[Name of the Project]
[City, Lebanon]
[Day, Month, Year]
Important Notes:
1. All sentences written in italic format in this template are for instructions purposes only.
These sentences should be removed from the project proposal.
2. This project proposal template is for instructional purposes. It is designed to help potential
beneficiaries, consultants, and contractors in preparing comprehensive technical reports and
proposals about energy efficiency and renewable energy projects implementation in a New Facility.
3. This project proposal template is a mandatory requirement towards facilitating the green loan
application process through the national financing mechanism NEEREA.
4. This project proposal template is prepared by the Lebanese Center for Energy ConservationTechnical Support Unit to the Central Bank of Lebanon, and is available for public use.
5. The Technical Support Unit to the Central Bank of Lebanon at the Lebanese Center for Energy
Conservation (LCEC) is supported by the European Union (EU).
6. For questions, clarifications, or suggestions, please contact the LCEC: 01-569101 or by email:
Technical Proposal for the Loan Request Pertaining to:
[Name of the Project]
[City, Country]
Submitted as Part of the Loan Request under the Central Bank of
Lebanon (BDL) National Financing Mechanism NEEREA
Submitted for Review by the Technical Support Unit to the Central Bank
of Lebanon at the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC)
Proposal Prepared by:
Project Owner:
[Name of the Person or Company]
[Name of the Owner]
[Day, Month, and Year]
Project Owner’s Statement:
I, the undersigned, Ms./Mr. [full name] hereby declare that I have read and accepted this
project proposal prepared by [name of the proposal writer] and affirm that all the
recommendations mentioned in this report meet all my technical and financial terms and
criteria and they are up to my satisfaction.
Signature and stamp (if applicable) of the client and date
[Name and stamp (if applicable)]
1. Proposal Contents
1. Proposal Contents
2. Contact Details of Involved Parties
2.1 Project Owner Details
2.2 Consultant Details
2.3 Bank Details
2.4 Product Suppliers Details
3. General Description of the State of the New Facility
4. Narrative Description of the Proposed Project
4.1 Rationale and Objective
4.2 Presentation of the Proposed Project
5. Loan Request Summary Sheet
6. Financial Analysis Summary
7. Upcoming Situation of Energy Consumption
7.1 Estimated Energy Consumption by the facility
7.2 Estimated Site Energy Balance
8. Detailed Feasibility Study of the Project
8.1 8.2 8.3 [Insert Name of Measure 1, 2, 3]
8.4 Example 1: Lighting Energy Efficient Solution
8.5 Example 2: Boiler Energy Efficient Solution
8.6 Example 3: Compressor Energy Efficient Solution
8.7 Example 4: Building Envelope Improvement
8.8 Example 5: Solar Water Heaters System
8.9 Example 6: Solar Photovoltaic System
8.10 Benefits of All Implemented Solutions
8.11 Economic and Financial Analysis
8.12 Environmental Sustainability Analysis
9. Catalogs and Data Sheets
10. Invoices and Quotations
2. Contact Details of Involved Parties
2.1 Project Owner Details
[insert full name]
Full Address:
[insert street/ number/ town or city/
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[insert telephone/fax numbers, including
country and city codes]
Mobile Number:
[insert mobile number, including country
and city codes]
E-mail address:
[insert e-mail address]
2.2 Consultant Details (Proposal Writer)
[insert full name]
Full Address:
[insert street/ number/ town or city/
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[insert telephone/fax numbers, including
country and city codes]
Mobile Number:
[insert mobile number, including country
and city codes]
E-mail address:
[insert e-mail address]
2.3 Bank Details
Name of the Bank:
[insert full name]
[insert branch name]
Name of the Bank Representative:
[insert full name]
Full Address:
[insert street/ number/ town or city/
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[insert telephone/fax numbers, including
country and city codes]
Mobile Number:
[insert mobile number, including country
and city codes]
E-mail address:
[insert e-mail address]
2.4 Product Suppliers Details [if deemed necessary]
[insert full name]
Full Address:
[insert street/ number/ town or city/
Telephone/Fax numbers:
[insert telephone/fax numbers, including
country and city codes]
Mobile Number:
[insert mobile number, including country
and city codes]
E-mail address:
[insert e-mail address]
[Add tables for product suppliers as needed: 2.5- 2.6- and so on]
3. General Description of the State of the New Facility
[This section should offer a short description of the facility (residential building, commercial building,
industry, house, etc.) including location, architecture, number of floors, and other useful information]
