Course Projects - 2011- 2012

Course Outline
**Unless otherwise noted, works studied and major projects completed are for both Honors and College Prep. British Literature**
Quarter 1: Anglo-Saxon Era
Major Projects
The Grendel Journals
Beowulf (film)
Existentialism Essay (Honors)
Grendel John Gardner
(Outside Read)
Beowulf: the Illuminated Text
Exploration of the Self Essay (College Prep.)
Quarter 2: Medieval and Renaissance Eras
Works Studied
Major Projects
King Arthur (film)
Sir Gawain: The Game! (College Prep)
Sir Gawain and the Green
Good Knight Essay (Honors)
Knight Pearl Poet
Hamlet: The Research Paper (eek!)
excerpts from The Canterbury
Tales Geoffrey Chaucer
William Shakespeare
Quarter 3: Restoration and Romantic Eras
Works Studied
Major Projects
excerpts from Gulliver’s Travels
Hamlet: The Research Paper (eek! eek!)
Jonathan Swift
Satan Essay (Honors)
excerpts from Paradise Lost
Sense and Sensibility: Marianne and Elinor Blogs
John Milton (Honors Only:
Outside Read)
Sense and Sensibility (film)
Jane Austen
Poetry and selected short pieces
of literature
Quarter 4: Romantic and Victorian Eras
Works Studied
Major Projects
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Scrapbook
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
The Frankenstein Project: A Visual Analysis
(Outside Read)
Frankenstein Mary Shelley
Victorian literature (TBDOutside Read)
Poetry and selected short pieces
of literature
Victorian Project (TBD)