Project Choices for Atoms These projects will count as a test grade

Project Choices for Atoms
These projects will count as a test grade for this six weeks. They are due on Friday, September 27, 2013. You
may create these in any way that you see fit. Feel free to use technology for your final project.
1. Timeline of atomic models
Research the scientists that have studied atoms and create a timeline to show how the atomic model has
changed over time. Be sure to include technology/knowledge that allowed for the change in atomic models and
what their model of the atom looked like. Choose one element to focus on. For each new atomic model draw
what and atom of that element would look like.
Scientists to research
John Dalton’s model
Thomson’s model
Rutherford’s model
Bohr’s model
Electron cloud model
2. Atom mask
Research an element that you feel is most like you. Then create a mask to show your personality on one side
and the elements “personality” on the other side. A drawing of the atom must be included on the mask.
3. Atom book
Research an element of your choice and create a book about the element and the atom that makes it up.
The book should include:
 General information about the element: symbol, state of matter at room temp, atomic mass, atomic
number, date of discovery, boiling and melting point
 Accurate drawing of the atom
 How to page for finding the protons, neutrons, and electrons of your elements atom
 Where you find your element in everyday life
4. 3D model of an atom
Create an accurate 3 dimensional model of an atom of your choice. Make sure to include all parts.
Name of the atom
Number of each particle
5. Create a How-To for an atom
Include the following:
Name of the element
Atomic mass
 What it tells us
 Where to find it
Atomic #
 What it tells us
 Where to find it
Protons, Electrons, Neutrons
 How do you find the number of them
Number of electrons in each energy shell
Number of valence electrons and how to check it
Final picture of the atom
Each part must be very detailed since it is a how to. Someone who knows nothing about atoms should be able
to draw an atom after reading your how to.