[This Section contains basic information about the condition of the premises at the time of contract
execution. Such information would include facility area, construction type, use, occupancy, estimated
future hours of operation, and any special conditions that may exist]
[Include photos and drawings if needed]
4. Narrative Description of the Proposed Project
4.1 Rationale and Objective
[This section of the proposal is dedicated to present the main objective of the energy efficiency or
energy conservation project in the context of climate change and sustainable development]
[This section should be also used to present the rationale behind the project and its importance to the
[This section should also include the specific objectives of the project proposal]
[For example, it might be that Lebanese are interested in insulating their new homes which allows less
usage of energy for heating and cooling in order to achieve and maintain a comfortable temperature to
reduce energy costs. This may result in cost savings if energy savings offset any additional costs of
implementing an energy efficient technology. EDL cut-offs in Lebanon might be an essential need to
use renewable energies such as Solar and for installing energy efficient equipments]
4.2 Presentation of the Proposed Project
[This section should include the proposed energy conservation measures (ECMs) to be implemented
in the new site by installing energy efficient or renewable energy systems within the site]
[This section should also explain how these measures complement each other and do not overlap]
[This section is also dedicated to inform about the focus of the project, the adopted steps and the
projected on-site actions]
[For example, to achieve the project objectives, the following approaches will be used: On-site record of
energy consumption, energy production and energy fed-in to the grid; solar water heaters or LED
lights will be installed]
[This section should include project planning and scheduling, as well as demonstrate the protection of
owner’s sensitivity to quality, safety, and environmental factors]
5. Loan Request Summary Sheet
A detailed summary of the proposed project is provided in this section in the table here
[Name of the Project]
Ref. No.
Description of the Solution or the
RE/EE Measure
Total Amount
Amount Needed
[List all solutions and renewable energy/ energy efficiency measures that constitute the different
elements of the loan, including the cost of the study if needed]
[The total sum of the different measures should equal the total amount of the loan requested from the
[Add additional rows for additional measures as needed]
[The description of the proposed solution or measure should be meaningful without being exhaustive]
[A list of potential solutions or measures related to energy efficiency is shown herewith for reference:
interior lighting systems; exterior lighting systems; efficient ventilation systems; high efficiency
motors; efficient pumping equipment; power factor correction; efficient heating systems and
equipment; control systems on boilers; control systems on elevators; variable speed drives;
cogeneration and heat recovery; building envelope applications; etc.]
[A list of potential solutions or measures related to renewable energy is shown herewith for reference:
solar water heating; solar photovoltaic applications, geothermal applications, biomass applications,
wind energy applications, etc.]
6. Financial Analysis Summary
In addition to the information shown in the table in the previous section, the following table
shows the annual cost savings in USD of each measure, as well as the calculation of the
payback period per measure, and per the total amount of the loan.
[Name of the Project]
Brief Description
Needed (USD)
[Client’s Signature]
Cost Savings
Payback Period
[Insert Overall
Payback Period of
the Project]
[List all solutions and renewable energy/ energy efficiency measures that constitute the different
elements of the loan, including the cost of the study if needed]
[The total sum of the different measures should equal the total amount of the loan requested from the
[Add additional rows for additional measures as needed]
[The description of the proposed solution or measure should be meaningful without being exhaustive]
[A list of potential solutions or measures related to energy efficiency is shown herewith for reference:
interior lighting systems; exterior lighting systems; efficient ventilation systems; high efficiency
motors; efficient pumping equipment; power factor correction; efficient heating systems and
equipment; control systems on boilers; control systems on elevators; variable speed drives;
cogeneration and heat recovery; building envelope applications; etc.]
