 2020. This is also planned around realistic fundraising (for and) from countries across the years. And it is building on the present project portfolio already established and funded under Phase IV, many of these projects will continue to be operational into 2014. This has resulted in the establishment of Three Tranches. 2012-2016; 2014-2018; and 2016-2020. In addition, the assignment of specific countries across both the tranches and the types of projects (Type 1, Type 2, Innovation and Local) has been agreed across the Bank. Commencing application process in 2013 for Tranche 1 funding the following countries are eligible: China Nepal Sri Lanka Zimbabwe Ivory Coast Kenya Cameroun Peru Two additional countries for tranche 2 are still to be agreed within Standard Chartered Bank. These will be announced later in 2013. Additional countries will be announced in 2015 for Tranche 3. This outline applies to Tranche 2 for 2014-2018. Type 1 Projects - Comprehensive Eye Care (CEC) Support There is a Three part application process. 1. Expression of Interest stage 2. Pre-Qualification stage 3. Full proposal stage. Each stage requires completion of the SiB application form for that Stage. Only SiB formats are accepted. 1. Expression of Interest (EoI). This is an additional stage (compared to Phase III or IV) for SiB. This stage will hopefully reduce the later cancellation of projects after much energy has been expended on PreQual and Full proposal writing. This EoI is open to all members of IAPB working within the countries listed for this 2nd Tranche in 2014-2018. It is to enable Seeing is Believing to gauge interest from potential implementing partners for SiB projects in the listed countries. The potential projects for each country will then be shared within Standard Chartered for their inputs, and a final portfolio of projects from across the countries agreed with SiB Programme and Management Committees from Standard Chartered in London. 2. PreQualification stage This Prequalification stage is to enable Standard Chartered country offices to feel local ownership of the projects going forward; to have been involved / aware from project development stage. It provides more specific detail of the actual needs and the proposed project response - the activities, expected outcomes, future sustainability plans and importantly the possible volunteering options or engagement for Standard Chartered local staff. It will also include an outline budget. The Prequalification form MUST be signed by the Standard Chartered CEO (or delegated person) before it is returned by the NGO to IAPB. Additional information, budget explanations or changes may then be requested to get the PreQual into final format for referral to the SiB Programme and Management Committee at Standard Chartered London for their interim approval. Once approved both locally at centrally, the IAPB Technical Review of the project will be also completed. This may result in refinement of activities/ additional information / budget explanations or changes requested. 3. Full Proposal stage Once the PreQual stage has been approved both locally and centrally within Standard Chartered and by the IAPB Technical Review team, the NGO will be informed along with any requests for alterations, and to work up their Full Proposal, logframe, budget. This is then finalised to make sure it aligns with SiB formats and will be re-presented to the SiB Programme and Management Committees at Standard Chartered London for their final approval. This approved proposal and budget will form the basis of the MoU. Schedule. All 2nd Tranche Type 1 projects will commence activities in 2014, and are expected to run for 3 to 4 years. Seeing is Believing anticipates assisting 10 Type 1 projects in Tranche 2 with funds up to a maximum budget of US$ 1.25 million per project. And within each project Seeing is Believing funds 80% (maximum). Maximum funds from Seeing is Believing per project is US$ 1 million for Type 1 projects. This is similar to the previous maximums for CEC projects. IAPB members may submit more than one application across all the countries. Single or joint applications from members are accepted at the country level. Key areas of interest for Seeing is Believing in Type 1 projects: Embedded in national / state / provincial systems and plans Sustainability post -SiB support Overcoming local barriers – financial, societal, attitudinal, ignorance - to improve access Gender Value-added issues linked to SiB funds Sharing of success in key fora, articles in journals or magazines Embedded in national / state / provincial systems and plans Projects must demonstrate clearly how their activity supports key service delivery and links with NPBC policy and plans, data collection etc. Links with other key players in the locality need to be acknowledged and addressed. eg Supply chains should be developed that encompass MoH drug lists and clearance procedures. This country-level ownership should then lead onto 2nd point improved sustainability: Sustainability post -SiB support This includes all aspects of sustainability: Financial sustainability plans for the future, human resources development and management / support structures ; technicians and spares or supplier contracts to maintain equipment; and robust logistics – all of which can assist in the delivery of accessible, quality services that encourages patients to continue to attend for services into the future. Improve Access. Overcoming local barriers – financial, societal, attitudinal, ignorance Reviewing and reducing or removing financial and geographic barriers, or expanding access in other ways. The broader eye health and primary health teams need to support local service delivery – from improving both awareness and demand for quality services, through to the delivery of appropriate services including when surgery is not applicable. This can also include specific, evaluated BCC activities. Gender Gender issues have rarely been actively addressed in any previous Seeing is Believing projects. More rigorous data collection and review is a pre-requisite for addressing issues, and presently few projects can report on the local situation, either the demand or the meeting of those needs. Projects need to address these gaps more actively. Value-added issues linked to SiB funds SiB would encourage an approach that is “adding value” to projects and activities. This could be either through bringing in other partners; new angles to address issues; and innovative approaches. Plus see below - Sharing of success in key fora, articles in journals or magazines SiB will require all projects over US$ ½ million to include specific outcomes around sharing of success in journals and magazine formats. Mid term and full evaluations will be shared within the Seeing is Believing community. Learning within SiB / SCB. Seeing is Believing remains responsive to local needs and the national and local developments within the eye care sector. It has aspirations above ‘service delivery recurrent costs’. SiB is not prescribing what needs to be covered under Type 1 projects in specific countries or locations. But it is looking to support Vision2020 goals in value-added ways. Budget categories: Whatever activities are necessary for the project objectives, they must fit within the following budget categories: Applicant organisational costs (max 8%) Support to local partners Service delivery costs – hospital, clinical, community, PEC, PHC etc Training / CB for all levels of staff Other project activities – include here Advocacy; IEC or BCC; social marketing M&E - include RAABs; baseline data collection; and Evaluations. Specific detailed guidance will be supplied at “Pre-Qualification” and “Full Proposal” stages. Deadline for completed Expressions of Interest forms for Tranche 2 : 22nd April 2013. Sally Crook IAPB August2011 / updated March2013.