4-3 The Public Ministry of Jesus

4-3 The Public Ministry of Jesus
Read pages 100- 103. Answer number 1-3
of the FOR REVIEW questions on page 109
Read pages 104 -109. Answer number 4-7
of the FOR REVIEW questions on page 109
Aim: What is the Public Ministry of
I. A Community of Disciples p.100
II. The Mission: Proclaiming the Kingdom of
God p.101
III. The Kingdom of God is Among You p.104
IV. The Response of Jesus p. 107
V. Love One Another p. 109
Aim: What is the Public Ministry of Jesus?
I. Community of Disciples
A. disciples –people who would learn
from him & carry on his mission
B. Apostles – 12 men, closest disciples
C. Most fishermen, Jesus saw
something in them
II. The Mission: Proclaiming the Kingdom of God
A. God is Our Father
1. called God Abba “my own dear
father’, His Sonship
2. God is “our Father”
3. How to pray the Lord’s Prayer
B. We are all Loved by God
1. Jesus was the embodiment of God’s
2. put flesh on God’s love
3. we are all God’s children
III. The Kingdom of God is Among You
A. Jesus’ Actions: 5 Sign of the Kingdom
1. Healing and life-restoring miracles
a) when He saw true faith in
suffering he healed
2. Nature Miracles
a) when faced with chaos, he
restored calm
3. Inclusion of Outsiders
a) He stood up for people who
had no power/esteem from
4. Love of Enemies
a) forgave those who persecuted &
betrayed him
5. Confronting of hypocrisy and religious
a) Pharisees and Sadducees
b) religious legalism had no place in
God’s Kingdom
B. The Least are the Greatest
1. turned world values and priorities upside
2. Needs of the poor & those on the margins
of society most important
3. serve others
C. Parables of the Kingdom
1. Parable of the Lost Sheep
a) God cares about people who are
lost, sinners, marginal
b) We must seek out the lost, sinners,
c) if you are lost , God is trying to find
2. Parable of the Good Samaritan
a) outsiders will enter first
b) God’s Kingdom is open for all
3. Sermon on the Mount – Beatitudes
from Matthew’s Gospel
a) values and lifestyle of those who
live in the God’s Kingdom
b) turned world values and priorities
upside down
IV. The Response to Jesus
A. follower him, embraced his message
B. Not the Messiah, take-charge military
1. threatened by him
2. plot to get rid of him
V. Love One Another – Last Supper
A. No greater love than to lay down one’s
life for a friend