[A list of potential solutions or measures related to renewable energy is shown herewith for reference:
solar water heating; solar photovoltaic applications, geothermal applications, biomass applications,
wind energy applications, etc.]
7. Upcoming Situation of Energy Consumption
[It is stressed that each energy efficiency investment proposal should be studied according to its own
particular circumstances. There are a number of 'Typical Sets of Measures' that should be considered
when planning investments, the main ones will be the following, any additional measure needed for
the technical study can be added]
7.1 Estimated Energy Consumption by the Facility:
[As the first step in the technical analysis is to perform the full load inventory with the real time
measurements, this section of the proposal is dedicated to estimate and analyze the future situation
and to introduce the main energy use of the facility]
[This section should include several sub-sections according to each type of energy to be used in the
7.1.1 EDL Energy Consumption Analysis:
[This sub-section should provide monthly potential electricity use from the grid and the
corresponding cost of EDL electrical energy consumed in order to be used as an EDL energy baseline
for the facility]
[Type of EDL subscriptions: low tension, medium tension or high tension; and tariffs must be
provided in this section. EDL meter in Amps is also required]
7.1.2 Diesel Generators Energy Consumption Analysis:
[This sub-section should provide monthly potential diesel generator’s subscription or projected use of
diesel for private generators over the year in order to be used as an alternative energy baseline for the
facility during EDL power failure]
7.1.3 Thermal Energy Consumption Analysis:
[This sub-section should provide analysis of estimated upcoming situation of the thermal energy to be
used by the facility. Potential monthly diesel consumption analysis should be provided over one year
to present the energy consumption pattern]
[Add additional sub-sections as needed: 7.1.4 – 7.1.5 - and so on]
The following summary table provides key figures on how the facility will be consuming
energy and to which main load category. It summarizes the total annual estimated energy
Breakdown of Energy Consumption
Electrical Energy (kWh)
Energy (kWh)
Total (kWh)
[Add additional rows for all months of the year]
[Graph of estimated monthly energy consumption for the facility must be presented]
7.2 Estimated Site Energy Balance:
[This section will provide information about the estimated total energy consumption of the site
including all energy types. It will present electrical and thermal energy costs and the relevant
[The graph of the estimated annual energy consumption of the facility must be included in this
The below table present the potential monthly energy costs including all types of energy.
Site Energy Cost
Diesel Cost
kWh Cost Liters kWh Liters kWh
Energy Cost
[Add additional columns for all months of the year]
8. Detailed Feasibility Study of the Project
[This section should include a detailed feasibility study of the different components of the project]
[The technical feasibility should check every condition for the realization, the installation and
maintenance of the system, so the technical feasibility study considers the technical features of the
proposed system]
[This section should be divided into a number of sub-sections as shown in the table in Section 6]
8.1 [Insert Name of Measure 1]
8.2 [Insert Name of Measure 2]
8.3 [Insert Name of Measure 3]
[Add additional sub-sections for additional measures as needed]
[The below case studies should be completed according to the specific energy conservation measure
(ECM). All recommended measures for the presented facility should be detailed and every sub-section
should present the technical and financial basis for the analysis]
[All tables in this section are shown as examples of required summary tables in such technical
feasibility studies and include minimum required information about the energy conservation
measures (ECMs). Contractors or Consultants can add their own tables from excel calculations or
8.4 Example 1: Lighting Energy Efficient Solution
[This section related to the lighting part should include all details about installation of efficient
lighting compared to BAU]
[The summary of the efficient lighting proposition should contain related and percentage of estimated
site saving; Economic parameters such as value of saved energy; Simple payback period; Peak load
reduction by the mentioned installments; Cost and lighting intensity comparison between BAU and
to be installed lamps]
[A detailed description of lighting installation must be clearly presented in addition to the yearly
energy savings in the table form below according to clearly made assumptions]
[The advantages from installing efficient lighting must be presented clearly especially the major
opportunity for the facility to reduce its overall lighting load compared to BAU]
[The below table present the lighting project key financial indicators]
Detailed calculation of lighting installation
description installment
of points
of BAU Lamp
of installed
[Add additional rows for additional types of lamps as needed]
8.5 Example 2: Boiler Energy Efficient Solution
[In the same direction of the lighting energy savings and proposal’s presentation, all types of energy
efficient equipments and solutions should be presented and justified to pass under the requirements of
green loans through NEEREA]
[Below are some examples for guiding on preparing the required energy data by equipment]
[Description of the proposed boiler is to be detailed and compared to BAU. Energy savings calculation
from the exhaust boiler should be accomplished accordingly and provided per month and the related
cost also calculated]
The following table should be as clear as possible to summarize the future situation of the site.
