Chapter 1


Chapter 13

Written Language

Purposes for Assessing

Written Language

 General education monitors spelling, handwriting, and composition

 Special education usually assesses spelling and other areas as needed

Skill Areas

 Oral language precedes written language

 Reading usually precedes written language

 Whole language approach integrates

 Includes mechanical skills and composition skills

 Composition includes 3 or more stages:

 Planning

 Writing

 Evaluating

Current Practice

 Most assessment tools emphasize mechanical skills

 The number of tests have increased

 Informal assessment strategies are a necessity

Strategies for Assessing


 Broad Range Achievement Tests

 WRAT –3 uses recall tasks

 PIAT –R/NU uses recognition tasks

 Woodcock-Johnson III uses both recall

(spelling) and recognition (editing)

Test of Written Spelling –4

(TWS –4)

Informal Techniques for Spelling


 Work sample analysis

 Spelling inventories

 Criterion-referenced tests

 Observation

 Clinical interviews

Strategies for Assessing


 Zaner-Bloser Evaluation Scales

 Observation and error analysis

 Handwriting inventories

 Criterion-referenced instruments

 Test of Legible Handwriting (TOLH)

Test of Legible

Handwriting (TOLH)

Strategies for Assessing


 Test of Written Language –3 (TOWL–3)

 Test of Adolescent Language –3(TOAL–3)

 Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery –


 Mather-Woodcock Group Writing Tests


 Test of Written Expression (TOWE)

Test of Written Language –3

(TOWL –3)

Informal Techniques

 Rating scales and checklists

 Writing sample analysis

 Criterion-referenced tests

 Observations

 Clinical interviews

 Portfolios

 Language Arts Assessment Portfolio (LAAP)

Within the Classroom

 Types of skills emphasized

 Amount of time devoted to writing instruction

 Social relationships among students and teachers

 Physical environment

Answering the Assessment


 Informal strategies are required

 Evaluated in relation to estimated intellectual performance

 Specific learning abilities influence the acquisition of written language skills

 Classroom behavior and achievement problems interfere with writing skills

 Writing proficiency required for other areas

 Present level of performance must be documented