Boiler’s estimated measures
Pressure O2 CO
ID Description
(%) (ppm) (%)
[The boiler’s estimated operating efficiency as well as the oxygen (O2), carbon monoxide (CO) and
carbon dioxide (CO2) levels represent critical factors for determining the boiler’s optimal operation.
They should be estimated and indicated as presented in the previous table]
The following table should be as a clear summary of the proposed ECM
Boiler’s energy efficient measures
Description of the Boilers (BAU)
Capacity of the new HOW boilers, MW (thermal)
Annual electricity consumption, kWh
Energy Savings, kWh/year
Energy saving ratio in comparison to base line (%)
Investment Cost, $
Simple Payback Period (years)
8.6 Example 3: Compressor
[For example, a company would like to install new modern screw compressors instead of pistons low
efficiency compressors or the current BAU that will lead to electricity consumption saving up to
[The energy efficiency measures required are the comparison between the compressor to be installed
and the BAU compressor to be indicated. The measures should be presented in the table below]
Compressor’s energy efficient measures
Description of the Compressors
Installed capacity of compressors, kW
Operational time, hrs/year
Electricity consumption, kWh/year
Electricity cost, $
Electricity savings, kWh
Energy savings, kWh/year
Investment Cost, $
Simple Payback Period (years)
8.7 Example 4: Building Envelope Improvement
[This section should include all energy savings actions that would happen every day of the year when
improvements are made in new buildings comparing to old ones such as sun control, windows film,
roof insulation, green roofs, etc.]
[For the preparation of these energy conservation measures (ECMs) proposals, refer to LCEC
Guidelines on Thermal Insulation for Buildings. In this case of proposals for new buildings, the
contractor or consultant should take into consideration the BAU solution in the comparison study
that must be done regarding the improvements to be made in the building envelope of the new facility]
[Include photos and drawings if needed]
[Detailed information and technical discussion can be added in the appendices]
8.8 Example 5: Solar Water Heaters System
[In the same direction of the energy efficient equipments and proposal’s presentation, all types of
renewable energy sources should be presented and justified to pass under the requirements of green
loans through NEEREA]
[This section should include the solar thermal solution, monthly energy produced from the panels and
monthly savings calculations in tables form. A detailed system description must be presented]
Solar Hot Water project key financial indicators
Total Cost Energy Savings Cost
Description Qty
Savings ($)
[For the preparation of solar thermal system installation proposals, refer to LCEC Guidelines on
Preparing Technical Proposals for Solar Thermal Systems Applications. In this case of proposals for
new buildings, the contractor or consultant should take into consideration the BAU solution in the
comparison study that must be done regarding the installation of a solar water heater instead of an
electrical boiler as an example in the new facility]
8.9 Example 6: Solar Photovoltaic System
[This section should include a detailed system description and a detailed technical study for the solar
PV system installation proposals. References for the study of these systems should be LCEC
Guidelines on Preparing Technical Proposals for Decentralized Solar Photovoltaic Systems (PV)
Applications. In this case of proposals for new buildings, the contractor or consultant should take into
consideration eventual electricity generation from Diesel Generators or auxiliary energy sources in
the comparison study that must be done regarding the installation of a solar PV system in the new
8.10 Benefits of All Implemented Solutions
[A brief summary will include energy savings, reduction of fuel consumption and EDL bills,
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of all recommended energy conservation measures (ECMs)
related to the specific project in comparison to the BAU case of every ECM in this case of proposals for
new facilities]
After application of all energy conservation measures in place of conventional solutions
(BAU), the energy consumption of the facility is summarized in the following table:
Summary of Benefits
Reduction of Fuel Reduction of
Consumption Bills EDL bills
Reduction of
CO2 emissions
8.11 Economic and Financial Analysis
[In this section and based upon the technical feasibility study, preliminary cost estimation should be
developed which includes all project expenditures and revenues]
[The most additional important points to be presented are the investment Cost; Ordinary and
extraordinary maintenance costs; Consumption-related cost and Operational costs and Avoided costs
and revenues]
[The financial sustainability of the proposal is based on the cash flow analysis that should be included
in the financial analysis. Cash flow is the movement of cash into or out of a business; project or
financial product (equals cash receipts minus cash payments). A detailed Net Cumulative Cash Flow
“Diagram” based on the net cumulative savings through system’s life in order to give a complete view
of the system’s financial benefits to the client is mandatory. The analysis of the cash flow must be done
according to loan request’s period depending on the client application]
[In order to synthesize the analysis three indicators should be calculated and presented: Net Present
Value (NPV), Payback period and Internal Rate of Return (IRR)]
[The net cumulative savings will be the essential data for concluding on the profitability and the
return on investment. The following table should be used in such analysis and more detailed table can
be provided according to the contractor or consultant detailed analysis:
Net Cumulative Savings
Cash Out-Flows
Cash In-Flows
Total Cash
Cash Flow
Year 1
Year 2
Net Present Value (NPV)
[Add additional rows for additional years as needed]
[In addition, life cycle cost analysis of every energy conservation measure should be provided in this
section showing the total cost of ownership for all the types of energy efficient actions including
energy cost, replacement cost and maintenance cost over the lifetime of each system]
[The below case study added should be completed according to the specific energy conservation
measure (ECM)]
[The table in this section is shown as an example and includes minimum required information about
the financial advantage of an energy conservation measure (ECM). Contractors or Consultants can
add their own tables from excel calculations or softwares]
[An example is shown here below. For each type of lamp, a corresponding table should be filled as the
LCC for lighting replacement
Lamp Type
Wattage (W)
Number of Lamps
Lifetime (hrs)
Illumination, lux
Total lamps installed capacity
Operational time (hrs/year)
Total Energy Savings (kWh/year)
Investment Cost
Simple Payback (years)
[Furthermore, cost of installation should be very clear for every item to be installed in a table format
presenting types, quantities, unit cost and total cost]
8.12 Environmental Sustainability Analysis
[The social and environmental sustainability analysis in this section should consider the
environmental costs and benefits of the proposal (the so called negative and positive externalities)]
[For every ECM, the points to be included are the avoided green house gas emissions (CO2, SO2, and
NO2); Carbon emission; other produced/avoided impacts (noise…); etc…]
Environmental data for the all ECMs
CO2 reduction
SO2 reduction
NO2 reduction
Other impacts
9. Catalogs and Data Sheets
[This section should include all detailed catalogs and data sheets for the different components of the
[The catalog and data sheets should be exactly as detailed in the invoice/quotations presented as part
of this proposal]
[The different products chosen for the project should be highlighted with a marker]
9.1 [Insert Name of Measure 1]
9.2 [Insert Name of Measure 2]
9.3 [Insert Name of Measure 3]
[Add additional sub-sections for additional measures as needed]
10. Invoices and Quotations
[This section should include copies of all invoices or quotations chosen by the client]
10.1 [Insert Name of Measure 1]
10.2 [Insert Name of Measure 2]
10.3 [Insert Name of Measure 3]
[Add additional sub-sections for additional measures as needed]
1. Energy Conversion Factors for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Energy Conversion Factors
Fuel Type
Net Calorific
Value (TJ/Gg)
Effective CO2
factor (Kg/TJ)
per unit
Gas/Diesel Oil
74 800
65 600
58 300
78 800
115 000
132 000
Gases (LPG)
Natural Gas
Residual Fuel
Wood Pellets
*Source: IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.